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[Csnd] WARNING: Buffer underrun in real-time audio output

Date2018-08-17 19:14
Subject[Csnd] WARNING: Buffer underrun in real-time audio output
Theres an error which occurs, however not always and sometimes very

The console reads:

WARNING: Buffer underrun in real-time audio output

how can I avoid this ?

Many thanks,


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Date2018-08-17 20:16
FromMauro Giubileo
SubjectRe: [Csnd] WARNING: Buffer underrun in real-time audio output

I think that warning means that the audio buffer is fed with data at a lower speed than the data is being read from it, so the DAC doesn't have all the info it requires to generate the correct output in real-time.

So, you should optimize better your code for real-time output. As a start point, you could try to increase the ksmps value.


Il 2018-08-17 20:14 fauveboy ha scritto:

Theres an error which occurs, however not always and sometimes very

The console reads:

WARNING: Buffer underrun in real-time audio output

how can I avoid this ?

Many thanks,


Sent from: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/Csound-General-f1093014.html

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Date2018-08-17 21:24
SubjectRe: [Csnd] WARNING: Buffer underrun in real-time audio output
On Fri, 17 Aug 2018, Mauro Giubileo wrote:
> I think that warning means that the audio buffer is fed with data at a lower
> speed than the data is being read from it, so the DAC doesn't have all the
> info it requires to generate the correct output in real-time.

First thing I would try would be increasing the buffer sizes with the -b
and -B options.  Quite often your CPU has enough power *overall* to keep
feeding the DAC at full speed, but there are brief peaks during rendering
where it doesn't.  A bigger buffer will give it more time over which to
smooth out those peaks - at the cost of increasing the latency between
input and output (which may be relevant if you're controlling Csound in
real time, but probably isn't a problem for score-driven rendering).

Matthew Skala
mskala@ansuz.sooke.bc.ca                 People before principles.

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