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Re: [Csnd] A light air...

Date2023-10-18 14:07
FromEnrico Francioni <00000005323c8739-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>
SubjectRe: [Csnd] A light air...
Ciao Michael!
Obviously the .enc file you sent me doesn't sound...
It's just a tool to copy to a csd, isn't it?
Maybe you've ever done a csd on this patch of yours...?



gk_Blower_grainDensity chnexport "gk_Blower_grainDensity", 3
gk_Blower_grainDuration chnexport "gk_Blower_grainDuration", 3
gk_Blower_grainAmplitudeRange chnexport "gk_Blower_grainAmplitudeRange", 3
gk_Blower_grainFrequencyRange chnexport "gk_Blower_grainFrequencyRange", 3
gk_Blower_level chnexport "gk_Blower_level", 3
gk_Blower_midi_dynamic_range chnexport "gk_Blower_midi_dynamic_range", 3

gk_Blower_grainDensity init 40
gk_Blower_grainDuration init 0.2
gk_Blower_grainAmplitudeRange init 100
gk_Blower_grainFrequencyRange init 3
gk_Blower_level init 0
gk_Blower_midi_dynamic_range init 20

gk_Blower_space_left_to_right chnexport "gk_Blower_space_left_to_right", 3
gk_Blower_space_left_to_right init .5

gi_Blower_grtab ftgen 0, 0, 65537, 10, 1, .3, .1, 0, .2, .02, 0, .1, .04
gi_Blower_wintab ftgen 0, 0, 65537, 10, 1, 0, .5, 0, .33, 0, .25, 0, .2, 0, .167

instr Blower
// Original by Hans Mikelson.
// Adapted by Michael Gogins.
i_instrument = p1
i_time = p2
i_duration = p3
i_midi_key = p4
i_midi_dynamic_range = i(gk_Blower_midi_dynamic_range)
i_midi_velocity = p5 * i_midi_dynamic_range / 127 + (63.5 - i_midi_dynamic_range / 2)
k_space_front_to_back = p6
if p7 ==0 then
k_space_left_to_right = gk_Blower_space_left_to_right
k_space_left_to_right = p7
k_space_bottom_to_top = p8
i_phase = p9
i_frequency = cpsmidinn(i_midi_key)
; Adjust the following value until "overall amps" at the end of performance is about -6 dB.
i_level_correction = 123
i_normalization = ampdb(-i_level_correction) / 2
i_amplitude = ampdb(i_midi_velocity) * i_normalization
k_gain = ampdb(gk_Blower_level)
iHz = i_frequency
ihertz = iHz
ip4 = i_amplitude
ip5 = iHz
ip6 = gi_Blower_grtab
ip7 = gi_Blower_wintab
ip8 = 0.033
ip8 = .002
ip9 = 150
ip9 = 100
ip10 = 1.6
ip10 = 3
idur = p3
iamp = i_amplitude ; p4
ifqc = iHz ; cpspch(p5)
igrtab = ip6
iwintab = ip7
ifrng = ip8
idens = ip9
ifade = ip10
igdur = 0.2
iattack = 0.5
i_sustain = p3
idecay = 1.5
xtratim iattack + idecay
kenvelope transegr 0.0, iattack / 2.0, 1.5, .5, iattack / 2.0, -1.5, 1, i_sustain, 0.0, 1, idecay / 2.0, 1.5, .5, idecay / 2.0, -1.5, 0
; kamp linseg 0, ifade, 1, idur - 2 * ifade, 1, ifade, 0
kamp = kenvelope
; Amp Fqc Dense AmpOff PitchOff GrDur GrTable WinTable MaxGrDur
aoutl grain ip4, ifqc, gk_Blower_grainDensity, gk_Blower_grainAmplitudeRange, gk_Blower_grainFrequencyRange, gk_Blower_grainDuration, igrtab, iwintab, 5
aoutr grain ip4, ifqc, gk_Blower_grainDensity, gk_Blower_grainAmplitudeRange, gk_Blower_grainFrequencyRange, gk_Blower_grainDuration, igrtab, iwintab, 5
a_signal = aoutl + aoutr
i_attack = .002
i_release = 0.01
xtratim i_attack + i_release
a_declicking linsegr 0, i_attack, 1, i_sustain, 1, i_release, 0
a_signal = a_signal * i_amplitude * a_declicking * k_gain

prints "%-24s i %9.4f t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f #%3d\n", nstrstr(p1), p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7, active(p1)
a_spatial_reverb_send init 0
a_bsignal[] init 16
a_bsignal, a_spatial_reverb_send Spatialize a_signal, k_space_front_to_back, k_space_left_to_right, k_space_bottom_to_top
outletv "outbformat", a_bsignal
outleta "out", a_spatial_reverb_send
a_out_left, a_out_right pan2 a_signal, k_space_left_to_right
outleta "outleft", a_out_left
outleta "outright", a_out_right
;printks "Blower         i %9.4f t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f #%3d l%9.4f r%9.4f\n", 1, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7, active(p1), dbamp(rms(a_out_left)), dbamp(rms(a_out_right))

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Date2023-10-18 14:18
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: [Csnd] A light air...
Two things:

-- It's an "include" file. In your orc, 

#include "Blower.inc

-- It's designed to be used with the signal flow graph opcodes, so replace 

outleta "outleft", a_out_left
outleta "outright", a_out_right


outs a_out_left, a_out_right

Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com

On Wed, Oct 18, 2023 at 9:07 AM Enrico Francioni <00000005323c8739-dmarc-request@listserv.heanet.ie> wrote:
Ciao Michael!
Obviously the .enc file you sent me doesn't sound...
It's just a tool to copy to a csd, isn't it?
Maybe you've ever done a csd on this patch of yours...?



gk_Blower_grainDensity chnexport "gk_Blower_grainDensity", 3
gk_Blower_grainDuration chnexport "gk_Blower_grainDuration", 3
gk_Blower_grainAmplitudeRange chnexport "gk_Blower_grainAmplitudeRange", 3
gk_Blower_grainFrequencyRange chnexport "gk_Blower_grainFrequencyRange", 3
gk_Blower_level chnexport "gk_Blower_level", 3
gk_Blower_midi_dynamic_range chnexport "gk_Blower_midi_dynamic_range", 3

gk_Blower_grainDensity init 40
gk_Blower_grainDuration init 0.2
gk_Blower_grainAmplitudeRange init 100
gk_Blower_grainFrequencyRange init 3
gk_Blower_level init 0
gk_Blower_midi_dynamic_range init 20

gk_Blower_space_left_to_right chnexport "gk_Blower_space_left_to_right", 3
gk_Blower_space_left_to_right init .5

gi_Blower_grtab ftgen 0, 0, 65537, 10, 1, .3, .1, 0, .2, .02, 0, .1, .04
gi_Blower_wintab ftgen 0, 0, 65537, 10, 1, 0, .5, 0, .33, 0, .25, 0, .2, 0, .167

instr Blower
// Original by Hans Mikelson.
// Adapted by Michael Gogins.
i_instrument = p1
i_time = p2
i_duration = p3
i_midi_key = p4
i_midi_dynamic_range = i(gk_Blower_midi_dynamic_range)
i_midi_velocity = p5 * i_midi_dynamic_range / 127 + (63.5 - i_midi_dynamic_range / 2)
k_space_front_to_back = p6
if p7 ==0 then
k_space_left_to_right = gk_Blower_space_left_to_right
k_space_left_to_right = p7
k_space_bottom_to_top = p8
i_phase = p9
i_frequency = cpsmidinn(i_midi_key)
; Adjust the following value until "overall amps" at the end of performance is about -6 dB.
i_level_correction = 123
i_normalization = ampdb(-i_level_correction) / 2
i_amplitude = ampdb(i_midi_velocity) * i_normalization
k_gain = ampdb(gk_Blower_level)
iHz = i_frequency
ihertz = iHz
ip4 = i_amplitude
ip5 = iHz
ip6 = gi_Blower_grtab
ip7 = gi_Blower_wintab
ip8 = 0.033
ip8 = .002
ip9 = 150
ip9 = 100
ip10 = 1.6
ip10 = 3
idur = p3
iamp = i_amplitude ; p4
ifqc = iHz ; cpspch(p5)
igrtab = ip6
iwintab = ip7
ifrng = ip8
idens = ip9
ifade = ip10
igdur = 0.2
iattack = 0.5
i_sustain = p3
idecay = 1.5
xtratim iattack + idecay
kenvelope transegr 0.0, iattack / 2.0, 1.5, .5, iattack / 2.0, -1.5, 1, i_sustain, 0.0, 1, idecay / 2.0, 1.5, .5, idecay / 2.0, -1.5, 0
; kamp linseg 0, ifade, 1, idur - 2 * ifade, 1, ifade, 0
kamp = kenvelope
; Amp Fqc Dense AmpOff PitchOff GrDur GrTable WinTable MaxGrDur
aoutl grain ip4, ifqc, gk_Blower_grainDensity, gk_Blower_grainAmplitudeRange, gk_Blower_grainFrequencyRange, gk_Blower_grainDuration, igrtab, iwintab, 5
aoutr grain ip4, ifqc, gk_Blower_grainDensity, gk_Blower_grainAmplitudeRange, gk_Blower_grainFrequencyRange, gk_Blower_grainDuration, igrtab, iwintab, 5
a_signal = aoutl + aoutr
i_attack = .002
i_release = 0.01
xtratim i_attack + i_release
a_declicking linsegr 0, i_attack, 1, i_sustain, 1, i_release, 0
a_signal = a_signal * i_amplitude * a_declicking * k_gain

prints "%-24s i %9.4f t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f #%3d\n", nstrstr(p1), p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7, active(p1)
a_spatial_reverb_send init 0
a_bsignal[] init 16
a_bsignal, a_spatial_reverb_send Spatialize a_signal, k_space_front_to_back, k_space_left_to_right, k_space_bottom_to_top
outletv "outbformat", a_bsignal
outleta "out", a_spatial_reverb_send
a_out_left, a_out_right pan2 a_signal, k_space_left_to_right
outleta "outleft", a_out_left
outleta "outright", a_out_right
;printks "Blower         i %9.4f t %9.4f d %9.4f k %9.4f v %9.4f p %9.4f #%3d l%9.4f r%9.4f\n", 1, p1, p2, p3, p4, p5, p7, active(p1), dbamp(rms(a_out_left)), dbamp(rms(a_out_right))

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