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[Csnd] Having difficulty with ftsamplebank

Date2023-03-12 01:14
FromScott Daughtrey
Subject[Csnd] Having difficulty with ftsamplebank
I'm probably missing something simple but here's the issue:
there are 44 single-cycle wav files in a folder. When I run the instr as is it shows all 44 loading in the Messages tab (essentially the console view in Csound for Android), starting on ftable 1. It appears all are loaded, it also shows a waveform view of each sample. 

However when I uncomment the iFtNum line it reports table3 cannot find ftable 1. 

As a test I tried commenting out the iNumFiles ftsamplebank line and instead used the iTab line to load only a single wav and that worked fine.

Any ideas as to what I'm doing wrong? If ftsamplebank appears to be loading all the files and 44 ftables are created why won't table3 find ftable 1?

instr 1
   iFirstTableNumber = 1;
   iNumFiles ftsamplebank "/sdcard/Samples/akwf/akwf_granular/", iFirstTableNumber, 0, 0, 1
;  iTab ftgen 1, 0, 0, 1, "/sdcard/Samples/akwf/akwf_granular/AKWF_granular_0001.wav", 0, 0, 0      
;   iFtNum table3 0, 1, 0, 0, 1

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