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Re: [Csnd] [EXTERNAL] [Csnd] 'linsegr' is not going back to zero

Date2022-12-17 03:51
FromScott Daughtrey
SubjectRe: [Csnd] [EXTERNAL] [Csnd] 'linsegr' is not going back to zero
"Because linsegr does not get to 0, as is the case of linseg and linen. They only get to 0 if the duration of performance is longer than the sum of segments. For
linsegr that can only be achieved by using xtratim alongside it."

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding this. 

Again two images, one of the csd and a waveform display. The linsegr envelope shows 0, .1, .8, 2, .8, .1, 0.

So the length of the segments is a sum of 2.2 seconds. However the score shows a note of shorter duration, only 1.5 seconds - .7 seconds shorter that the applied envelope therefore the duration of performance is less than the sum of segments. And once again the waveform display shows the release section fully reaching 0 at exactly 1.6 seconds as expected, without xtratim. Every sample following 1.6 seconds reports a value of 0. This seems to show that the linsegr in fact reaches 0 without any alterations or the necessity of using xtratim.



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Date2022-12-17 09:39
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] [EXTERNAL] [Csnd] 'linsegr' is not going back to zero
linseg/linen only get to their target value (zero in the case of linen) if their total duration is 1/kr less than p3. 

Prof. Victor Lazzarini
Maynooth University

> On 17 Dec 2022, at 03:49, Scott Daughtrey  wrote:
> "Because linsegr does not get to 0, as is the case of linseg and linen. They only get to 0 if the duration of performance is longer than the sum of segments. For
> linsegr that can only be achieved by using xtratim alongside it."
> Perhaps I'm misunderstanding this. 
> Again two images, one of the csd and a waveform display. The linsegr envelope shows 0, .1, .8, 2, .8, .1, 0.
> So the length of the segments is a sum of 2.2 seconds. However the score shows a note of shorter duration, only 1.5 seconds - .7 seconds shorter that the applied envelope therefore the duration of performance is less than the sum of segments. And once again the waveform display shows the release section fully reaching 0 at exactly 1.6 seconds as expected, without xtratim. Every sample following 1.6 seconds reports a value of 0. This seems to show that the linsegr in fact reaches 0 without any alterations or the necessity of using xtratim.
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