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[Csnd] libcsound6 not found

Date2023-11-10 07:44
Subject[Csnd] libcsound6 not found
HEllo list,

I am really sorry, but I  do not find my note about this topic.

I built the latest from git correctly and get the following when running
Csound or dnoise for instance:


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Date2023-11-10 11:30
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] [EXTERNAL] [Csnd] libcsound6 not found
There is no libcsnd6 anymore in Csound 7.0. But dnoise (and Csound) works here

--Csound version 7.0 beta (double samples) Nov  9 2023
[commit: 60963b04193fda64619ae5b3f158eef1934b9e2e]
util dnoise:
dnoise: no input file
usage: dnoise [flags] input_file

i = noise reference soundfile
o = output file
N = # of bandpass filters (1024)
w = filter overlap factor: {0,1,(2),3} DO NOT USE -w AND -M
M = analysis window length (N-1 unless -w is specified)
L = synthesis window length (M)
D = decimation factor (M/8)
b = begin time in noise reference soundfile (0)
B = starting sample in noise reference soundfile (0)
e = end time in noise reference soundfile (end)
E = final sample in noise reference soundfile (end)
t = threshold above noise reference in dB (30)
S = sharpness of noise-gate turnoff (1) (1 to 5)
n = number of FFT frames to average over (5)
m = minimum gain of noise-gate when off in dB (-40)
V : verbose - print status info
A : AIFF format output
W : WAV format output
J : IRCAM format output
end of score.   overall amps:      0.0
  overall samples out of range:        0
0 errors in performance
Elapsed time at end of performance: real: 0.000s, CPU: 0.000s

Maybe you have two versions side by side (6.x and 7.0) and there’s
some linking confusion. 

Prof. Victor Lazzarini
Maynooth University

> On 10 Nov 2023, at 07:44, Raoul MEGELAS  wrote:
> *Warning*
> This email originated from outside of Maynooth University's Mail System. Do not reply, click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.
> HEllo list,
> I am really sorry, but I  do not find my note about this topic.
> I built the latest from git correctly and get the following when running
> Csound or dnoise for instance:
> ,
> Csound mailing list
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> Please, what I miss?
> Thanks in advance.
> Csound mailing list
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