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[Csnd] errors in macro with underscore

Date2018-10-25 07:48
FromAndreas Bergsland
Subject[Csnd] errors in macro with underscore


I had problems when revisiting a csd that used to run on 5.10. It turned out the errors were due to underscores in some of the macros, so that this code


#define TEST(V)


prints    "$V_"



instr       1




would print




When the underscore was replaced by other signs, it behaved as expected, e.g.

#define TEST(V)


prints    "$V-"



instr       1




would print



as expected






Andreas Bergsland


Associate professor - førsteamanuensis

Study Programme Leader - studieprogramleder

Music Technology Programme - Musikkteknologiseksjonen

Department of Music - Institutt for musikk


NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)

7491 Trondheim, NORWAY


Visiting address/besøksadresse: Fjordgt.1 (3.etg.)

e-mail: andreas.bergsland@ntnu.no

Office phone (Skype for business):7359 0096

Mobil: 4566 3316




Date2018-10-25 11:50
FromJohn ff
SubjectRe: [Csnd] errors in macro with underscore
We have seen this before.  If _ is a valid characteristics a name then $V_ is an undefined macro.  You need to use $V._ to get concatenation.

⁣Sent from TypeApp ​

On Oct 25, 2018, 07:49, at 07:49, Andreas Bergsland  wrote:
>I had problems when revisiting a csd that used to run on 5.10. It
>turned out the errors were due to underscores in some of the macros, so
>that this code
>#define TEST(V)
>prints    "$V_"
>instr       1
>would print
>When the underscore was replaced by other signs, it behaved as
>expected, e.g.
>#define TEST(V)
>prints    "$V-"
>instr       1
>would print
>as expected
>Andreas Bergsland
>Associate professor - førsteamanuensis
>Study Programme Leader - studieprogramleder
>Music Technology Programme - Musikkteknologiseksjonen
>Department of Music - Institutt for musikk
>NTNU (Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
>7491 Trondheim, NORWAY
>Visiting address/besøksadresse: Fjordgt.1 (3.etg.)
>e-mail: andreas.bergsland@ntnu.no
>Office phone (Skype for business):7359 0096
>Mobil: 4566 3316
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