| Looking this up, it appears the two equations, which are the same, describe a limaçon shape but someone needs to check that the code agrees to it.
The cornoid seems to have a cos^2 inside the parenthesis.
That said, I know next to nothing about the subject.
Prof. Victor Lazzarini
Maynooth University
> On 20 Oct 2022, at 06:25, Scott Daughtrey wrote:
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> These two equations appear identical to me. I'm not great at math but I assume there should be a difference between the two. Am I simply overlooking something?
> kcurve=2: limacon
> fx(t) = kx + krx * sin(t) * (cos(t) + kcurveparam)
> fy(t) = ky + kry * cos(t) * (cos(t) + kcurveparam)
> kcurve=3: cornoid
> fx(t) = kx + krx * sin(t) * (cos(t) + kcurveparam)
> fy(t) = ky + kry * cos(t) * (cos(t) + kcurveparam)
> Can anyone suggest which one is incorrect and what the correct equation is?
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