| - libcsnd is the interfaces lib (mostly for bindings, but it also has CsoundPerformanceThread).
- libcsound64 is the Csound library and its header is csound.h / csound.hpp
This is Csound 6.x. In Csound 7.0 there is no interfaces lib, just libcsound.
The 64 distinguishes the doubles from the floats build.
Btw, the spelling of the name of the system is Csound, not CSound
Prof. Victor Lazzarini
Maynooth University
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> Hello, I'm looking into using the CSound API, and have hit what's probably a trivial stumbling block: when I search for Debian packages, I find two:
> - libcsnd-dev
> - libcsound64-dev
> From the Debian Multimedia git repos, it appears the former is .hpp files, so C++ bindings? And the other is *.h, meaning C?
> Is that the only difference? Is there any significance to the difference in names, or the "64" in the name of what appears to be the C library?
> Thanks,
> Tom
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