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Re: [Csnd] sample phasor playback precision?

Date2018-05-19 18:12
SubjectRe: [Csnd] sample phasor playback precision?
ilookup	tableng 5 ; get length of sample in samples
Without the file loaded as table 5 it is rather hard to be certain
what you are doing, or the relationship between the phasor and the
audio files you read
asigL	table aindex, ilftchnfunc, 0, 0, 1 ; index reads from table
asigR	table aindex, irghchnfunc, 0, 0, 1

==John ffitch

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Date2018-05-19 19:57
SubjectRe: [Csnd] sample phasor playback precision?
Ah yes, I need to rethink the design there. 
Well, I'm using samples that are all the same length in the orchestra. 

But I suppose I need another p-field that reads from the respective sample
used in the score at the time.

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