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[Csnd] loscil Jumping phase

Date2018-02-09 23:38
FromJoel Ramsbottom
Subject[Csnd] loscil Jumping phase
I'm currently using the following instrument to play back a sample with messages from pd. I wanted to be able to jump to different areas of the sample. So that means have the oscil phase hop to different areas of its phase. if 0 to 1 is a complete phase and we want somewhere within that range say 0.5 (to be half way done the sample). How can this value be sent to losil after ts calculated?

		instr 	106				
a1, a2 		loscil  10000, 1, 5, 1, 1 ;sample-based looping oscillator
        iTablen = nsamp(5)
        iSampdur = iTablen / ftsr(5)
        kdisplay phasor 1/iSampdur
outvalue "samp", kdisplay
		out 	a1, a2

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Date2018-02-10 07:22
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] loscil Jumping phase
loscil is not designed for that type of thing. You need to use a table reader and control the read position (phase) according to what you need. 

Victor Lazzarini
Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy
Maynooth University

> On 9 Feb 2018, at 23:38, Joel Ramsbottom  wrote:
> I'm currently using the following instrument to play back a sample with messages from pd. I wanted to be able to jump to different areas of the sample. So that means have the oscil phase hop to different areas of its phase. if 0 to 1 is a complete phase and we want somewhere within that range say 0.5 (to be half way done the sample). How can this value be sent to losil after ts calculated?
>        instr    106                
> a1, a2        loscil  10000, 1, 5, 1, 1 ;sample-based looping oscillator
>        iTablen = nsamp(5)
>        iSampdur = iTablen / ftsr(5)
>        kdisplay phasor 1/iSampdur
> outvalue "samp", kdisplay
>        out    a1, a2
>        endin
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