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[Csnd] Explanation on a simple ADSR code.

Date2025-01-17 13:47
FromGabriele Battaglia <0000013f12e4daf0-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>
Subject[Csnd] Explanation on a simple ADSR code.
Hello. I'm studying and italian book from Luca Bimbi.

Introducing the ADSR, the author provides this example:

instr envadsr
iampiezza = ampdbfs(p4)
kenv adsr 0.1, 0.5, 1, 0.8
kfreq linseg p5, p3*0.2, p5*1.5, p3*0.8, p5/2
asig oscili kenv*iampiezza, kfreq ; usa inviluppo creato mediante linen
out asig, asig
schedule("envadsr",0, 5, -18, 440)

The  section is empty.

So my questions:

1. where do the script take the p3...p5 parameters?

2. Why 0.5 as decay if sustain is 1? According to my knoledge it is a 
non-sense value, isn'it?



Gabriele Battaglia (IZ4APU)
--... ...--  -.. .  .. --.. ....- .- .--. ..-  - ..-  . .
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Date2025-01-17 13:57
From"Jeanette C."
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Explanation on a simple ADSR code.
Hi Gabe,
the p-values are parameters to the instruments, usually passed in the score. 
But there are many values to "play" an instrument. In this example schedule 
has been used:
schedule("envadsr",0, 5, -18, 440)
That says: schedule/play the instrument called "envadsr" immediately, 0, and 
have it play for 5 seconds. p4 and p5 are then -18, 440.

As for your seconds question: yes other values might have been chosen for 
decay. Depending on the envelope generator, I noticed that some do not accept 
0. 0 is always a bad idea if you have an exponential generator. In general: 
chooose a very low value like
or something and you will be fine with all the envelope generators. That goes 
for attack, decay and release, if you don't need any of them.

I hope this helps.

Best wishes,


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Date2025-01-17 14:28
FromGabriele Battaglia <0000013f12e4daf0-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Explanation on a simple ADSR code.
Il 17/01/2025 14:57, Jeanette C. ha scritto:
> [...] I hope this helps.

A lot, many tnx.


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