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[Csnd] writing reading audio tables

Date2018-05-14 13:11
FromFrancesco Porta
Subject[Csnd] writing reading audio tables
Hi All,
so i have this csd that trigger a intrument for writing audio to table when input
is over a threshold. When the writer instrument has finished it start another instrument for reading
audio from table.
Seems all fine but sometimes the reader play the previous note instead of latest.
I mean:
i play a note, writer start writing audio from input, at the end start the reader that play that audio.
The writer seems to be ok, the reader instead, after a few (2 maybe) note, it play previous note.
If i play again then it play correctly this last note. 
I create a new table with different number every note triggered and this numbers seems to
be right, so what i'm doing wrong?

Thanks for any help,

-odac -iadc -+rtaudio=jack -m0

sr = 44100
ksmps = 2
nchnls = 2
0dbfs  = 1

gaInput init 0
gaudio init 0

instr 1
gaInput inch 1

instr 2

iThresh = 0.1
iWait = 1000
kTimer init 1001
kRms rms gaInput, 20
iSampTim = 0.01
kRmsPrev delayk kRms, iSampTim
kChange = kRms - kRmsPrev

knote init 1

if(kTimer>iWait) then
	if kChange > iThresh then
		kTrig = 1
		knote = knote + 1
		kTrig = 0
	kTimer = kTrig == 1 ? 0 : kTimer
	kTimer += ksmps
	kTrig = 0

kfracnum = 10 + knote/1000

; 4 sec.
iTime = 4

; trigger a note event
schedkwhen kTrig, 0, 0, kfracnum, 0, iTime

instr 10

;print p1

iTableLen  = p3*sr
iTableNum = (p1 - 10) * 1000

; crea una tavola per l'audio
iTable ftgen  iTableNum, 0, iTableLen, 7, 0

krelease   release                  ; sense when note is in final k-rate pass...

; -- write audio to table --
andx       line     0, p3, iTableLen
           tablew   gaInput, andx, iTable

; fa partire l'analisi del file audio registrato ...
schedkwhen krelease, 0, 0, 10 + p1, 0, 120, iTableLen, iTableNum

;ktime timeinsts
;printk2 krelease
;printk2 ktime

instr 20

prints "New\n"
print p1
print p5

idur  = p3
ilock = 0
ipitch = 1
iamp  = 1

atime linseg 2, idur*0.5, 3.75, idur*0.5, 1
asig  mincer atime, iamp, ipitch, p5, ilock
gaudio += asig

instr 100
outs		gaudio, gaudio
gaudio = 0

i 1 0 240
i 2 0 240

i 100 0 240

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Date2018-05-17 02:53
FromSteven Yi
SubjectRe: [Csnd] writing reading audio tables
Hi Francesco,

I'm not sure what the problem is, but I saw this bit of code:

instr 10

;print p1

iTableLen  = p3*sr
iTableNum = (p1 - 10) * 1000

I'm wondering, what is the intention of writing "(p1 - 10) * 1000" ?
Seems like it will always be zero, no?  I wonder if the source of the
problem might be tied to that.


On Mon, May 14, 2018 at 8:11 AM, Francesco Porta
> Hi All,
> so i have this csd that trigger a intrument for writing audio to table when input
> is over a threshold. When the writer instrument has finished it start another instrument for reading
> audio from table.
> Seems all fine but sometimes the reader play the previous note instead of latest.
> I mean:
> i play a note, writer start writing audio from input, at the end start the reader that play that audio.
> The writer seems to be ok, the reader instead, after a few (2 maybe) note, it play previous note.
> If i play again then it play correctly this last note.
> I create a new table with different number every note triggered and this numbers seems to
> be right, so what i'm doing wrong?
> Thanks for any help,
> ciao,
> francesco
> -odac -iadc -+rtaudio=jack -m0
> sr = 44100
> ksmps = 2
> nchnls = 2
> 0dbfs  = 1
> gaInput init 0
> gaudio init 0
> instr 1
> gaInput inch 1
> endin
> instr 2
> iThresh = 0.1
> iWait = 1000
> kTimer init 1001
> kRms rms gaInput, 20
> iSampTim = 0.01
> kRmsPrev delayk kRms, iSampTim
> kChange = kRms - kRmsPrev
> knote init 1
> if(kTimer>iWait) then
>         if kChange > iThresh then
>                 kTrig = 1
>                 knote = knote + 1
>         else
>                 kTrig = 0
>         endif
>         kTimer = kTrig == 1 ? 0 : kTimer
> else
>         kTimer += ksmps
>         kTrig = 0
> endif
> kfracnum = 10 + knote/1000
> ; 4 sec.
> iTime = 4
> ; trigger a note event
> schedkwhen kTrig, 0, 0, kfracnum, 0, iTime
> endin
> instr 10
> ;print p1
> iTableLen  = p3*sr
> iTableNum = (p1 - 10) * 1000
> ; crea una tavola per l'audio
> iTable ftgen  iTableNum, 0, iTableLen, 7, 0
> krelease   release                  ; sense when note is in final k-rate pass...
> ; -- write audio to table --
> andx       line     0, p3, iTableLen
>            tablew   gaInput, andx, iTable
> ; fa partire l'analisi del file audio registrato ...
> schedkwhen krelease, 0, 0, 10 + p1, 0, 120, iTableLen, iTableNum
> ;ktime timeinsts
> ;printk2 krelease
> ;printk2 ktime
> endin
> instr 20
> prints "New\n"
> print p1
> print p5
> idur  = p3
> ilock = 0
> ipitch = 1
> iamp  = 1
> atime linseg 2, idur*0.5, 3.75, idur*0.5, 1
> asig  mincer atime, iamp, ipitch, p5, ilock
> gaudio += asig
> endin
> instr 100
> outs            gaudio, gaudio
> gaudio = 0
> endin
> i 1 0 240
> i 2 0 240
> i 100 0 240
> Csound mailing list
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> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

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Date2018-05-17 17:56
SubjectRe: [Csnd] writing reading audio tables
Hello Steven,
thanks for replies. Solved but i will try to explain better (maybe) :))
My idea was: i activate an instrument using decimal number for 
instrument number
(i.e. one master instrument activate inst 10.01, then 10.02 and so on). 
The same number is
used by this instrument for creating tables (i.e. table 1, table 2, etc.).
Then the calculation was intended as: instr 10.01 use table 1, instr 
10.02 use table 2, ...
In principle seemed working ... but that was not the case.
When those instruments activate another instr for reading the tables 
this last instr was
sometimes confused and used a previous table number.
I solved sending table numbers from master instrument, but i really 
don't understand
why it doesn't work.
Now is just my curiosity.
Anyway in my first mail there should be the csd i used.

As always thanks,

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