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[Csnd] New music: Papaya (with two Csound elements)

Date2022-10-09 11:14
From"Jeanette C."
Subject[Csnd] New music: Papaya (with two Csound elements)
Hey hey,
even though Csound played a small part in this track, I wanted to share it:

I took the guiro model from Csound and generated a few samples with slightly 
different settings. The other element is the heavily flanged cymbals. There 
are two cymals and a total of four samples with lots of processing. In the end 
I had to lower them in the mix more than I really wanted to, because that 
sound in particular was important to me. So thanks Csound for enabling me to 
create it just right.

If anyone is interested the lyrics are below, it's a very positive, upbeat 
idea, told in two small episodes.

Best wishes and have a nice Sunday,

*** Lyrics ***
On a rainy day,
She ducks into a bookstore.
Out of courtesy
She buys a book on Ewe folklore.
Next thing you know
She's gonna go
And learn the lingo.
Not practical, but logical (who cares)
She's on sabbatical.
Eight years later she's mistress of the kidi
She's found her home in the band.
Give that girl a big banana,
'Cause she sees what's in front of her eyes.
If she sees a ripe papaya,
She'll make her catch fresh from the skies.

Tamsyn's heart is broken,
All relationships just die.
Even sweet and lovely Daniel
Couldn't make her bounce and fly.
She still went to that club tonight
To dance the pain away.
And there she found that smile so bright,
Now Lisa's here to stay.
Give that girl a big banana,
'Cause she sees what's in front of her eyes.
If she sees a ripe papaya,
She'll make her catch fresh from the skies.
*** End ***

  * Website: http://juliencoder.de - for summer is a state of sound
  * Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMS4rfGrTwz8W7jhC1Jnv7g
  * Audiobombs: https://www.audiobombs.com/users/jeanette_c
  * GitHub: https://github.com/jeanette-c

Say hello to the girl that I am! <3
(Britney Spears)

Csound mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2022-10-09 14:39
From"Dr. Richard Boulanger"
SubjectRe: [Csnd] New music: Papaya (with two Csound elements)

Nice.  Thanks for sharing.  A very complex and genre-defining song. Cool. Reminding me some of early Genesis ;-) I am always encouraging my students to find ways of using Csound in their treacle, songs, games, production work as you are doing and sharing here. Thanks for all your inspiring work.

Dr. Richard Boulanger
Electronic Production and Design
Berklee College of Music

> On Oct 9, 2022, at 6:17 AM, Jeanette C.  wrote:
> Hey hey,
> even though Csound played a small part in this track, I wanted to share it:
> https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=youtu.be&u=aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS8xUjNST00xeklfNA==&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=Nzl0dnRPRTNsUXI1U1NjVDNXT2hIcGt0ckR3S0tWdGNZVFdyejVZaSszaz0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> I took the guiro model from Csound and generated a few samples with slightly different settings. The other element is the heavily flanged cymbals. There are two cymals and a total of four samples with lots of processing. In the end I had to lower them in the mix more than I really wanted to, because that sound in particular was important to me. So thanks Csound for enabling me to create it just right.
> If anyone is interested the lyrics are below, it's a very positive, upbeat idea, told in two small episodes.
> Best wishes and have a nice Sunday,
> Jeanette
> *** Lyrics ***
> On a rainy day,
> She ducks into a bookstore.
> Out of courtesy
> She buys a book on Ewe folklore.
> Next thing you know
> She's gonna go
> And learn the lingo.
> Not practical, but logical (who cares)
> She's on sabbatical.
> Eight years later she's mistress of the kidi
> She's found her home in the band.
> -
> Give that girl a big banana,
> 'Cause she sees what's in front of her eyes.
> If she sees a ripe papaya,
> She'll make her catch fresh from the skies.
> Tamsyn's heart is broken,
> All relationships just die.
> Even sweet and lovely Daniel
> Couldn't make her bounce and fly.
> She still went to that club tonight
> To dance the pain away.
> And there she found that smile so bright,
> Now Lisa's here to stay.
> -
> Give that girl a big banana,
> 'Cause she sees what's in front of her eyes.
> If she sees a ripe papaya,
> She'll make her catch fresh from the skies.
> *** End ***
> -- 
> * Website: https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=juliencoder.de&u=aHR0cDovL2p1bGllbmNvZGVyLmRl&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=Z1Z2dGFzak1ZMmVreGNQNzdmUno0MDk5US9raG9Ydm8xYktRWVRSN2hjYz0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a - for summer is a state of sound
> * Youtube: https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=youtube.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vY2hhbm5lbC9VQ01TNHJmR3JUd3o4VzdqaEMxSm52N2c=&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=TXRCZnZOZEtNRDYvN0R0QXpMUHh0ZVMzNU9HOTJFNnU5Nkk4aFNEa2NuST0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> * Audiobombs: https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=audiobombs.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYXVkaW9ib21icy5jb20vdXNlcnMvamVhbmV0dGVfYw==&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=emFIeXVKRkJiOGJ2c1BXVkJEc1hJVGdVUisxZ25OSU5zQXJ0dEQ5SnlXST0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> * GitHub: https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=github.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2plYW5ldHRlLWM=&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=anhzMlhqbG9WcGEzdTRSdE1pYkdHb2lOSmFGUW9wYkZBMmJONXRaWGpyMD0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> Say hello to the girl that I am! <3
> (Britney Spears)
> Csound mailing list
> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=heanet.ie&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9saXN0c2Vydi5oZWFuZXQuaWUvY2dpLWJpbi93YT9BMD1DU09VTkQ=&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=WVZMRlI4dlFUVUZ6V2NTOUU5eE9lZnFIemtoc2hxYlBDMFFCWmtKZzhzRT0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> Send bugs reports to
>       https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=github.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2Nzb3VuZC9jc291bmQvaXNzdWVz&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=YlNrQ2lLclRLZUpGUE1iR0FyY2M1eW1NTUU5SUozWlJwMTNZU2NXT1BLOD0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Csound mailing list
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Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2022-10-09 15:17
FromHlöðver Sigurðsson
SubjectRe: [Csnd] New music: Papaya (with two Csound elements)
the instrumental bridges remind me of 90's nintendo 64 music. Good job!

On Sun, 9 Oct 2022 at 15:41, Dr. Richard Boulanger <rboulanger@berklee.edu> wrote:

Nice.  Thanks for sharing.  A very complex and genre-defining song. Cool. Reminding me some of early Genesis ;-) I am always encouraging my students to find ways of using Csound in their treacle, songs, games, production work as you are doing and sharing here. Thanks for all your inspiring work.

Dr. Richard Boulanger
Electronic Production and Design
Berklee College of Music

> On Oct 9, 2022, at 6:17 AM, Jeanette C. <julien@mail.upb.de> wrote:
> Hey hey,
> even though Csound played a small part in this track, I wanted to share it:
> https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=youtu.be&u=aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS8xUjNST00xeklfNA==&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=Nzl0dnRPRTNsUXI1U1NjVDNXT2hIcGt0ckR3S0tWdGNZVFdyejVZaSszaz0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> I took the guiro model from Csound and generated a few samples with slightly different settings. The other element is the heavily flanged cymbals. There are two cymals and a total of four samples with lots of processing. In the end I had to lower them in the mix more than I really wanted to, because that sound in particular was important to me. So thanks Csound for enabling me to create it just right.
> If anyone is interested the lyrics are below, it's a very positive, upbeat idea, told in two small episodes.
> Best wishes and have a nice Sunday,
> Jeanette
> *** Lyrics ***
> On a rainy day,
> She ducks into a bookstore.
> Out of courtesy
> She buys a book on Ewe folklore.
> Next thing you know
> She's gonna go
> And learn the lingo.
> Not practical, but logical (who cares)
> She's on sabbatical.
> Eight years later she's mistress of the kidi
> She's found her home in the band.
> -
> Give that girl a big banana,
> 'Cause she sees what's in front of her eyes.
> If she sees a ripe papaya,
> She'll make her catch fresh from the skies.
> Tamsyn's heart is broken,
> All relationships just die.
> Even sweet and lovely Daniel
> Couldn't make her bounce and fly.
> She still went to that club tonight
> To dance the pain away.
> And there she found that smile so bright,
> Now Lisa's here to stay.
> -
> Give that girl a big banana,
> 'Cause she sees what's in front of her eyes.
> If she sees a ripe papaya,
> She'll make her catch fresh from the skies.
> *** End ***
> --
> * Website: https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=juliencoder.de&u=aHR0cDovL2p1bGllbmNvZGVyLmRl&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=Z1Z2dGFzak1ZMmVreGNQNzdmUno0MDk5US9raG9Ydm8xYktRWVRSN2hjYz0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a - for summer is a state of sound
> * Youtube: https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=youtube.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vY2hhbm5lbC9VQ01TNHJmR3JUd3o4VzdqaEMxSm52N2c=&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=TXRCZnZOZEtNRDYvN0R0QXpMUHh0ZVMzNU9HOTJFNnU5Nkk4aFNEa2NuST0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> * Audiobombs: https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=audiobombs.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYXVkaW9ib21icy5jb20vdXNlcnMvamVhbmV0dGVfYw==&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=emFIeXVKRkJiOGJ2c1BXVkJEc1hJVGdVUisxZ25OSU5zQXJ0dEQ5SnlXST0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> * GitHub: https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=github.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2plYW5ldHRlLWM=&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=anhzMlhqbG9WcGEzdTRSdE1pYkdHb2lOSmFGUW9wYkZBMmJONXRaWGpyMD0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> Say hello to the girl that I am! <3
> (Britney Spears)
> Csound mailing list
> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=heanet.ie&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9saXN0c2Vydi5oZWFuZXQuaWUvY2dpLWJpbi93YT9BMD1DU09VTkQ=&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=WVZMRlI4dlFUVUZ6V2NTOUU5eE9lZnFIemtoc2hxYlBDMFFCWmtKZzhzRT0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> Send bugs reports to
>       https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=github.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2Nzb3VuZC9jc291bmQvaXNzdWVz&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=YlNrQ2lLclRLZUpGUE1iR0FyY2M1eW1NTUU5SUozWlJwMTNZU2NXT1BLOD0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Csound mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2022-10-09 20:51
FromPartev Sarkissian <0000060b2ef1338e-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>
SubjectRe: [Csnd] New music: Papaya (with two Csound elements)

Sehr gut. Always enjoy the UK and Euro music styles, 
always blending influences in a very cool way. Ja, sehr gut. 
Das ist ausgerechnet. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeanette C. <julien@MAIL.UPB.DE>
Sent: Sun, Oct 9, 2022 11:14 am
Subject: [Csnd] New music: Papaya (with two Csound elements)

Hey hey,
even though Csound played a small part in this track, I wanted to share it:

I took the guiro model from Csound and generated a few samples with slightly
different settings. The other element is the heavily flanged cymbals. There
are two cymals and a total of four samples with lots of processing. In the end
I had to lower them in the mix more than I really wanted to, because that
sound in particular was important to me. So thanks Csound for enabling me to
create it just right.

If anyone is interested the lyrics are below, it's a very positive, upbeat
idea, told in two small episodes.

Best wishes and have a nice Sunday,

*** Lyrics ***
On a rainy day,
She ducks into a bookstore.
Out of courtesy
She buys a book on Ewe folklore.
Next thing you know
She's gonna go
And learn the lingo.
Not practical, but logical (who cares)
She's on sabbatical.
Eight years later she's mistress of the kidi
She's found her home in the band.
Give that girl a big banana,
'Cause she sees what's in front of her eyes.
If she sees a ripe papaya,
She'll make her catch fresh from the skies.

Tamsyn's heart is broken,
All relationships just die.
Even sweet and lovely Daniel
Couldn't make her bounce and fly.
She still went to that club tonight
To dance the pain away.
And there she found that smile so bright,
Now Lisa's here to stay.
Give that girl a big banana,
'Cause she sees what's in front of her eyes.
If she sees a ripe papaya,
She'll make her catch fresh from the skies.
*** End ***

  * Website: http://juliencoder.de - for summer is a state of sound

Say hello to the girl that I am! <3
(Britney Spears)

Csound mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2022-10-09 21:03
FromPartev Sarkissian <0000060b2ef1338e-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>
SubjectRe: [Csnd] New music: Papaya (with two Csound elements)

Yeah, early Genesis (first three albums) with some textures like Tangerine Dream 
and some other UK and Euro groups I like, but don't know well. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Dr. Richard Boulanger <rboulanger@BERKLEE.EDU>
Sent: Sun, Oct 9, 2022 2:39 pm
Subject: Re: [Csnd] New music: Papaya (with two Csound elements)


Nice.  Thanks for sharing.  A very complex and genre-defining song. Cool. Reminding me some of early Genesis ;-) I am always encouraging my students to find ways of using Csound in their treacle, songs, games, production work as you are doing and sharing here. Thanks for all your inspiring work.

Dr. Richard Boulanger
Electronic Production and Design
Berklee College of Music

> On Oct 9, 2022, at 6:17 AM, Jeanette C. <julien@mail.upb.de> wrote:
> Hey hey,
> even though Csound played a small part in this track, I wanted to share it:
> https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=youtu.be&u=aHR0cHM6Ly95b3V0dS5iZS8xUjNST00xeklfNA==&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=Nzl0dnRPRTNsUXI1U1NjVDNXT2hIcGt0ckR3S0tWdGNZVFdyejVZaSszaz0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> I took the guiro model from Csound and generated a few samples with slightly different settings. The other element is the heavily flanged cymbals. There are two cymals and a total of four samples with lots of processing. In the end I had to lower them in the mix more than I really wanted to, because that sound in particular was important to me. So thanks Csound for enabling me to create it just right.
> If anyone is interested the lyrics are below, it's a very positive, upbeat idea, told in two small episodes.
> Best wishes and have a nice Sunday,
> Jeanette
> *** Lyrics ***
> On a rainy day,
> She ducks into a bookstore.
> Out of courtesy
> She buys a book on Ewe folklore.
> Next thing you know
> She's gonna go
> And learn the lingo.
> Not practical, but logical (who cares)
> She's on sabbatical.
> Eight years later she's mistress of the kidi
> She's found her home in the band.
> -
> Give that girl a big banana,
> 'Cause she sees what's in front of her eyes.
> If she sees a ripe papaya,
> She'll make her catch fresh from the skies.
> Tamsyn's heart is broken,
> All relationships just die.
> Even sweet and lovely Daniel
> Couldn't make her bounce and fly.
> She still went to that club tonight
> To dance the pain away.
> And there she found that smile so bright,
> Now Lisa's here to stay.
> -
> Give that girl a big banana,
> 'Cause she sees what's in front of her eyes.
> If she sees a ripe papaya,
> She'll make her catch fresh from the skies.
> *** End ***
> --
> * Website: https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=juliencoder.de&u=aHR0cDovL2p1bGllbmNvZGVyLmRl&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=Z1Z2dGFzak1ZMmVreGNQNzdmUno0MDk5US9raG9Ydm8xYktRWVRSN2hjYz0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a - for summer is a state of sound
> * Youtube: https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=youtube.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vY2hhbm5lbC9VQ01TNHJmR3JUd3o4VzdqaEMxSm52N2c=&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=TXRCZnZOZEtNRDYvN0R0QXpMUHh0ZVMzNU9HOTJFNnU5Nkk4aFNEa2NuST0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> * Audiobombs: https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=audiobombs.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYXVkaW9ib21icy5jb20vdXNlcnMvamVhbmV0dGVfYw==&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=emFIeXVKRkJiOGJ2c1BXVkJEc1hJVGdVUisxZ25OSU5zQXJ0dEQ5SnlXST0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> * GitHub: https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=github.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2plYW5ldHRlLWM=&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=anhzMlhqbG9WcGEzdTRSdE1pYkdHb2lOSmFGUW9wYkZBMmJONXRaWGpyMD0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> Say hello to the girl that I am! <3
> (Britney Spears)
> Csound mailing list
> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=heanet.ie&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9saXN0c2Vydi5oZWFuZXQuaWUvY2dpLWJpbi93YT9BMD1DU09VTkQ=&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=WVZMRlI4dlFUVUZ6V2NTOUU5eE9lZnFIemtoc2hxYlBDMFFCWmtKZzhzRT0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> Send bugs reports to
>      https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=github.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2Nzb3VuZC9jc291bmQvaXNzdWVz&i=NWYxNzBkMDNiNTVmZGEwZmIyNjczYmRm&t=YlNrQ2lLclRLZUpGUE1iR0FyY2M1eW1NTUU5SUozWlJwMTNZU2NXT1BLOD0=&h=221d91046a954f9784a38a4aa34b243a
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Csound mailing list
Send bugs reports to
Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

Date2022-10-09 21:36
From"Jeanette C."
SubjectRe: [Csnd] New music: Papaya (with two Csound elements)
Hello you three,
many thanks for your warm hearted reception. Even knowing - and liking - the 
early Genesis, I never saw that. Perhaps too focused on my own particular 
influences. Although I thought there's a bit of Roxanne, the the chord at the 
end of the verses and chorus. It might be written as a b flat minor 7 11.

I forgot one other Csound texture, in the first bridge between verse and 
chorus, based on white noise with some waveguide and more comb filtering for 
that unearthly, slippery feeling.

Best wishes,


  * Website: http://juliencoder.de - for summer is a state of sound
  * Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMS4rfGrTwz8W7jhC1Jnv7g
  * Audiobombs: https://www.audiobombs.com/users/jeanette_c
  * GitHub: https://github.com/jeanette-c

There must be another way
Cause I believe in taking chances
But who am I to say - What a girl is to do <3
(Britney Spears)

Csound mailing list
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