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Re: [Csnd] Filter value problem

Date2024-10-09 17:49
FromJean Basile Sosa
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Filter value problem
Thank you very much Steven,

Thanks to your advice, my little piece of code is now functional... In fact, it's the basis of a step sequencer that allows me to trigger different control values step by step (in this case duration, amplitude and frequency).

If you'd like to have a quick look at all this, and tell me if the logic isn't too catastrophic... I'd love to hear any advice!

See you soon!



sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1

;gkcf init 1

instr 1

kArr[] init ftlen(100)
copyf2array kArr,100
iLenArray = lenarray(kArr)

kArrDur[] init iLenArray/3
kArrDur slicearray kArr, 0, iLenArray-1, 3

kArrNote[] init iLenArray/3
kArrNote slicearray kArr, 1, iLenArray-1, 3

kArrVol[] init iLenArray/3
kArrVol slicearray kArr, 2, iLenArray-1, 3

kTrig = metro:k(70/60)

kCpt init 0

if kTrig == 1 then

	kCpt += 1

	gkdur = kArrDur[kCpt-1]
	gkamp = kArrVol[kCpt-1]
	gkcps = kArrNote[kCpt-1]


elseif kCpt == iLenArray/3 then

	kCpt = 0



instr 2

gkcf = expseg:k(p5+(60*p4),p3,p5,1,p5)
kfilt = 120
gkcf = limit:k(gkcf+(12*kfilt),20,20000)


instr 3

asig = poscil:a(p4,p5,7)
asig += poscil:a(p4,p5*0.5,7)
asig += poscil:a(p4,p5*0.75, 7)
asig += poscil:a(p4,p5*1.5,7 )
acut = expon:a(i(gkcf), p3, 200)
aout = diode_ladder(asig, acut, 3, 1, 4)
aout *= expseg:a(1.0, p3 - 0.05, 1.0, 0.05, 0.001)
aout = limit(aout, -1.0, 1.0)
outs aout, aout


f0 3600
f7 0 4097 7 -1 4096 1

f 100 0 24 -2 4.8 52. 0.8 2.84 67. 0.104 1.46 98. 0. 1.78 71. 0.092 0.14 33. 0. 3.12 45. 0.08 1.4 76. 0.152 0.36 59. 0.
i1 0 60

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Date2024-10-09 17:58
From"Dr. Richard Boulanger"
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Filter value problem
Dark - Brooding - Lovely

- Dr.B

Dr. Richard Boulanger


Electronic Production and Design

Berklee College of Music

Professional Writing & Technology Division

On Wed, Oct 9, 2024 at 12:49 PM Jean Basile Sosa <sosa.jeanbasile@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank you very much Steven,

Thanks to your advice, my little piece of code is now functional... In fact, it's the basis of a step sequencer that allows me to trigger different control values step by step (in this case duration, amplitude and frequency).

If you'd like to have a quick look at all this, and tell me if the logic isn't too catastrophic... I'd love to hear any advice!

See you soon!



sr = 44100
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1

;gkcf init 1

instr 1

kArr[] init ftlen(100)
copyf2array kArr,100
iLenArray = lenarray(kArr)

kArrDur[] init iLenArray/3
kArrDur slicearray kArr, 0, iLenArray-1, 3

kArrNote[] init iLenArray/3
kArrNote slicearray kArr, 1, iLenArray-1, 3

kArrVol[] init iLenArray/3
kArrVol slicearray kArr, 2, iLenArray-1, 3

kTrig = metro:k(70/60)

kCpt init 0

if kTrig == 1 then

        kCpt += 1

        gkdur = kArrDur[kCpt-1]
        gkamp = kArrVol[kCpt-1]
        gkcps = kArrNote[kCpt-1]


elseif kCpt == iLenArray/3 then

        kCpt = 0



instr 2

gkcf = expseg:k(p5+(60*p4),p3,p5,1,p5)
kfilt = 120
gkcf = limit:k(gkcf+(12*kfilt),20,20000)


instr 3

asig = poscil:a(p4,p5,7)
asig += poscil:a(p4,p5*0.5,7)
asig += poscil:a(p4,p5*0.75, 7)
asig += poscil:a(p4,p5*1.5,7 )
acut = expon:a(i(gkcf), p3, 200)
aout = diode_ladder(asig, acut, 3, 1, 4)
aout *= expseg:a(1.0, p3 - 0.05, 1.0, 0.05, 0.001)
aout = limit(aout, -1.0, 1.0)
outs aout, aout



f0 3600
f7 0 4097 7 -1 4096 1

f 100 0 24 -2 4.8 52. 0.8 2.84 67. 0.104 1.46 98. 0. 1.78 71. 0.092 0.14 33. 0. 3.12 45. 0.08 1.4 76. 0.152 0.36 59. 0.
i1 0 60



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