| Here’s what I meant with the other code showing just the relevant lines
kph = int(((kph * kdiv) % 1) * klen) // <—— this assigns to kph
kout = kvals[kph] // <— this reads kph
No matter where you put a line
kph init 0
initialising kph, it won’t make a difference. This is because the first lines above
run *only* at perf time and the initialisaiton *only* at init time.
So the initial value of kph will always be overwritten before it is used. If you
reverse the lines, then you have a chance to use the initial value before
it gets changed.
In any case, it is normal practice to update the state of a phase integrator after
you use it. So you start with an initial value, use it, then increment it.
Prof. Victor Lazzarini
Maynooth University
> On 4 Feb 2023, at 10:51, Jacopo Greco d'Alceo <00000c641a512f08-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE> wrote:
> Mh.. Thank you Victor, but TBH i’m not sure I understood what u were telling.
> Anyway, this is the solution to add inside the code in order to “simulate” a first step init to get the first value of the array:
> kinit init 1
> if kinit == 1 then
> kinit = 0
> kout = kvals[0]
> endif
> Thanks to Johann Philippe,
> best.
>> On 4 Feb 2023, at 11:02, Victor Lazzarini wrote:
>> Maybe the issue is that no matter how you initialiase kph, you are setting it immediately before you use it, so any initialisation is moot.
>> Maybe reordering the operations, that is setting kph after you use it, might help.
>> Prof. Victor Lazzarini
>> Maynooth University
>> Ireland
>>> On 4 Feb 2023, at 00:41, coooooooordeliaa <00000c641a512f08-dmarc-request@listserv.heanet.ie> wrote:
>>> *Warning*
>>> This email originated from outside of Maynooth University's Mail System. Do not reply, click links or open attachments unless you recognise the sender and know the content is safe.
>>> Hi,
>>> I have this nice and juicy opcode that simply has the function of reading some values in an array and get them according to a phasor (embodying the tempo of livecoding).
>>> Here it is:
>>> opcode pump, k, kk[]
>>> kdiv, kvals[] xin
>>> kdiv init i(kdiv)
>>> klen lenarray kvals
>>> kph chnget "PHASOR_IN_ANOTHER_INSTR"
>>> kph = int(((kph * kdiv) % 1) * klen)
>>> ktrig changed2 kph
>>> if ktrig == 1 then
>>> kout = kvals[kph]
>>> endif
>>> xout kout
>>> endop
>>> The very big problem is that sometimes kout doesn't get the values I need and csound do not appreciate it. Typically I use this for iterating some GEN tables (tuning system or envelope) and here if there's not a GEN value csound is stuck.
>>> I think it's due to a lack of initialisation, but I tried everything: ktrig init -1, kph init 0, kout init kvals[0] (in this last one Csound gets super nervous). I need to tell csound to get the first value in the init state. How can I do it?
>>> Thanks ❤️
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