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Re: [Csnd] Odd clicking issues with bbcuts, only on the right output

Date2023-03-17 21:25
FromScott Daughtrey
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Odd clicking issues with bbcuts, only on the right output
I tried a test using only 2 oscil as opposed to a stereo sound file via diskin. The results are even a little weirder.

It then causes clicks in both channels at exactly the same locations which is odd given with soundfiles this wasn't the case. Visually it appears the exponential envelope is only working on one side of the cut. Then there is a brief delay and it jumps in amplitude from one sample to the next with no enveloping.


Audibly it is also quite obvious, especially with non-percussive input.


sr = 48000
ksmps = 32
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

seed 0

instr 1
  ibps = 2
  isubdiv = 8
  ibarlength = 4
  iphrasebars = 1
  inumrepeats = 4
  istutterspeed = 4
  istutterchance = .3
  a1  = oscil(.8, 220)
  a2  = oscil(.8, 110)
  aL, aR bbcuts a1, a2, ibps, isubdiv, ibarlength,\
            iphrasebars, inumrepeats,\
            istutterspeed, istutterchance, 1

  outs aL, aR

  instr Record ;read the stereo output buffer
allL, allR  monitor
; write the output to an audio file
; 16 = wav, 32 bit float (p2)
; 14 = wav, 16 bit (p2)
fout "/sdcard/click-test.wav", 14, allL, allR

i1   0   6
;i"Record"   0   6

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