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[Csnd] Fof2 and Midi

Date2019-05-05 20:24
Subject[Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
Dear Csounders,

I hope in your patience, I am trying and play a fof2 orchestra with a Midi
keyboard. No errors are mentioned in the console, but at the same time no
sound is coming out. I can't understand why, the a similar orchestra worked
with the grain3 opcode. Maybe you can help me?

Thank you in advance, here is the orchestra:

--env:SSDIR+=../SourceMaterials -odac


sr = 96000
ksmps = 16
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1


giWFn   ftgen 0, 0, 1024, 19, 0.5, 0.5, 270, 0.5 ;window function - used as
an amplitude envelope for each grain (sigmoid)
gisine   ftgen 0,0,8192,10,1;,0,.4

instr 1

icps cpsmidi
ifreqbase = icps
ifreq_base_range = .1  ; %%%%%
ifreq_base_range = ifreqbase * ifreq_base_range
iFreq_base_fnz = 203
kcps1 = .1
kndx1 phasor kcps1
kFreq_base_tab table kndx1, iFreq_base_fnz, 1
kfreq_base = kFreq_base_tab * ifreq_base_range
kfreq_base = ifreqbase + kfreq_base

;========== formant frequency 
iform_freq_base1 = 200
iform_freq_range1 = .02  ; %%%%%
iform_freq_range1 = iform_freq_base1 * iform_freq_range1
iform_freq_fnz1 = 201
iform_freq_cps1 = .5 
kflt_indx1 phasor iform_freq_cps1
kform_freq_tab1 table kflt_indx1, iform_freq_fnz1, 1
kform_freq1 = kform_freq_tab1 * iform_freq_range1
kform_freq1 = iform_freq_base1 + kform_freq1

;========== octaviation 
ioctav_base1 = 0
ioctav_range1 = 4  ; %%%%%
ioctav_range1 = ioctav_base1 * ioctav_range1
ioctav_fnz1 = 201
ioctav_cps1 = .5 
kflt_indx1 phasor ioctav_cps1
koctav_tab1 table kflt_indx1, ioctav_fnz1, 1
koctav1 = koctav_tab1 * ioctav_range1
koctav1 = ioctav_base1 + koctav1

;==========  formant bdw espressa in Hz  
ifrom_bdw_base1 = 1
ifrom_bdw_range1 = 2  ; %%%%%
ifrom_bdw_range1 = ifrom_bdw_base1 * ifrom_bdw_range1
ifrom_bdw_fnz1 = 200
ifrom_bdw_cps1 = .5
kflt_indx1 phasor ifrom_bdw_cps1
kfrom_bdw_tab1 table kflt_indx1, ifrom_bdw_fnz1, 1
kfrom_bdw1 = kfrom_bdw_tab1 * ifrom_bdw_range1
kfrom_bdw1 = ifrom_bdw_base1 + kfrom_bdw1

irise_base1 = .1
irise_range1 = 0  ; %%%%%
irise_range1 = irise_base1 * irise_range1
irise_fnz1 = 200
irise_cps1 = .5 
kflt_indx1 phasor irise_cps1
krise_tab1 table kflt_indx1, irise_fnz1, 1
krise1 = krise_tab1 * irise_range1
krise1 = irise_base1 + krise1

;==========grain duration 
igr_dur_base1 = .5
igr_dur_range1 = .5  ; %%%%%
igr_dur_range1 = igr_dur_base1 * igr_dur_range1
igr_dur_fnz1 = 202
igr_dur_cps1 = .5
kflt_indx1 phasor igr_dur_cps1
kgr_dur_tab1 table kflt_indx1, igr_dur_fnz1, 1
kgr_dur1 = kgr_dur_tab1 * igr_dur_range1
kgr_dur1 = igr_dur_base1 + kgr_dur1

idec_base1 = .1
idec_range1 = .2  ; %%%%%
idec_range1 = idec_base1 * idec_range1
idec_fnz1 = 200
idec_cps1 = .5
kflt_indx1 phasor idec_cps1
kdec_tab1 table kflt_indx1, idec_fnz1, 1
kdec1 = kdec_tab1 * idec_range1
kdec1 = idec_base1 + kdec1

iph_base1 = 0
iph_range1 = .9  ; %%%%%
iph_range1 = iph_base1 * iph_range1
iph_fnz1 = 201
iph_cps1 = .5 
kflt_indx1 phasor iph_cps1
kph_tab1 table kflt_indx1, iph_fnz1, 1
kph1 = kph_tab1 * iph_range1
kph1 = iph_base1 + kph1

igliss_base1 = 0
igliss_range1 = 4  ; %%%%%
igliss_range1 = igliss_base1 * igliss_range1
igliss_fnz1 = 200
igliss_cps1 = .5 
kflt_indx1 phasor igliss_cps1
kgliss_tab1 table kflt_indx1, igliss_fnz1, 1
kgliss1 = kgliss_tab1 * igliss_range1
kgliss1 = igliss_base1 + kgliss1

iolaps = 60

kenv mxadsr .2, .4, .7, .5 

ipan_rnd_min = .2
ipan_rnd_max = .8
ipan_rnd_cps = .5
kpan_rnd randomi ipan_rnd_min, ipan_rnd_max, ipan_rnd_cps

;itrem_av_amp = p45
;itrem_av_freq = p46

;kenv linen iamp, irise_dur, p3, idec_dur
;kvibr vibr itrem_av_amp, itrem_av_freq, gisine
;kenv = kenv + kvibr


asig fof2 kenv, kfreq_base, kform_freq1 , koctav1, kfrom_bdw1, krise1,
kgr_dur1, kdec1, iolaps,gisine, giWFn, p3, kph1, kgliss1 
outs asig * kpan_rnd , asig * (1 - kpan_rnd)

f 0 200

;rampa up concavo>>convesso
f 100 0 8193 5 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 163 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01
164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 163 0.01 164 0.01 246 0.01 164 0.01 164
0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 163 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01
164 0.02 163 0.02 164 0.02 164 0.02 164 0.03 164 0.03 164 0.04 164 0.04 163
0.05 164 0.06 164 0.079 164 0.089 164 0.109 246 0.139 164 0.159 163 0.198
164 0.228 164 0.277 164 0.327 164 0.386 164 0.455 164 0.535 163 0.634 164
0.743 164 0.861 164 1.0
f 101 0 8193 5 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 163 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01
164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.02 163 0.02 164 0.02 246 0.02 164 0.03 164
0.03 164 0.03 164 0.04 163 0.05 164 0.05 164 0.06 164 0.069 164 0.079 164
0.089 164 0.099 163 0.119 164 0.129 164 0.149 164 0.168 164 0.188 164 0.208
164 0.228 163 0.248 164 0.277 164 0.307 164 0.337 164 0.366 246 0.396 164
0.436 163 0.475 164 0.515 164 0.554 164 0.604 164 0.653 164 0.703 164 0.752
163 0.812 164 0.871 164 0.931 164 1.0
f 102 0 8193 5 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.02 164 0.03 163 0.03 164 0.04 164 0.05
164 0.069 164 0.079 164 0.089 164 0.099 163 0.119 164 0.129 246 0.149 164
0.159 164 0.178 164 0.198 164 0.218 163 0.228 164 0.248 164 0.267 164 0.287
164 0.307 164 0.327 164 0.356 163 0.376 164 0.396 164 0.416 164 0.436 164
0.465 164 0.485 164 0.515 163 0.535 164 0.554 164 0.584 164 0.614 164 0.634
246 0.663 164 0.683 163 0.713 164 0.743 164 0.772 164 0.802 164 0.822 164
0.852 164 0.881 163 0.911 164 0.941 164 0.97 164 1.0
f 103 0 8193 5 0.01 164 0.079 164 0.129 164 0.159 163 0.198 164 0.228 164
0.257 164 0.277 164 0.307 164 0.327 164 0.356 163 0.376 164 0.396 246 0.416
164 0.436 164 0.455 164 0.475 164 0.495 163 0.515 164 0.535 164 0.554 164
0.574 164 0.594 164 0.604 164 0.624 163 0.644 164 0.653 164 0.673 164 0.693
164 0.703 164 0.723 164 0.743 163 0.752 164 0.772 164 0.782 164 0.802 164
0.812 246 0.832 164 0.842 163 0.861 164 0.871 164 0.891 164 0.901 164 0.921
164 0.931 164 0.95 163 0.96 164 0.97 164 0.99 164 1.0
f 104 0 8193 5 0.01 164 0.317 164 0.386 164 0.436 163 0.475 164 0.505 164
0.535 164 0.564 164 0.584 164 0.604 164 0.624 163 0.644 164 0.663 246 0.673
164 0.693 164 0.703 164 0.713 164 0.733 163 0.743 164 0.752 164 0.762 164
0.782 164 0.792 164 0.802 164 0.812 163 0.822 164 0.832 164 0.842 164 0.852
164 0.852 164 0.861 164 0.871 163 0.881 164 0.891 164 0.901 164 0.901 164
0.911 246 0.921 164 0.931 163 0.931 164 0.941 164 0.95 164 0.96 164 0.96 164
0.97 164 0.98 163 0.98 164 0.99 164 0.99 164 1.0
f 105 0 8193 5 0.01 164 0.594 164 0.653 164 0.693 163 0.713 164 0.733 164
0.752 164 0.772 164 0.782 164 0.802 164 0.812 163 0.822 164 0.832 246 0.842
164 0.842 164 0.852 164 0.861 164 0.871 163 0.871 164 0.881 164 0.891 164
0.891 164 0.901 164 0.901 164 0.911 163 0.911 164 0.921 164 0.921 164 0.931
164 0.931 164 0.941 164 0.941 163 0.941 164 0.95 164 0.95 164 0.96 164 0.96
246 0.96 164 0.97 163 0.97 164 0.97 164 0.98 164 0.98 164 0.98 164 0.99 164
0.99 163 0.99 164 0.99 164 1.0 164 1.0
;rampa down convesso>>concavow
f 106 0 8193 5 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 163 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0
164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 163 1.0 164 1.0 246 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164
1.0 163 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 163 0.99 164
0.99 164 0.99 164 0.98 164 0.98 164 0.97 164 0.97 163 0.96 164 0.95 164
0.931 164 0.921 164 0.901 246 0.881 164 0.852 163 0.822 164 0.782 164 0.733
164 0.683 164 0.624 164 0.554 164 0.475 163 0.376 164 0.277 164 0.149 164
f 107 0 8193 5 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 163 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0
164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 163 0.99 164 0.99 246 0.99 164 0.98 164 0.98 164
0.98 164 0.97 163 0.96 164 0.96 164 0.95 164 0.941 164 0.931 164 0.921 164
0.911 163 0.891 164 0.881 164 0.861 164 0.842 164 0.832 164 0.802 164 0.782
163 0.762 164 0.733 164 0.703 164 0.673 164 0.644 246 0.614 164 0.574 163
0.535 164 0.495 164 0.455 164 0.406 164 0.356 164 0.307 164 0.257 163 0.198
164 0.139 164 0.079 164 0.01
f 108 0 8193 5 1.0 164 1.0 164 0.99 164 0.99 163 0.98 164 0.97 164 0.96 164
0.95 164 0.931 164 0.921 164 0.911 163 0.891 164 0.881 246 0.861 164 0.852
164 0.832 164 0.812 164 0.792 163 0.782 164 0.762 164 0.743 164 0.723 164
0.703 164 0.683 164 0.663 163 0.634 164 0.614 164 0.594 164 0.574 164 0.545
164 0.525 164 0.505 163 0.475 164 0.455 164 0.426 164 0.406 164 0.376 246
0.347 164 0.327 163 0.297 164 0.267 164 0.238 164 0.218 164 0.188 164 0.159
164 0.129 163 0.099 164 0.069 164 0.04 164 0.01
f 109 0 8193 5 1.0 164 0.931 164 0.881 164 0.852 163 0.812 164 0.782 164
0.762 164 0.733 164 0.703 164 0.683 164 0.663 163 0.634 164 0.614 246 0.594
164 0.574 164 0.554 164 0.535 164 0.515 163 0.495 164 0.475 164 0.455 164
0.436 164 0.426 164 0.406 164 0.386 163 0.366 164 0.356 164 0.337 164 0.317
164 0.307 164 0.287 164 0.267 163 0.257 164 0.238 164 0.228 164 0.208 164
0.198 246 0.178 164 0.168 163 0.149 164 0.139 164 0.119 164 0.109 164 0.089
164 0.079 164 0.069 163 0.05 164 0.04 164 0.02 164 0.01
f 110 0 8193 5 1.0 164 0.693 164 0.624 164 0.574 163 0.535 164 0.505 164
0.475 164 0.446 164 0.426 164 0.406 164 0.386 163 0.366 164 0.356 246 0.337
164 0.317 164 0.307 164 0.297 164 0.277 163 0.267 164 0.257 164 0.248 164
0.238 164 0.218 164 0.208 164 0.198 163 0.188 164 0.178 164 0.168 164 0.168
164 0.159 164 0.149 164 0.139 163 0.129 164 0.119 164 0.109 164 0.109 164
0.099 246 0.089 164 0.079 163 0.079 164 0.069 164 0.06 164 0.06 164 0.05 164
0.04 164 0.04 163 0.03 164 0.02 164 0.02 164 0.01
f 111 0 8193 5 1.0 164 0.416 164 0.356 164 0.327 163 0.297 164 0.277 164
0.257 164 0.238 164 0.228 164 0.218 164 0.198 163 0.188 164 0.178 246 0.168
164 0.168 164 0.159 164 0.149 164 0.139 163 0.139 164 0.129 164 0.119 164
0.119 164 0.109 164 0.109 164 0.099 163 0.099 164 0.089 164 0.089 164 0.079
164 0.079 164 0.069 164 0.069 163 0.069 164 0.06 164 0.06 164 0.06 164 0.05
246 0.05 164 0.04 163 0.04 164 0.04 164 0.03 164 0.03 164 0.03 164 0.02 164
0.02 163 0.02 164 0.02 164 0.01 164 0.01
;A stretta>>larga
f 112 0 8193 5 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01
81 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82
0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 81 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02
82 0.02 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.04 82 0.04 82 0.05 82 0.06 82 0.079 82 0.089 81
0.109 82 0.139 82 0.159 82 0.198 82 0.228 82 0.277 82 0.327 82 0.386 82
0.455 82 0.535 82 0.634 82 0.743 82 0.861 82 1.0 163 1.0 82 0.861 82 0.743
82 0.634 82 0.535 82 0.455 82 0.386 82 0.327 82 0.277 82 0.228 82 0.198 82
0.159 82 0.139 82 0.109 81 0.089 82 0.079 82 0.06 82 0.05 82 0.04 82 0.04 82
0.03 82 0.03 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.01 82 0.01 81 0.01 82 0.01
82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82
0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 81 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01
82 0.01
f 113 0 8193 5 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01
81 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.03 82
0.04 82 0.05 82 0.05 82 0.06 82 0.069 81 0.079 82 0.089 82 0.099 82 0.119 82
0.129 82 0.149 82 0.168 82 0.188 82 0.208 82 0.228 82 0.248 82 0.277 82
0.307 82 0.337 81 0.366 82 0.396 82 0.436 82 0.475 82 0.515 82 0.554 82
0.604 82 0.653 82 0.703 82 0.752 82 0.812 82 0.871 82 0.931 82 1.0 163 1.0
82 0.931 82 0.871 82 0.812 82 0.752 82 0.703 82 0.653 82 0.604 82 0.554 82
0.515 82 0.475 82 0.436 82 0.396 82 0.366 81 0.337 82 0.307 82 0.277 82
0.248 82 0.228 82 0.208 82 0.188 82 0.168 82 0.149 82 0.129 82 0.119 82
0.099 82 0.089 82 0.079 81 0.069 82 0.06 82 0.05 82 0.05 82 0.04 82 0.03 82
0.03 82 0.03 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.01 82 0.01 81 0.01 82 0.01
82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01
f 114 0 8193 5 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.02 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.04 82 0.05 82 0.069
81 0.079 82 0.089 82 0.099 82 0.119 82 0.129 82 0.149 82 0.159 82 0.178 82
0.198 82 0.218 82 0.228 82 0.248 82 0.267 82 0.287 81 0.307 82 0.327 82
0.356 82 0.376 82 0.396 82 0.416 82 0.436 82 0.465 82 0.485 82 0.515 82
0.535 82 0.554 82 0.584 82 0.614 81 0.634 82 0.663 82 0.683 82 0.713 82
0.743 82 0.772 82 0.802 82 0.822 82 0.852 82 0.881 82 0.911 82 0.941 82 0.97
82 1.0 163 1.0 82 0.97 82 0.941 82 0.911 82 0.881 82 0.852 82 0.822 82 0.802
82 0.772 82 0.743 82 0.713 82 0.683 82 0.663 82 0.634 81 0.614 82 0.584 82
0.554 82 0.535 82 0.515 82 0.485 82 0.465 82 0.436 82 0.416 82 0.396 82
0.376 82 0.356 82 0.327 82 0.307 81 0.287 82 0.267 82 0.248 82 0.228 82
0.218 82 0.198 82 0.178 82 0.159 82 0.149 82 0.129 82 0.119 82 0.099 82
0.089 82 0.079 81 0.069 82 0.05 82 0.04 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.02 82 0.01 82
f 115 0 8193 5 0.01 82 0.079 82 0.129 82 0.159 82 0.198 82 0.228 82 0.257 82
0.277 81 0.307 82 0.327 82 0.356 82 0.376 82 0.396 82 0.416 82 0.436 82
0.455 82 0.475 82 0.495 82 0.515 82 0.535 82 0.554 82 0.574 81 0.594 82
0.604 82 0.624 82 0.644 82 0.653 82 0.673 82 0.693 82 0.703 82 0.723 82
0.743 82 0.752 82 0.772 82 0.782 82 0.802 81 0.812 82 0.832 82 0.842 82
0.861 82 0.871 82 0.891 82 0.901 82 0.921 82 0.931 82 0.95 82 0.96 82 0.97
82 0.99 82 1.0 163 1.0 82 0.99 82 0.97 82 0.96 82 0.95 82 0.931 82 0.921 82
0.901 82 0.891 82 0.871 82 0.861 82 0.842 82 0.832 82 0.812 81 0.802 82
0.782 82 0.772 82 0.752 82 0.743 82 0.723 82 0.703 82 0.693 82 0.673 82
0.653 82 0.644 82 0.624 82 0.604 82 0.594 81 0.574 82 0.554 82 0.535 82
0.515 82 0.495 82 0.475 82 0.455 82 0.436 82 0.416 82 0.396 82 0.376 82
0.356 82 0.327 82 0.307 81 0.277 82 0.257 82 0.228 82 0.198 82 0.159 82
0.129 82 0.079 82 0.01
f 116 0 8193 5 0.01 82 0.317 82 0.386 82 0.436 82 0.475 82 0.505 82 0.535 82
0.564 81 0.584 82 0.604 82 0.624 82 0.644 82 0.663 82 0.673 82 0.693 82
0.703 82 0.713 82 0.733 82 0.743 82 0.752 82 0.762 82 0.782 81 0.792 82
0.802 82 0.812 82 0.822 82 0.832 82 0.842 82 0.852 82 0.852 82 0.861 82
0.871 82 0.881 82 0.891 82 0.901 82 0.901 81 0.911 82 0.921 82 0.931 82
0.931 82 0.941 82 0.95 82 0.96 82 0.96 82 0.97 82 0.98 82 0.98 82 0.99 82
0.99 82 1.0 163 1.0 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.98 82 0.98 82 0.97 82 0.96 82 0.96
82 0.95 82 0.941 82 0.931 82 0.931 82 0.921 82 0.911 81 0.901 82 0.901 82
0.891 82 0.881 82 0.871 82 0.861 82 0.852 82 0.852 82 0.842 82 0.832 82
0.822 82 0.812 82 0.802 82 0.792 81 0.782 82 0.762 82 0.752 82 0.743 82
0.733 82 0.713 82 0.703 82 0.693 82 0.673 82 0.663 82 0.644 82 0.624 82
0.604 82 0.584 81 0.564 82 0.535 82 0.505 82 0.475 82 0.436 82 0.386 82
0.317 82 0.01
f 117 0 8193 5 0.01 82 0.594 82 0.653 82 0.693 82 0.713 82 0.733 82 0.752 82
0.772 81 0.782 82 0.802 82 0.812 82 0.822 82 0.832 82 0.842 82 0.842 82
0.852 82 0.861 82 0.871 82 0.871 82 0.881 82 0.891 82 0.891 81 0.901 82
0.901 82 0.911 82 0.911 82 0.921 82 0.921 82 0.931 82 0.931 82 0.941 82
0.941 82 0.941 82 0.95 82 0.95 82 0.96 81 0.96 82 0.96 82 0.97 82 0.97 82
0.97 82 0.98 82 0.98 82 0.98 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 1.0 82 1.0
163 1.0 82 1.0 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.98 82 0.98 82 0.98 82
0.97 82 0.97 82 0.97 82 0.96 82 0.96 81 0.96 82 0.95 82 0.95 82 0.941 82
0.941 82 0.941 82 0.931 82 0.931 82 0.921 82 0.921 82 0.911 82 0.911 82
0.901 82 0.901 81 0.891 82 0.891 82 0.881 82 0.871 82 0.871 82 0.861 82
0.852 82 0.842 82 0.842 82 0.832 82 0.822 82 0.812 82 0.802 82 0.782 81
0.772 82 0.752 82 0.733 82 0.713 82 0.693 82 0.653 82 0.594 82 0.01
;U stretta>>larga
f 118 0 8193 5 1.0 82 0.861 82 0.743 82 0.634 82 0.535 82 0.455 82 0.386 82
0.327 81 0.277 82 0.228 82 0.198 82 0.159 82 0.139 82 0.109 82 0.089 82
0.079 82 0.06 82 0.05 82 0.04 82 0.04 82 0.03 82 0.03 81 0.02 82 0.02 82
0.02 82 0.02 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01
82 0.01 82 0.01 81 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82
0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 163 0.01 82 0.01 82
0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01
82 0.01 82 0.01 81 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82
0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 81 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.04
82 0.04 82 0.05 82 0.06 82 0.079 82 0.089 82 0.109 82 0.139 82 0.159 82
0.198 82 0.228 82 0.277 81 0.327 82 0.386 82 0.455 82 0.535 82 0.634 82
0.743 82 0.861 82 1.0
f 119 0 8193 5 1.0 82 0.931 82 0.871 82 0.812 82 0.752 82 0.703 82 0.653 82
0.604 81 0.554 82 0.515 82 0.475 82 0.436 82 0.396 82 0.366 82 0.337 82
0.307 82 0.277 82 0.248 82 0.228 82 0.208 82 0.188 82 0.168 81 0.149 82
0.129 82 0.119 82 0.099 82 0.089 82 0.079 82 0.069 82 0.06 82 0.05 82 0.05
82 0.04 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.03 81 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.01 82
0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 163
0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01
82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 81 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.04 82 0.05 82
0.05 82 0.06 82 0.069 82 0.079 82 0.089 82 0.099 82 0.119 82 0.129 82 0.149
81 0.168 82 0.188 82 0.208 82 0.228 82 0.248 82 0.277 82 0.307 82 0.337 82
0.366 82 0.396 82 0.436 82 0.475 82 0.515 82 0.554 81 0.604 82 0.653 82
0.703 82 0.752 82 0.812 82 0.871 82 0.931 82 1.0
f 120 0 8193 5 1.0 82 0.97 82 0.941 82 0.911 82 0.881 82 0.852 82 0.822 82
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0.782 82 0.733 164 0.683 164 0.624 245 0.554 164 0.475 246 0.376 328 0.267
491 0.149 1475 0.01
f 125 0 8193 5 0.01 0 0.079 82 0.139 0 0.198 0 0.257 82 0.307 0 0.356 82
0.406 0 0.455 0 0.495 82 0.535 0 0.574 82 0.614 0 0.644 0 0.673 82 0.703 0
0.733 82 0.762 0 0.782 0 0.802 81 0.822 0 0.842 82 0.861 0 0.881 82 0.891 0
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0.406 164 0.356 245 0.307 164 0.257 246 0.198 328 0.139 491 0.079 1475 0.01
f 126 0 8193 5 0.01 0 0.04 82 0.069 0 0.099 0 0.129 82 0.159 0 0.188 82
0.208 0 0.238 0 0.267 82 0.297 0 0.327 82 0.347 0 0.376 0 0.396 82 0.426 0
0.455 82 0.475 0 0.495 0 0.525 81 0.545 0 0.574 82 0.594 0 0.614 82 0.634 0
0.653 82 0.683 0 0.703 0 0.723 82 0.743 0 0.762 82 0.782 0 0.792 82 0.812 0
0.832 82 0.852 0 0.861 82 0.881 0 0.891 82 0.911 0 0.921 82 0.931 0 0.941 82
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0.327 164 0.297 164 0.267 82 0.238 164 0.208 164 0.188 245 0.159 164 0.129
246 0.099 328 0.069 491 0.04 1475 0.01
f 127 0 8193 5 0.01 0 0.02 82 0.04 0 0.05 0 0.06 82 0.079 0 0.089 82 0.109 0
0.119 0 0.139 82 0.149 0 0.168 82 0.178 0 0.198 0 0.208 82 0.228 0 0.238 82
0.257 0 0.267 0 0.287 81 0.307 0 0.317 82 0.337 0 0.356 82 0.366 0 0.386 82
0.406 0 0.416 0 0.436 82 0.455 0 0.475 82 0.495 0 0.515 82 0.535 0 0.554 82
0.574 0 0.594 82 0.614 0 0.634 82 0.653 0 0.683 82 0.703 0 0.733 82 0.752 0
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0.178 82 0.168 164 0.149 164 0.139 82 0.119 164 0.109 164 0.089 245 0.079
164 0.06 246 0.05 328 0.04 491 0.02 1475 0.01
f 128 0 8193 5 0.01 0 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.03 0 0.03 82 0.04 0 0.05 82 0.05 0
0.06 0 0.069 82 0.079 0 0.079 82 0.089 0 0.099 0 0.109 82 0.109 0 0.119 82
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0.317 0 0.337 82 0.347 0 0.366 82 0.386 0 0.406 82 0.426 0 0.446 82 0.475 0
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0.574 0 0.535 82 0.505 0 0.475 82 0.446 82 0.426 0 0.406 82 0.386 82 0.366 0
0.347 82 0.337 82 0.317 0 0.307 82 0.297 82 0.277 82 0.267 0 0.257 81 0.248
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0.089 82 0.079 164 0.079 164 0.069 82 0.06 164 0.05 164 0.05 245 0.04 164
0.03 246 0.03 328 0.02 491 0.02 1475 0.01
f 129 0 8193 5 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.02 0 0.02 0 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.03 82 0.03 0
0.03 0 0.04 82 0.04 0 0.04 82 0.05 0 0.05 0 0.05 82 0.06 0 0.06 82 0.069 0
0.069 0 0.069 81 0.079 0 0.079 82 0.089 0 0.089 82 0.099 0 0.099 82 0.109 0
0.109 0 0.119 82 0.119 0 0.129 82 0.139 0 0.139 82 0.149 0 0.159 82 0.168 0
0.168 82 0.178 0 0.188 82 0.198 0 0.208 82 0.228 0 0.238 82 0.257 0 0.277 82
0.297 0 0.317 82 0.356 81 0.416 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 0.416 82 0.356 82 0.317 0
0.297 82 0.277 0 0.257 82 0.238 82 0.228 0 0.208 82 0.198 82 0.188 0 0.178
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164 0.04 164 0.04 82 0.03 164 0.03 164 0.03 245 0.02 164 0.02 246 0.02 328
0.02 491 0.01 1475 0.01
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0.327 0 0.277 0 0.228 82 0.198 0 0.159 82 0.139 0 0.109 0 0.089 82 0.079 0
0.06 82 0.05 0 0.04 0 0.04 81 0.03 0 0.03 82 0.02 0 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.02 82
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0.386 245 0.455 164 0.535 246 0.634 328 0.743 491 0.861 1475 1.0                                                    
f 131 0 8193 5 1.0 0 0.931 82 0.871 0 0.812 0 0.752 82 0.703 0 0.653 82
0.604 0 0.554 0 0.515 82 0.475 0 0.436 82 0.396 0 0.366 0 0.337 82 0.307 0
0.277 82 0.248 0 0.228 0 0.208 81 0.188 0 0.168 82 0.149 0 0.129 82 0.119 0
0.099 82 0.089 0 0.079 0 0.069 82 0.06 0 0.05 82 0.05 0 0.04 82 0.03 0 0.03
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0.248 82 0.277 82 0.307 81 0.337 164 0.366 82 0.396 82 0.436 164 0.475 164
0.515 82 0.554 164 0.604 164 0.653 245 0.703 164 0.752 246 0.812 328 0.871
491 0.931 1475 1.0                                                     
f 132 0 8193 5 1.0 0 0.97 82 0.941 0 0.911 0 0.881 82 0.852 0 0.822 82 0.802
0 0.772 0 0.743 82 0.713 0 0.683 82 0.663 0 0.634 0 0.614 82 0.584 0 0.554
82 0.535 0 0.515 0 0.485 81 0.465 0 0.436 82 0.416 0 0.396 82 0.376 0 0.356
82 0.327 0 0.307 0 0.287 82 0.267 0 0.248 82 0.228 0 0.218 82 0.198 0 0.178
82 0.159 0 0.149 82 0.129 0 0.119 82 0.099 0 0.089 82 0.079 0 0.069 82 0.05
0 0.04 82 0.03 0 0.03 82 0.02 81 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.02 82 0.03
0 0.03 82 0.04 0 0.05 82 0.069 82 0.079 0 0.089 82 0.099 82 0.119 0 0.129 82
0.149 82 0.159 0 0.178 82 0.198 82 0.218 82 0.228 0 0.248 81 0.267 82 0.287
82 0.307 82 0.327 82 0.356 82 0.376 0 0.396 82 0.416 82 0.436 82 0.465 82
0.485 164 0.515 82 0.535 82 0.554 82 0.584 81 0.614 164 0.634 82 0.663 82
0.683 164 0.713 164 0.743 82 0.772 164 0.802 164 0.822 245 0.852 164 0.881
246 0.911 328 0.941 491 0.97 1475 1.0                                                     
f 133 0 8193 5 1.0 0 0.99 82 0.97 0 0.96 0 0.95 82 0.931 0 0.921 82 0.901 0
0.891 0 0.871 82 0.861 0 0.842 82 0.832 0 0.812 0 0.802 82 0.782 0 0.772 82
0.752 0 0.743 0 0.723 81 0.703 0 0.693 82 0.673 0 0.653 82 0.644 0 0.624 82
0.604 0 0.594 0 0.574 82 0.554 0 0.535 82 0.515 0 0.495 82 0.475 0 0.455 82
0.436 0 0.416 82 0.396 0 0.376 82 0.356 0 0.327 82 0.307 0 0.277 82 0.257 0
0.228 82 0.198 0 0.159 82 0.129 81 0.079 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.079 82 0.129 82
0.159 0 0.198 82 0.228 0 0.257 82 0.277 82 0.307 0 0.327 82 0.356 82 0.376 0
0.396 82 0.416 82 0.436 0 0.455 82 0.475 82 0.495 82 0.515 0 0.535 81 0.554
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0.703 82 0.723 164 0.743 82 0.752 82 0.772 82 0.782 81 0.802 164 0.812 82
0.832 82 0.842 164 0.861 164 0.871 82 0.891 164 0.901 164 0.921 245 0.931
164 0.95 246 0.96 328 0.97 491 0.99 1475 1.0                                                     
f 134 0 8193 5 1.0 0 0.99 82 0.99 0 0.98 0 0.98 82 0.97 0 0.96 82 0.96 0
0.95 0 0.941 82 0.931 0 0.931 82 0.921 0 0.911 0 0.901 82 0.901 0 0.891 82
0.881 0 0.871 0 0.861 81 0.852 0 0.852 82 0.842 0 0.832 82 0.822 0 0.812 82
0.802 0 0.792 0 0.782 82 0.762 0 0.752 82 0.743 0 0.733 82 0.713 0 0.703 82
0.693 0 0.673 82 0.663 0 0.644 82 0.624 0 0.604 82 0.584 0 0.564 82 0.535 0
0.505 82 0.475 0 0.436 82 0.386 81 0.317 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.317 82 0.386 82
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0.663 82 0.673 82 0.693 0 0.703 82 0.713 82 0.733 82 0.743 0 0.752 81 0.762
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0.921 82 0.931 164 0.931 164 0.941 82 0.95 164 0.96 164 0.96 245 0.97 164
0.98 246 0.98 328 0.99 491 0.99 1475 1.0                                                     
f 135 0 8193 5 1.0 0 1.0 82 0.99 0 0.99 0 0.99 82 0.99 0 0.98 82 0.98 0 0.98
0 0.97 82 0.97 0 0.97 82 0.96 0 0.96 0 0.96 82 0.95 0 0.95 82 0.941 0 0.941
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0 0.891 82 0.891 0 0.881 82 0.871 0 0.871 82 0.861 0 0.852 82 0.842 0 0.842
82 0.832 0 0.822 82 0.812 0 0.802 82 0.782 0 0.772 82 0.752 0 0.733 82 0.713
0 0.693 82 0.653 81 0.594 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.594 82 0.653 82 0.693 0 0.713
82 0.733 0 0.752 82 0.772 82 0.782 0 0.802 82 0.812 82 0.822 0 0.832 82
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164 0.97 164 0.97 82 0.98 164 0.98 164 0.98 245 0.99 164 0.99 246 0.99 328
0.99 491 1.0 1475 1.0
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f 136 0 8193 5 0.01 1475 0.149 491 0.277 328 0.376 246 0.475 164 0.554 245
0.624 164 0.683 164 0.733 82 0.782 164 0.822 164 0.852 82 0.881 82 0.901 164
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0.822 82 0.782 0 0.733 0 0.683 82 0.624 0 0.554 82 0.475 0 0.376 0 0.277 82
0.149 0 0.01  
f 137 0 8193 5 0.01 1475 0.079 491 0.139 328 0.198 246 0.257 164 0.307 245
0.356 164 0.406 164 0.455 82 0.495 164 0.535 164 0.574 82 0.614 82 0.644 164
0.673 82 0.703 81 0.733 82 0.762 82 0.782 164 0.802 82 0.832 82 0.842 82
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82 0.911 0 0.891 82 0.881 0 0.861 82 0.842 0 0.832 81 0.802 0 0.782 0 0.762
82 0.733 0 0.703 82 0.673 0 0.644 0 0.614 82 0.574 0 0.535 82 0.495 0 0.455
0 0.406 82 0.356 0 0.307 82 0.257 0 0.198 0 0.139 82 0.079 0 0.01
f 138 0 8193 5 0.01 1475 0.04 491 0.069 328 0.099 246 0.129 164 0.159 245
0.188 164 0.218 164 0.238 82 0.267 164 0.297 164 0.327 82 0.347 82 0.376 164
0.406 82 0.426 81 0.455 82 0.475 82 0.505 164 0.525 82 0.545 82 0.574 82
0.594 82 0.614 0 0.634 82 0.663 82 0.683 82 0.703 82 0.723 82 0.743 81 0.762
0 0.782 82 0.792 82 0.812 82 0.832 0 0.852 82 0.861 82 0.881 0 0.891 82
0.911 82 0.921 0 0.931 82 0.95 82 0.96 0 0.97 82 0.98 0 0.99 82 0.99 82 1.0
0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 81 0.99 82 0.99 0 0.98 82 0.97 0 0.96 82 0.95 0 0.931 82
0.921 0 0.911 82 0.891 0 0.881 82 0.861 0 0.852 82 0.832 0 0.812 82 0.792 0
0.782 82 0.762 0 0.743 82 0.723 0 0.703 0 0.683 82 0.663 0 0.634 82 0.614 0
0.594 82 0.574 0 0.545 81 0.525 0 0.505 0 0.475 82 0.455 0 0.426 82 0.406 0
0.376 0 0.347 82 0.327 0 0.297 82 0.267 0 0.238 0 0.218 82 0.188 0 0.159 82
0.129 0 0.099 0 0.069 82 0.04 0 0.01
f 139 0 8193 5 0.01 1475 0.02 491 0.04 328 0.05 246 0.069 164 0.079 245
0.089 164 0.109 164 0.119 82 0.139 164 0.149 164 0.168 82 0.178 82 0.198 164
0.208 82 0.228 81 0.238 82 0.257 82 0.267 164 0.287 82 0.307 82 0.317 82
0.337 82 0.356 0 0.366 82 0.386 82 0.406 82 0.426 82 0.436 82 0.455 81 0.475
0 0.495 82 0.515 82 0.535 82 0.554 0 0.574 82 0.594 82 0.614 0 0.634 82
0.663 82 0.683 0 0.703 82 0.733 82 0.762 0 0.782 82 0.812 0 0.852 82 0.881
82 0.931 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 0.931 81 0.881 82 0.852 0 0.812 82 0.782 0 0.762 82
0.733 0 0.703 82 0.683 0 0.663 82 0.634 0 0.614 82 0.594 0 0.574 82 0.554 0
0.535 82 0.515 0 0.495 82 0.475 0 0.455 82 0.436 0 0.426 0 0.406 82 0.386 0
0.366 82 0.356 0 0.337 82 0.317 0 0.307 81 0.287 0 0.267 0 0.257 82 0.238 0
0.228 82 0.208 0 0.198 0 0.178 82 0.168 0 0.149 82 0.139 0 0.119 0 0.109 82
0.089 0 0.079 82 0.069 0 0.05 0 0.04 82 0.02 0 0.01
f 140 0 8193 5 0.01 1475 0.02 491 0.02 328 0.03 246 0.04 164 0.04 245 0.05
164 0.06 164 0.06 82 0.069 164 0.079 164 0.079 82 0.089 82 0.099 164 0.109
82 0.109 81 0.119 82 0.129 82 0.139 164 0.149 82 0.159 82 0.168 82 0.168 82
0.178 0 0.188 82 0.198 82 0.208 82 0.218 82 0.238 82 0.248 81 0.257 0 0.267
82 0.277 82 0.297 82 0.307 0 0.317 82 0.337 82 0.356 0 0.366 82 0.386 82
0.406 0 0.426 82 0.446 82 0.475 0 0.505 82 0.535 0 0.574 82 0.624 82 0.693 0
1.0 82 1.0 0 0.693 81 0.624 82 0.574 0 0.535 82 0.505 0 0.475 82 0.446 0
0.426 82 0.406 0 0.386 82 0.366 0 0.356 82 0.337 0 0.317 82 0.307 0 0.297 82
0.277 0 0.267 82 0.257 0 0.248 82 0.238 0 0.218 0 0.208 82 0.198 0 0.188 82
0.178 0 0.168 82 0.168 0 0.159 81 0.149 0 0.139 0 0.129 82 0.119 0 0.109 82
0.109 0 0.099 0 0.089 82 0.079 0 0.079 82 0.069 0 0.06 0 0.06 82 0.05 0 0.04
82 0.04 0 0.03 0 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.01
f 141 0 8193 5 0.01 1475 0.01 491 0.02 328 0.02 246 0.02 164 0.02 245 0.03
164 0.03 164 0.03 82 0.04 164 0.04 164 0.04 82 0.05 82 0.05 164 0.06 82 0.06
81 0.06 82 0.069 82 0.069 164 0.069 82 0.079 82 0.079 82 0.089 82 0.089 0
0.099 82 0.099 82 0.109 82 0.109 82 0.119 82 0.119 81 0.129 0 0.139 82 0.139
82 0.149 82 0.159 0 0.168 82 0.168 82 0.178 0 0.188 82 0.198 82 0.218 0
0.228 82 0.238 82 0.257 0 0.277 82 0.297 0 0.327 82 0.356 82 0.416 0 1.0 82
1.0 0 0.416 81 0.356 82 0.327 0 0.297 82 0.277 0 0.257 82 0.238 0 0.228 82
0.218 0 0.198 82 0.188 0 0.178 82 0.168 0 0.168 82 0.159 0 0.149 82 0.139 0
0.139 82 0.129 0 0.119 82 0.119 0 0.109 0 0.109 82 0.099 0 0.099 82 0.089 0
0.089 82 0.079 0 0.079 81 0.069 0 0.069 0 0.069 82 0.06 0 0.06 82 0.06 0
0.05 0 0.05 82 0.04 0 0.04 82 0.04 0 0.03 0 0.03 82 0.03 0 0.02 82 0.02 0
0.02 0 0.02 82 0.01 0 0.01
;testa di balena down da larga a stretta    
f 142 0 8193 5 1.0 1475 0.861 491 0.743 328 0.634 246 0.535 164 0.455 245
0.386 164 0.327 164 0.277 82 0.228 164 0.198 164 0.159 82 0.139 82 0.109 164
0.089 82 0.079 81 0.06 82 0.05 82 0.04 164 0.04 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.02 82
0.02 0 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 81 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01
82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01
82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 81 0.01
82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01
82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 0
0.01 82 0.02 0 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.02 82 0.03 0 0.03 81 0.04 0 0.04 0 0.05 82
0.06 0 0.079 82 0.089 0 0.109 0 0.139 82 0.159 0 0.198 82 0.228 0 0.277 0
0.327 82 0.386 0 0.455 82 0.535 0 0.634 0 0.743 82 0.861 0 1.0                                                  
f 143 0 8193 5 1.0 1475 0.931 491 0.871 328 0.812 246 0.752 164 0.703 245
0.653 164 0.604 164 0.554 82 0.515 164 0.475 164 0.436 82 0.396 82 0.366 164
0.337 82 0.307 81 0.277 82 0.248 82 0.228 164 0.208 82 0.188 82 0.168 82
0.149 82 0.129 0 0.119 82 0.099 82 0.089 82 0.079 82 0.069 82 0.06 81 0.05 0
0.05 82 0.04 82 0.03 82 0.03 0 0.03 82 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.01 0
0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0
0.01 81 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.02 82
0.02 0 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.03 82 0.03 0 0.03 82 0.04 0 0.05 82 0.05 0 0.06 82
0.069 0 0.079 0 0.089 82 0.099 0 0.119 82 0.129 0 0.149 82 0.168 0 0.188 81
0.208 0 0.228 0 0.248 82 0.277 0 0.307 82 0.337 0 0.366 0 0.396 82 0.436 0
0.475 82 0.515 0 0.554 0 0.604 82 0.653 0 0.703 82 0.752 0 0.812 0 0.871 82
0.931 0 1.0                                                     
f 144 0 8193 5 1.0 1475 0.97 491 0.941 328 0.911 246 0.881 164 0.852 245
0.822 164 0.802 164 0.772 82 0.743 164 0.713 164 0.683 82 0.663 82 0.634 164
0.614 82 0.584 81 0.554 82 0.535 82 0.515 164 0.485 82 0.465 82 0.436 82
0.416 82 0.396 0 0.376 82 0.356 82 0.327 82 0.307 82 0.287 82 0.267 81 0.248
0 0.228 82 0.218 82 0.198 82 0.178 0 0.159 82 0.149 82 0.129 0 0.119 82
0.099 82 0.089 0 0.079 82 0.069 82 0.05 0 0.04 82 0.03 0 0.03 82 0.02 82
0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 81 0.02 82 0.03 0 0.03 82 0.04 0 0.05 82 0.069 0
0.079 82 0.089 0 0.099 82 0.119 0 0.129 82 0.149 0 0.159 82 0.178 0 0.198 82
0.218 0 0.228 82 0.248 0 0.267 82 0.287 0 0.307 0 0.327 82 0.356 0 0.376 82
0.396 0 0.416 82 0.436 0 0.465 81 0.485 0 0.515 0 0.535 82 0.554 0 0.584 82
0.614 0 0.634 0 0.663 82 0.683 0 0.713 82 0.743 0 0.772 0 0.802 82 0.822 0
0.852 82 0.881 0 0.911 0 0.941 82 0.97 0 1.0                                                     
f 145 0 8193 5 1.0 1475 0.99 491 0.97 328 0.96 246 0.95 164 0.931 245 0.921
164 0.901 164 0.891 82 0.871 164 0.861 164 0.842 82 0.832 82 0.812 164 0.802
82 0.782 81 0.772 82 0.752 82 0.743 164 0.723 82 0.703 82 0.693 82 0.673 82
0.653 0 0.644 82 0.624 82 0.604 82 0.594 82 0.574 82 0.554 81 0.535 0 0.515
82 0.495 82 0.475 82 0.455 0 0.436 82 0.416 82 0.396 0 0.376 82 0.356 82
0.327 0 0.307 82 0.277 82 0.257 0 0.228 82 0.198 0 0.159 82 0.129 82 0.079 0
0.01 82 0.01 0 0.079 81 0.129 82 0.159 0 0.198 82 0.228 0 0.257 82 0.277 0
0.307 82 0.327 0 0.356 82 0.376 0 0.396 82 0.416 0 0.436 82 0.455 0 0.475 82
0.495 0 0.515 82 0.535 0 0.554 82 0.574 0 0.594 0 0.604 82 0.624 0 0.644 82
0.653 0 0.673 82 0.693 0 0.703 81 0.723 0 0.743 0 0.752 82 0.772 0 0.782 82
0.802 0 0.812 0 0.832 82 0.842 0 0.861 82 0.871 0 0.891 0 0.901 82 0.921 0
0.931 82 0.95 0 0.96 0 0.97 82 0.99 0 1.0                                                     
f 146 0 8193 5 1.0 1475 0.99 491 0.99 328 0.98 246 0.98 164 0.97 245 0.96
164 0.96 164 0.95 82 0.941 164 0.931 164 0.931 82 0.921 82 0.911 164 0.901
82 0.901 81 0.891 82 0.881 82 0.871 164 0.861 82 0.852 82 0.852 82 0.842 82
0.832 0 0.822 82 0.812 82 0.802 82 0.792 82 0.782 82 0.762 81 0.752 0 0.743
82 0.733 82 0.713 82 0.703 0 0.693 82 0.673 82 0.663 0 0.644 82 0.624 82
0.604 0 0.584 82 0.564 82 0.535 0 0.505 82 0.475 0 0.436 82 0.386 82 0.317 0
0.01 82 0.01 0 0.317 81 0.386 82 0.436 0 0.475 82 0.505 0 0.535 82 0.564 0
0.584 82 0.604 0 0.624 82 0.644 0 0.663 82 0.673 0 0.693 82 0.703 0 0.713 82
0.733 0 0.743 82 0.752 0 0.762 82 0.782 0 0.792 0 0.802 82 0.812 0 0.822 82
0.832 0 0.842 82 0.852 0 0.852 81 0.861 0 0.871 0 0.881 82 0.891 0 0.901 82
0.901 0 0.911 0 0.921 82 0.931 0 0.931 82 0.941 0 0.95 0 0.96 82 0.96 0 0.97
82 0.98 0 0.98 0 0.99 82 0.99 0 1.0                                                     
f 147 0 8193 5 1.0 1475 1.0 491 0.99 328 0.99 246 0.99 164 0.99 245 0.98 164
0.98 164 0.98 82 0.97 164 0.97 164 0.97 82 0.96 82 0.96 164 0.96 82 0.95 81
0.95 82 0.941 82 0.941 164 0.941 82 0.931 82 0.931 82 0.921 82 0.921 0 0.911
82 0.911 82 0.901 82 0.901 82 0.891 82 0.891 81 0.881 0 0.871 82 0.871 82
0.861 82 0.852 0 0.842 82 0.842 82 0.832 0 0.822 82 0.812 82 0.802 0 0.782
82 0.772 82 0.752 0 0.733 82 0.713 0 0.693 82 0.653 82 0.594 0 0.01 82 0.01
0 0.594 81 0.653 82 0.693 0 0.713 82 0.733 0 0.752 82 0.772 0 0.782 82 0.802
0 0.812 82 0.822 0 0.832 82 0.842 0 0.842 82 0.852 0 0.861 82 0.871 0 0.871
82 0.881 0 0.891 82 0.891 0 0.901 0 0.901 82 0.911 0 0.911 82 0.921 0 0.921
82 0.931 0 0.931 81 0.941 0 0.941 0 0.941 82 0.95 0 0.95 82 0.96 0 0.96 0
0.96 82 0.97 0 0.97 82 0.97 0 0.98 0 0.98 82 0.98 0 0.99 82 0.99 0 0.99 0
0.99 82 1.0 0 1.0

f 200 0 8193 7 0.01 8111 1.0 82 0.02     ;linear up
f 201 0 8193 7 0.02 82 1.0 8111 0.01     ;linear down
f 202 0 8193 7 0.01 7128 0.188 1065 1.0    ;spezzato up 1
f 203 0 8193 7 1.0 1065 0.188 7128 0.01     ;spezzato down 1
f 204 0 8193 7 0.01 1229 0.297 6964 1.0   ;spezzato up 2 
f 205 0 8193 7 1.0 6964 0.297 1229 0.01     ;spezzato down 2
f 206 0 8193 7 0.505 82 1.0 3933 1.0 163 0.01 3933 0.01 82 0.505   ;Z 1up  
f 207 0 8193 7 0.505 82 0.01 3933 0.01 163 1.0 3933 1.0 82 0.505    ;Z 1
f 208 0 8193 7 0.01 3933 0.01 82 1.0 819 1.0 164 0.01 3113 0.01     ;scalino
breve centrale up
f 209 0 8193 7 1.0 3933 1.0 82 0.01 819 0.01 164 1.0 3113 1.0     ;scalino
breve centrale down
f 210 0 8193 7 0.01 4178 1.0 4015 0.001     ;triangolo up
f 211 0 8193 7 1.0 4178 0.01 4015 1.0     ;triangolo down
f 212 0 8193 7 0.01 737 0.01 82 1.0 6473 1.0 82 0.01 819 0.01    ;scalino
lungo centrale up  
f 213 0 8193 7 1.0 737 1.0 82 0.01 6473 0.01 82 1.0 819 1.0     ;scalino
lungo centrale down
f 214 0 8193 7 0.01 655 0.226 246 0.51 1147 0.853 1967 1.0 2048 0.853 983
0.53 328 0.235 737 0.01 ;poligono up    
f 215 0 8193 7 1.0 655 0.784 246 0.5 1147 0.157 1967 0.01 2048 0.157 983
0.48 328 0.775 737 1.0     ;poligono down
f 216 0 8193 7 1.0 2704 1.0 2703 0.01 2786 0.01     ;Z 2 up 
f 217 0 8193 7 0.01 2704 0.01 2703 1.0 2786 1.0  ;Z 2 down 

Sent from: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/Csound-General-f1093014.html

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Date2019-05-05 20:29
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
Writing in ignrance but where to you associate your MIDI keyboard with 
csound`?  I did not see i`t in yoyr csd file.

On Sun, 5 May 2019, Gpp wrote:

> Dear Csounders,
> I hope in your patience, I am trying and play a fof2 orchestra with a Midi
> keyboard. No errors are mentioned in the console, but at the same time no
> sound is coming out. I can't understand why, the a similar orchestra worked
> with the grain3 opcode. Maybe you can help me?
> Thank you in advance, here is the orchestra:
> --env:SSDIR+=../SourceMaterials -odac
> sr = 96000
> ksmps = 16
> nchnls = 2
> 0dbfs = 1
> giWFn   ftgen 0, 0, 1024, 19, 0.5, 0.5, 270, 0.5 ;window function - used as
> an amplitude envelope for each grain (sigmoid)
> gisine   ftgen 0,0,8192,10,1;,0,.4
> instr 1
> ;==========freq_base
> icps cpsmidi
> ifreqbase = icps
> ifreq_base_range = .1  ; %%%%%
> ifreq_base_range = ifreqbase * ifreq_base_range
> iFreq_base_fnz = 203
> kcps1 = .1
> kndx1 phasor kcps1
> kFreq_base_tab table kndx1, iFreq_base_fnz, 1
> kfreq_base = kFreq_base_tab * ifreq_base_range
> kfreq_base = ifreqbase + kfreq_base
> ;========== formant frequency
> iform_freq_base1 = 200
> iform_freq_range1 = .02  ; %%%%%
> iform_freq_range1 = iform_freq_base1 * iform_freq_range1
> iform_freq_fnz1 = 201
> iform_freq_cps1 = .5
> kflt_indx1 phasor iform_freq_cps1
> kform_freq_tab1 table kflt_indx1, iform_freq_fnz1, 1
> kform_freq1 = kform_freq_tab1 * iform_freq_range1
> kform_freq1 = iform_freq_base1 + kform_freq1
> ;========== octaviation
> ioctav_base1 = 0
> ioctav_range1 = 4  ; %%%%%
> ioctav_range1 = ioctav_base1 * ioctav_range1
> ioctav_fnz1 = 201
> ioctav_cps1 = .5
> kflt_indx1 phasor ioctav_cps1
> koctav_tab1 table kflt_indx1, ioctav_fnz1, 1
> koctav1 = koctav_tab1 * ioctav_range1
> koctav1 = ioctav_base1 + koctav1
> ;==========  formant bdw espressa in Hz
> ifrom_bdw_base1 = 1
> ifrom_bdw_range1 = 2  ; %%%%%
> ifrom_bdw_range1 = ifrom_bdw_base1 * ifrom_bdw_range1
> ifrom_bdw_fnz1 = 200
> ifrom_bdw_cps1 = .5
> kflt_indx1 phasor ifrom_bdw_cps1
> kfrom_bdw_tab1 table kflt_indx1, ifrom_bdw_fnz1, 1
> kfrom_bdw1 = kfrom_bdw_tab1 * ifrom_bdw_range1
> kfrom_bdw1 = ifrom_bdw_base1 + kfrom_bdw1
> ;==========rise
> irise_base1 = .1
> irise_range1 = 0  ; %%%%%
> irise_range1 = irise_base1 * irise_range1
> irise_fnz1 = 200
> irise_cps1 = .5
> kflt_indx1 phasor irise_cps1
> krise_tab1 table kflt_indx1, irise_fnz1, 1
> krise1 = krise_tab1 * irise_range1
> krise1 = irise_base1 + krise1
> ;==========grain duration
> igr_dur_base1 = .5
> igr_dur_range1 = .5  ; %%%%%
> igr_dur_range1 = igr_dur_base1 * igr_dur_range1
> igr_dur_fnz1 = 202
> igr_dur_cps1 = .5
> kflt_indx1 phasor igr_dur_cps1
> kgr_dur_tab1 table kflt_indx1, igr_dur_fnz1, 1
> kgr_dur1 = kgr_dur_tab1 * igr_dur_range1
> kgr_dur1 = igr_dur_base1 + kgr_dur1
> ;==========decay
> idec_base1 = .1
> idec_range1 = .2  ; %%%%%
> idec_range1 = idec_base1 * idec_range1
> idec_fnz1 = 200
> idec_cps1 = .5
> kflt_indx1 phasor idec_cps1
> kdec_tab1 table kflt_indx1, idec_fnz1, 1
> kdec1 = kdec_tab1 * idec_range1
> kdec1 = idec_base1 + kdec1
> ;==========phase
> iph_base1 = 0
> iph_range1 = .9  ; %%%%%
> iph_range1 = iph_base1 * iph_range1
> iph_fnz1 = 201
> iph_cps1 = .5
> kflt_indx1 phasor iph_cps1
> kph_tab1 table kflt_indx1, iph_fnz1, 1
> kph1 = kph_tab1 * iph_range1
> kph1 = iph_base1 + kph1
> ;==========glissato
> igliss_base1 = 0
> igliss_range1 = 4  ; %%%%%
> igliss_range1 = igliss_base1 * igliss_range1
> igliss_fnz1 = 200
> igliss_cps1 = .5
> kflt_indx1 phasor igliss_cps1
> kgliss_tab1 table kflt_indx1, igliss_fnz1, 1
> kgliss1 = kgliss_tab1 * igliss_range1
> kgliss1 = igliss_base1 + kgliss1
> iolaps = 60
> kenv mxadsr .2, .4, .7, .5
> ipan_rnd_min = .2
> ipan_rnd_max = .8
> ipan_rnd_cps = .5
> kpan_rnd randomi ipan_rnd_min, ipan_rnd_max, ipan_rnd_cps
> ;itrem_av_amp = p45
> ;itrem_av_freq = p46
> ;kenv linen iamp, irise_dur, p3, idec_dur
> ;kvibr vibr itrem_av_amp, itrem_av_freq, gisine
> ;kenv = kenv + kvibr
> asig fof2 kenv, kfreq_base, kform_freq1 , koctav1, kfrom_bdw1, krise1,
> kgr_dur1, kdec1, iolaps,gisine, giWFn, p3, kph1, kgliss1
> outs asig * kpan_rnd , asig * (1 - kpan_rnd)
> endin
> f 0 200
> ;rampa up concavo>>convesso
> f 100 0 8193 5 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 163 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01
> 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 163 0.01 164 0.01 246 0.01 164 0.01 164
> 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 163 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01
> 164 0.02 163 0.02 164 0.02 164 0.02 164 0.03 164 0.03 164 0.04 164 0.04 163
> 0.05 164 0.06 164 0.079 164 0.089 164 0.109 246 0.139 164 0.159 163 0.198
> 164 0.228 164 0.277 164 0.327 164 0.386 164 0.455 164 0.535 163 0.634 164
> 0.743 164 0.861 164 1.0
> f 101 0 8193 5 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 163 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01
> 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.02 163 0.02 164 0.02 246 0.02 164 0.03 164
> 0.03 164 0.03 164 0.04 163 0.05 164 0.05 164 0.06 164 0.069 164 0.079 164
> 0.089 164 0.099 163 0.119 164 0.129 164 0.149 164 0.168 164 0.188 164 0.208
> 164 0.228 163 0.248 164 0.277 164 0.307 164 0.337 164 0.366 246 0.396 164
> 0.436 163 0.475 164 0.515 164 0.554 164 0.604 164 0.653 164 0.703 164 0.752
> 163 0.812 164 0.871 164 0.931 164 1.0
> f 102 0 8193 5 0.01 164 0.01 164 0.02 164 0.03 163 0.03 164 0.04 164 0.05
> 164 0.069 164 0.079 164 0.089 164 0.099 163 0.119 164 0.129 246 0.149 164
> 0.159 164 0.178 164 0.198 164 0.218 163 0.228 164 0.248 164 0.267 164 0.287
> 164 0.307 164 0.327 164 0.356 163 0.376 164 0.396 164 0.416 164 0.436 164
> 0.465 164 0.485 164 0.515 163 0.535 164 0.554 164 0.584 164 0.614 164 0.634
> 246 0.663 164 0.683 163 0.713 164 0.743 164 0.772 164 0.802 164 0.822 164
> 0.852 164 0.881 163 0.911 164 0.941 164 0.97 164 1.0
> f 103 0 8193 5 0.01 164 0.079 164 0.129 164 0.159 163 0.198 164 0.228 164
> 0.257 164 0.277 164 0.307 164 0.327 164 0.356 163 0.376 164 0.396 246 0.416
> 164 0.436 164 0.455 164 0.475 164 0.495 163 0.515 164 0.535 164 0.554 164
> 0.574 164 0.594 164 0.604 164 0.624 163 0.644 164 0.653 164 0.673 164 0.693
> 164 0.703 164 0.723 164 0.743 163 0.752 164 0.772 164 0.782 164 0.802 164
> 0.812 246 0.832 164 0.842 163 0.861 164 0.871 164 0.891 164 0.901 164 0.921
> 164 0.931 164 0.95 163 0.96 164 0.97 164 0.99 164 1.0
> f 104 0 8193 5 0.01 164 0.317 164 0.386 164 0.436 163 0.475 164 0.505 164
> 0.535 164 0.564 164 0.584 164 0.604 164 0.624 163 0.644 164 0.663 246 0.673
> 164 0.693 164 0.703 164 0.713 164 0.733 163 0.743 164 0.752 164 0.762 164
> 0.782 164 0.792 164 0.802 164 0.812 163 0.822 164 0.832 164 0.842 164 0.852
> 164 0.852 164 0.861 164 0.871 163 0.881 164 0.891 164 0.901 164 0.901 164
> 0.911 246 0.921 164 0.931 163 0.931 164 0.941 164 0.95 164 0.96 164 0.96 164
> 0.97 164 0.98 163 0.98 164 0.99 164 0.99 164 1.0
> f 105 0 8193 5 0.01 164 0.594 164 0.653 164 0.693 163 0.713 164 0.733 164
> 0.752 164 0.772 164 0.782 164 0.802 164 0.812 163 0.822 164 0.832 246 0.842
> 164 0.842 164 0.852 164 0.861 164 0.871 163 0.871 164 0.881 164 0.891 164
> 0.891 164 0.901 164 0.901 164 0.911 163 0.911 164 0.921 164 0.921 164 0.931
> 164 0.931 164 0.941 164 0.941 163 0.941 164 0.95 164 0.95 164 0.96 164 0.96
> 246 0.96 164 0.97 163 0.97 164 0.97 164 0.98 164 0.98 164 0.98 164 0.99 164
> 0.99 163 0.99 164 0.99 164 1.0 164 1.0
> ;rampa down convesso>>concavow
> f 106 0 8193 5 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 163 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0
> 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 163 1.0 164 1.0 246 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164
> 1.0 163 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 163 0.99 164
> 0.99 164 0.99 164 0.98 164 0.98 164 0.97 164 0.97 163 0.96 164 0.95 164
> 0.931 164 0.921 164 0.901 246 0.881 164 0.852 163 0.822 164 0.782 164 0.733
> 164 0.683 164 0.624 164 0.554 164 0.475 163 0.376 164 0.277 164 0.149 164
> 0.01
> f 107 0 8193 5 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 163 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0
> 164 1.0 164 1.0 164 1.0 163 0.99 164 0.99 246 0.99 164 0.98 164 0.98 164
> 0.98 164 0.97 163 0.96 164 0.96 164 0.95 164 0.941 164 0.931 164 0.921 164
> 0.911 163 0.891 164 0.881 164 0.861 164 0.842 164 0.832 164 0.802 164 0.782
> 163 0.762 164 0.733 164 0.703 164 0.673 164 0.644 246 0.614 164 0.574 163
> 0.535 164 0.495 164 0.455 164 0.406 164 0.356 164 0.307 164 0.257 163 0.198
> 164 0.139 164 0.079 164 0.01
> f 108 0 8193 5 1.0 164 1.0 164 0.99 164 0.99 163 0.98 164 0.97 164 0.96 164
> 0.95 164 0.931 164 0.921 164 0.911 163 0.891 164 0.881 246 0.861 164 0.852
> 164 0.832 164 0.812 164 0.792 163 0.782 164 0.762 164 0.743 164 0.723 164
> 0.703 164 0.683 164 0.663 163 0.634 164 0.614 164 0.594 164 0.574 164 0.545
> 164 0.525 164 0.505 163 0.475 164 0.455 164 0.426 164 0.406 164 0.376 246
> 0.347 164 0.327 163 0.297 164 0.267 164 0.238 164 0.218 164 0.188 164 0.159
> 164 0.129 163 0.099 164 0.069 164 0.04 164 0.01
> f 109 0 8193 5 1.0 164 0.931 164 0.881 164 0.852 163 0.812 164 0.782 164
> 0.762 164 0.733 164 0.703 164 0.683 164 0.663 163 0.634 164 0.614 246 0.594
> 164 0.574 164 0.554 164 0.535 164 0.515 163 0.495 164 0.475 164 0.455 164
> 0.436 164 0.426 164 0.406 164 0.386 163 0.366 164 0.356 164 0.337 164 0.317
> 164 0.307 164 0.287 164 0.267 163 0.257 164 0.238 164 0.228 164 0.208 164
> 0.198 246 0.178 164 0.168 163 0.149 164 0.139 164 0.119 164 0.109 164 0.089
> 164 0.079 164 0.069 163 0.05 164 0.04 164 0.02 164 0.01
> f 110 0 8193 5 1.0 164 0.693 164 0.624 164 0.574 163 0.535 164 0.505 164
> 0.475 164 0.446 164 0.426 164 0.406 164 0.386 163 0.366 164 0.356 246 0.337
> 164 0.317 164 0.307 164 0.297 164 0.277 163 0.267 164 0.257 164 0.248 164
> 0.238 164 0.218 164 0.208 164 0.198 163 0.188 164 0.178 164 0.168 164 0.168
> 164 0.159 164 0.149 164 0.139 163 0.129 164 0.119 164 0.109 164 0.109 164
> 0.099 246 0.089 164 0.079 163 0.079 164 0.069 164 0.06 164 0.06 164 0.05 164
> 0.04 164 0.04 163 0.03 164 0.02 164 0.02 164 0.01
> f 111 0 8193 5 1.0 164 0.416 164 0.356 164 0.327 163 0.297 164 0.277 164
> 0.257 164 0.238 164 0.228 164 0.218 164 0.198 163 0.188 164 0.178 246 0.168
> 164 0.168 164 0.159 164 0.149 164 0.139 163 0.139 164 0.129 164 0.119 164
> 0.119 164 0.109 164 0.109 164 0.099 163 0.099 164 0.089 164 0.089 164 0.079
> 164 0.079 164 0.069 164 0.069 163 0.069 164 0.06 164 0.06 164 0.06 164 0.05
> 246 0.05 164 0.04 163 0.04 164 0.04 164 0.03 164 0.03 164 0.03 164 0.02 164
> 0.02 163 0.02 164 0.02 164 0.01 164 0.01
> ;A stretta>>larga
> f 112 0 8193 5 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01
> 81 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82
> 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 81 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02
> 82 0.02 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.04 82 0.04 82 0.05 82 0.06 82 0.079 82 0.089 81
> 0.109 82 0.139 82 0.159 82 0.198 82 0.228 82 0.277 82 0.327 82 0.386 82
> 0.455 82 0.535 82 0.634 82 0.743 82 0.861 82 1.0 163 1.0 82 0.861 82 0.743
> 82 0.634 82 0.535 82 0.455 82 0.386 82 0.327 82 0.277 82 0.228 82 0.198 82
> 0.159 82 0.139 82 0.109 81 0.089 82 0.079 82 0.06 82 0.05 82 0.04 82 0.04 82
> 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.01 82 0.01 81 0.01 82 0.01
> 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82
> 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 81 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01
> 82 0.01
> f 113 0 8193 5 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01
> 81 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.03 82
> 0.04 82 0.05 82 0.05 82 0.06 82 0.069 81 0.079 82 0.089 82 0.099 82 0.119 82
> 0.129 82 0.149 82 0.168 82 0.188 82 0.208 82 0.228 82 0.248 82 0.277 82
> 0.307 82 0.337 81 0.366 82 0.396 82 0.436 82 0.475 82 0.515 82 0.554 82
> 0.604 82 0.653 82 0.703 82 0.752 82 0.812 82 0.871 82 0.931 82 1.0 163 1.0
> 82 0.931 82 0.871 82 0.812 82 0.752 82 0.703 82 0.653 82 0.604 82 0.554 82
> 0.515 82 0.475 82 0.436 82 0.396 82 0.366 81 0.337 82 0.307 82 0.277 82
> 0.248 82 0.228 82 0.208 82 0.188 82 0.168 82 0.149 82 0.129 82 0.119 82
> 0.099 82 0.089 82 0.079 81 0.069 82 0.06 82 0.05 82 0.05 82 0.04 82 0.03 82
> 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.01 82 0.01 81 0.01 82 0.01
> 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01
> f 114 0 8193 5 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.02 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.04 82 0.05 82 0.069
> 81 0.079 82 0.089 82 0.099 82 0.119 82 0.129 82 0.149 82 0.159 82 0.178 82
> 0.198 82 0.218 82 0.228 82 0.248 82 0.267 82 0.287 81 0.307 82 0.327 82
> 0.356 82 0.376 82 0.396 82 0.416 82 0.436 82 0.465 82 0.485 82 0.515 82
> 0.535 82 0.554 82 0.584 82 0.614 81 0.634 82 0.663 82 0.683 82 0.713 82
> 0.743 82 0.772 82 0.802 82 0.822 82 0.852 82 0.881 82 0.911 82 0.941 82 0.97
> 82 1.0 163 1.0 82 0.97 82 0.941 82 0.911 82 0.881 82 0.852 82 0.822 82 0.802
> 82 0.772 82 0.743 82 0.713 82 0.683 82 0.663 82 0.634 81 0.614 82 0.584 82
> 0.554 82 0.535 82 0.515 82 0.485 82 0.465 82 0.436 82 0.416 82 0.396 82
> 0.376 82 0.356 82 0.327 82 0.307 81 0.287 82 0.267 82 0.248 82 0.228 82
> 0.218 82 0.198 82 0.178 82 0.159 82 0.149 82 0.129 82 0.119 82 0.099 82
> 0.089 82 0.079 81 0.069 82 0.05 82 0.04 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.02 82 0.01 82
> 0.01
> f 115 0 8193 5 0.01 82 0.079 82 0.129 82 0.159 82 0.198 82 0.228 82 0.257 82
> 0.277 81 0.307 82 0.327 82 0.356 82 0.376 82 0.396 82 0.416 82 0.436 82
> 0.455 82 0.475 82 0.495 82 0.515 82 0.535 82 0.554 82 0.574 81 0.594 82
> 0.604 82 0.624 82 0.644 82 0.653 82 0.673 82 0.693 82 0.703 82 0.723 82
> 0.743 82 0.752 82 0.772 82 0.782 82 0.802 81 0.812 82 0.832 82 0.842 82
> 0.861 82 0.871 82 0.891 82 0.901 82 0.921 82 0.931 82 0.95 82 0.96 82 0.97
> 82 0.99 82 1.0 163 1.0 82 0.99 82 0.97 82 0.96 82 0.95 82 0.931 82 0.921 82
> 0.901 82 0.891 82 0.871 82 0.861 82 0.842 82 0.832 82 0.812 81 0.802 82
> 0.782 82 0.772 82 0.752 82 0.743 82 0.723 82 0.703 82 0.693 82 0.673 82
> 0.653 82 0.644 82 0.624 82 0.604 82 0.594 81 0.574 82 0.554 82 0.535 82
> 0.515 82 0.495 82 0.475 82 0.455 82 0.436 82 0.416 82 0.396 82 0.376 82
> 0.356 82 0.327 82 0.307 81 0.277 82 0.257 82 0.228 82 0.198 82 0.159 82
> 0.129 82 0.079 82 0.01
> f 116 0 8193 5 0.01 82 0.317 82 0.386 82 0.436 82 0.475 82 0.505 82 0.535 82
> 0.564 81 0.584 82 0.604 82 0.624 82 0.644 82 0.663 82 0.673 82 0.693 82
> 0.703 82 0.713 82 0.733 82 0.743 82 0.752 82 0.762 82 0.782 81 0.792 82
> 0.802 82 0.812 82 0.822 82 0.832 82 0.842 82 0.852 82 0.852 82 0.861 82
> 0.871 82 0.881 82 0.891 82 0.901 82 0.901 81 0.911 82 0.921 82 0.931 82
> 0.931 82 0.941 82 0.95 82 0.96 82 0.96 82 0.97 82 0.98 82 0.98 82 0.99 82
> 0.99 82 1.0 163 1.0 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.98 82 0.98 82 0.97 82 0.96 82 0.96
> 82 0.95 82 0.941 82 0.931 82 0.931 82 0.921 82 0.911 81 0.901 82 0.901 82
> 0.891 82 0.881 82 0.871 82 0.861 82 0.852 82 0.852 82 0.842 82 0.832 82
> 0.822 82 0.812 82 0.802 82 0.792 81 0.782 82 0.762 82 0.752 82 0.743 82
> 0.733 82 0.713 82 0.703 82 0.693 82 0.673 82 0.663 82 0.644 82 0.624 82
> 0.604 82 0.584 81 0.564 82 0.535 82 0.505 82 0.475 82 0.436 82 0.386 82
> 0.317 82 0.01
> f 117 0 8193 5 0.01 82 0.594 82 0.653 82 0.693 82 0.713 82 0.733 82 0.752 82
> 0.772 81 0.782 82 0.802 82 0.812 82 0.822 82 0.832 82 0.842 82 0.842 82
> 0.852 82 0.861 82 0.871 82 0.871 82 0.881 82 0.891 82 0.891 81 0.901 82
> 0.901 82 0.911 82 0.911 82 0.921 82 0.921 82 0.931 82 0.931 82 0.941 82
> 0.941 82 0.941 82 0.95 82 0.95 82 0.96 81 0.96 82 0.96 82 0.97 82 0.97 82
> 0.97 82 0.98 82 0.98 82 0.98 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 1.0 82 1.0
> 163 1.0 82 1.0 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.98 82 0.98 82 0.98 82
> 0.97 82 0.97 82 0.97 82 0.96 82 0.96 81 0.96 82 0.95 82 0.95 82 0.941 82
> 0.941 82 0.941 82 0.931 82 0.931 82 0.921 82 0.921 82 0.911 82 0.911 82
> 0.901 82 0.901 81 0.891 82 0.891 82 0.881 82 0.871 82 0.871 82 0.861 82
> 0.852 82 0.842 82 0.842 82 0.832 82 0.822 82 0.812 82 0.802 82 0.782 81
> 0.772 82 0.752 82 0.733 82 0.713 82 0.693 82 0.653 82 0.594 82 0.01
> ;U stretta>>larga
> f 118 0 8193 5 1.0 82 0.861 82 0.743 82 0.634 82 0.535 82 0.455 82 0.386 82
> 0.327 81 0.277 82 0.228 82 0.198 82 0.159 82 0.139 82 0.109 82 0.089 82
> 0.079 82 0.06 82 0.05 82 0.04 82 0.04 82 0.03 82 0.03 81 0.02 82 0.02 82
> 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01
> 82 0.01 82 0.01 81 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82
> 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 163 0.01 82 0.01 82
> 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01
> 82 0.01 82 0.01 81 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82
> 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 81 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.04
> 82 0.04 82 0.05 82 0.06 82 0.079 82 0.089 82 0.109 82 0.139 82 0.159 82
> 0.198 82 0.228 82 0.277 81 0.327 82 0.386 82 0.455 82 0.535 82 0.634 82
> 0.743 82 0.861 82 1.0
> f 119 0 8193 5 1.0 82 0.931 82 0.871 82 0.812 82 0.752 82 0.703 82 0.653 82
> 0.604 81 0.554 82 0.515 82 0.475 82 0.436 82 0.396 82 0.366 82 0.337 82
> 0.307 82 0.277 82 0.248 82 0.228 82 0.208 82 0.188 82 0.168 81 0.149 82
> 0.129 82 0.119 82 0.099 82 0.089 82 0.079 82 0.069 82 0.06 82 0.05 82 0.05
> 82 0.04 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.03 81 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.01 82
> 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 163
> 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01
> 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.02 81 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.04 82 0.05 82
> 0.05 82 0.06 82 0.069 82 0.079 82 0.089 82 0.099 82 0.119 82 0.129 82 0.149
> 81 0.168 82 0.188 82 0.208 82 0.228 82 0.248 82 0.277 82 0.307 82 0.337 82
> 0.366 82 0.396 82 0.436 82 0.475 82 0.515 82 0.554 81 0.604 82 0.653 82
> 0.703 82 0.752 82 0.812 82 0.871 82 0.931 82 1.0
> f 120 0 8193 5 1.0 82 0.97 82 0.941 82 0.911 82 0.881 82 0.852 82 0.822 82
> 0.802 81 0.772 82 0.743 82 0.713 82 0.683 82 0.663 82 0.634 82 0.614 82
> 0.584 82 0.554 82 0.535 82 0.515 82 0.485 82 0.465 82 0.436 81 0.416 82
> 0.396 82 0.376 82 0.356 82 0.327 82 0.307 82 0.287 82 0.267 82 0.248 82
> 0.228 82 0.218 82 0.198 82 0.178 82 0.159 81 0.149 82 0.129 82 0.119 82
> 0.099 82 0.089 82 0.079 82 0.069 82 0.05 82 0.04 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.02 82
> 0.01 82 0.01 163 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.02 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.04 82 0.05 82
> 0.069 82 0.079 82 0.089 82 0.099 82 0.119 82 0.129 82 0.149 81 0.159 82
> 0.178 82 0.198 82 0.218 82 0.228 82 0.248 82 0.267 82 0.287 82 0.307 82
> 0.327 82 0.356 82 0.376 82 0.396 82 0.416 81 0.436 82 0.465 82 0.485 82
> 0.515 82 0.535 82 0.554 82 0.584 82 0.614 82 0.634 82 0.663 82 0.683 82
> 0.713 82 0.743 82 0.772 81 0.802 82 0.822 82 0.852 82 0.881 82 0.911 82
> 0.941 82 0.97 82 1.0
> f 121 0 8193 5 1.0 82 0.99 82 0.97 82 0.96 82 0.95 82 0.931 82 0.921 82
> 0.901 81 0.891 82 0.871 82 0.861 82 0.842 82 0.832 82 0.812 82 0.802 82
> 0.782 82 0.772 82 0.752 82 0.743 82 0.723 82 0.703 82 0.693 81 0.673 82
> 0.653 82 0.644 82 0.624 82 0.604 82 0.594 82 0.574 82 0.554 82 0.535 82
> 0.515 82 0.495 82 0.475 82 0.455 82 0.436 81 0.416 82 0.396 82 0.376 82
> 0.356 82 0.327 82 0.307 82 0.277 82 0.257 82 0.228 82 0.198 82 0.159 82
> 0.129 82 0.079 82 0.01 163 0.01 82 0.079 82 0.129 82 0.159 82 0.198 82 0.228
> 82 0.257 82 0.277 82 0.307 82 0.327 82 0.356 82 0.376 82 0.396 82 0.416 81
> 0.436 82 0.455 82 0.475 82 0.495 82 0.515 82 0.535 82 0.554 82 0.574 82
> 0.594 82 0.604 82 0.624 82 0.644 82 0.653 82 0.673 81 0.693 82 0.703 82
> 0.723 82 0.743 82 0.752 82 0.772 82 0.782 82 0.802 82 0.812 82 0.832 82
> 0.842 82 0.861 82 0.871 82 0.891 81 0.901 82 0.921 82 0.931 82 0.95 82 0.96
> 82 0.97 82 0.99 82 1.0
> f 122 0 8193 5 1.0 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.98 82 0.98 82 0.97 82 0.96 82 0.96
> 81 0.95 82 0.941 82 0.931 82 0.931 82 0.921 82 0.911 82 0.901 82 0.901 82
> 0.891 82 0.881 82 0.871 82 0.861 82 0.852 82 0.852 81 0.842 82 0.832 82
> 0.822 82 0.812 82 0.802 82 0.792 82 0.782 82 0.762 82 0.752 82 0.743 82
> 0.733 82 0.713 82 0.703 82 0.693 81 0.673 82 0.663 82 0.644 82 0.624 82
> 0.604 82 0.584 82 0.564 82 0.535 82 0.505 82 0.475 82 0.436 82 0.386 82
> 0.317 82 0.01 163 0.01 82 0.317 82 0.386 82 0.436 82 0.475 82 0.505 82 0.535
> 82 0.564 82 0.584 82 0.604 82 0.624 82 0.644 82 0.663 82 0.673 81 0.693 82
> 0.703 82 0.713 82 0.733 82 0.743 82 0.752 82 0.762 82 0.782 82 0.792 82
> 0.802 82 0.812 82 0.822 82 0.832 82 0.842 81 0.852 82 0.852 82 0.861 82
> 0.871 82 0.881 82 0.891 82 0.901 82 0.901 82 0.911 82 0.921 82 0.931 82
> 0.931 82 0.941 82 0.95 81 0.96 82 0.96 82 0.97 82 0.98 82 0.98 82 0.99 82
> 0.99 82 1.0
> f 123 0 8193 5 1.0 82 1.0 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.98 82 0.98 81
> 0.98 82 0.97 82 0.97 82 0.97 82 0.96 82 0.96 82 0.96 82 0.95 82 0.95 82
> 0.941 82 0.941 82 0.941 82 0.931 82 0.931 81 0.921 82 0.921 82 0.911 82
> 0.911 82 0.901 82 0.901 82 0.891 82 0.891 82 0.881 82 0.871 82 0.871 82
> 0.861 82 0.852 82 0.842 81 0.842 82 0.832 82 0.822 82 0.812 82 0.802 82
> 0.782 82 0.772 82 0.752 82 0.733 82 0.713 82 0.693 82 0.653 82 0.594 82 0.01
> 163 0.01 82 0.594 82 0.653 82 0.693 82 0.713 82 0.733 82 0.752 82 0.772 82
> 0.782 82 0.802 82 0.812 82 0.822 82 0.832 82 0.842 81 0.842 82 0.852 82
> 0.861 82 0.871 82 0.871 82 0.881 82 0.891 82 0.891 82 0.901 82 0.901 82
> 0.911 82 0.911 82 0.921 82 0.921 81 0.931 82 0.931 82 0.941 82 0.941 82
> 0.941 82 0.95 82 0.95 82 0.96 82 0.96 82 0.96 82 0.97 82 0.97 82 0.97 82
> 0.98 81 0.98 82 0.98 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.99 82 1.0 82 1.0
> ;R larga>>stretta
> f 124 0 8193 5 0.01 0 0.149 82 0.267 0 0.376 0 0.475 82 0.554 0 0.624 82
> 0.683 0 0.733 0 0.782 82 0.812 0 0.852 82 0.871 0 0.901 0 0.921 82 0.931 0
> 0.95 82 0.96 0 0.97 0 0.97 81 0.98 0 0.98 82 0.99 0 0.99 82 0.99 0 0.99 82
> 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0
> 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 81 1.0 0 1.0
> 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 82
> 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 82 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 81 1.0 82 1.0 82
> 1.0 82 1.0 82 0.99 82 0.99 0 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.98 82 0.98 82 0.97 164 0.97
> 82 0.96 82 0.95 82 0.931 81 0.921 164 0.901 82 0.871 82 0.852 164 0.812 164
> 0.782 82 0.733 164 0.683 164 0.624 245 0.554 164 0.475 246 0.376 328 0.267
> 491 0.149 1475 0.01
> f 125 0 8193 5 0.01 0 0.079 82 0.139 0 0.198 0 0.257 82 0.307 0 0.356 82
> 0.406 0 0.455 0 0.495 82 0.535 0 0.574 82 0.614 0 0.644 0 0.673 82 0.703 0
> 0.733 82 0.762 0 0.782 0 0.802 81 0.822 0 0.842 82 0.861 0 0.881 82 0.891 0
> 0.911 82 0.921 0 0.931 0 0.941 82 0.95 0 0.96 82 0.96 0 0.97 82 0.98 0 0.98
> 82 0.98 0 0.99 82 0.99 0 0.99 82 0.99 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0
> 0 1.0 82 1.0 81 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82
> 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 0.99 82 0.99 0 0.99 82 0.99 82 0.98 0 0.98 82 0.98 82
> 0.97 82 0.96 0 0.96 81 0.95 82 0.941 82 0.931 82 0.921 82 0.911 82 0.891 0
> 0.881 82 0.861 82 0.842 82 0.822 82 0.802 164 0.782 82 0.762 82 0.733 82
> 0.703 81 0.673 164 0.644 82 0.614 82 0.574 164 0.535 164 0.495 82 0.455 164
> 0.406 164 0.356 245 0.307 164 0.257 246 0.198 328 0.139 491 0.079 1475 0.01
> f 126 0 8193 5 0.01 0 0.04 82 0.069 0 0.099 0 0.129 82 0.159 0 0.188 82
> 0.208 0 0.238 0 0.267 82 0.297 0 0.327 82 0.347 0 0.376 0 0.396 82 0.426 0
> 0.455 82 0.475 0 0.495 0 0.525 81 0.545 0 0.574 82 0.594 0 0.614 82 0.634 0
> 0.653 82 0.683 0 0.703 0 0.723 82 0.743 0 0.762 82 0.782 0 0.792 82 0.812 0
> 0.832 82 0.852 0 0.861 82 0.881 0 0.891 82 0.911 0 0.921 82 0.931 0 0.941 82
> 0.96 0 0.97 82 0.98 0 0.98 82 0.99 81 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 0.99 82 0.98
> 0 0.98 82 0.97 0 0.96 82 0.941 82 0.931 0 0.921 82 0.911 82 0.891 0 0.881 82
> 0.861 82 0.852 0 0.832 82 0.812 82 0.792 82 0.782 0 0.762 81 0.743 82 0.723
> 82 0.703 82 0.683 82 0.653 82 0.634 0 0.614 82 0.594 82 0.574 82 0.545 82
> 0.525 164 0.495 82 0.475 82 0.455 82 0.426 81 0.396 164 0.376 82 0.347 82
> 0.327 164 0.297 164 0.267 82 0.238 164 0.208 164 0.188 245 0.159 164 0.129
> 246 0.099 328 0.069 491 0.04 1475 0.01
> f 127 0 8193 5 0.01 0 0.02 82 0.04 0 0.05 0 0.06 82 0.079 0 0.089 82 0.109 0
> 0.119 0 0.139 82 0.149 0 0.168 82 0.178 0 0.198 0 0.208 82 0.228 0 0.238 82
> 0.257 0 0.267 0 0.287 81 0.307 0 0.317 82 0.337 0 0.356 82 0.366 0 0.386 82
> 0.406 0 0.416 0 0.436 82 0.455 0 0.475 82 0.495 0 0.515 82 0.535 0 0.554 82
> 0.574 0 0.594 82 0.614 0 0.634 82 0.653 0 0.683 82 0.703 0 0.733 82 0.752 0
> 0.782 82 0.812 0 0.852 82 0.881 81 0.931 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 0.931 82 0.881 82
> 0.852 0 0.812 82 0.782 0 0.752 82 0.733 82 0.703 0 0.683 82 0.653 82 0.634 0
> 0.614 82 0.594 82 0.574 0 0.554 82 0.535 82 0.515 82 0.495 0 0.475 81 0.455
> 82 0.436 82 0.416 82 0.406 82 0.386 82 0.366 0 0.356 82 0.337 82 0.317 82
> 0.307 82 0.287 164 0.267 82 0.257 82 0.238 82 0.228 81 0.208 164 0.198 82
> 0.178 82 0.168 164 0.149 164 0.139 82 0.119 164 0.109 164 0.089 245 0.079
> 164 0.06 246 0.05 328 0.04 491 0.02 1475 0.01
> f 128 0 8193 5 0.01 0 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.03 0 0.03 82 0.04 0 0.05 82 0.05 0
> 0.06 0 0.069 82 0.079 0 0.079 82 0.089 0 0.099 0 0.109 82 0.109 0 0.119 82
> 0.129 0 0.139 0 0.149 81 0.159 0 0.159 82 0.168 0 0.178 82 0.188 0 0.198 82
> 0.208 0 0.218 0 0.228 82 0.248 0 0.257 82 0.267 0 0.277 82 0.297 0 0.307 82
> 0.317 0 0.337 82 0.347 0 0.366 82 0.386 0 0.406 82 0.426 0 0.446 82 0.475 0
> 0.505 82 0.535 0 0.574 82 0.624 81 0.693 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 0.693 82 0.624 82
> 0.574 0 0.535 82 0.505 0 0.475 82 0.446 82 0.426 0 0.406 82 0.386 82 0.366 0
> 0.347 82 0.337 82 0.317 0 0.307 82 0.297 82 0.277 82 0.267 0 0.257 81 0.248
> 82 0.228 82 0.218 82 0.208 82 0.198 82 0.188 0 0.178 82 0.168 82 0.159 82
> 0.159 82 0.149 164 0.139 82 0.129 82 0.119 82 0.109 81 0.109 164 0.099 82
> 0.089 82 0.079 164 0.079 164 0.069 82 0.06 164 0.05 164 0.05 245 0.04 164
> 0.03 246 0.03 328 0.02 491 0.02 1475 0.01
> f 129 0 8193 5 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.02 0 0.02 0 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.03 82 0.03 0
> 0.03 0 0.04 82 0.04 0 0.04 82 0.05 0 0.05 0 0.05 82 0.06 0 0.06 82 0.069 0
> 0.069 0 0.069 81 0.079 0 0.079 82 0.089 0 0.089 82 0.099 0 0.099 82 0.109 0
> 0.109 0 0.119 82 0.119 0 0.129 82 0.139 0 0.139 82 0.149 0 0.159 82 0.168 0
> 0.168 82 0.178 0 0.188 82 0.198 0 0.208 82 0.228 0 0.238 82 0.257 0 0.277 82
> 0.297 0 0.317 82 0.356 81 0.416 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 0.416 82 0.356 82 0.317 0
> 0.297 82 0.277 0 0.257 82 0.238 82 0.228 0 0.208 82 0.198 82 0.188 0 0.178
> 82 0.168 82 0.168 0 0.159 82 0.149 82 0.139 82 0.139 0 0.129 81 0.119 82
> 0.119 82 0.109 82 0.109 82 0.099 82 0.099 0 0.089 82 0.089 82 0.079 82 0.079
> 82 0.069 164 0.069 82 0.069 82 0.06 82 0.06 81 0.05 164 0.05 82 0.05 82 0.04
> 164 0.04 164 0.04 82 0.03 164 0.03 164 0.03 245 0.02 164 0.02 246 0.02 328
> 0.02 491 0.01 1475 0.01
> ;S da dx a sx
> f 130 0 8193 5 1.0 0 0.861 82 0.743 0 0.634 0 0.535 82 0.455 0 0.386 82
> 0.327 0 0.277 0 0.228 82 0.198 0 0.159 82 0.139 0 0.109 0 0.089 82 0.079 0
> 0.06 82 0.05 0 0.04 0 0.04 81 0.03 0 0.03 82 0.02 0 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.02 82
> 0.01 0 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0
> 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0
> 0.01 82 0.01 81 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0
> 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82
> 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 81 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.02 82 0.02
> 0 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.04 164 0.04 82 0.05 82 0.06 82 0.079 81
> 0.089 164 0.109 82 0.139 82 0.159 164 0.198 164 0.228 82 0.277 164 0.327 164
> 0.386 245 0.455 164 0.535 246 0.634 328 0.743 491 0.861 1475 1.0
> f 131 0 8193 5 1.0 0 0.931 82 0.871 0 0.812 0 0.752 82 0.703 0 0.653 82
> 0.604 0 0.554 0 0.515 82 0.475 0 0.436 82 0.396 0 0.366 0 0.337 82 0.307 0
> 0.277 82 0.248 0 0.228 0 0.208 81 0.188 0 0.168 82 0.149 0 0.129 82 0.119 0
> 0.099 82 0.089 0 0.079 0 0.069 82 0.06 0 0.05 82 0.05 0 0.04 82 0.03 0 0.03
> 82 0.03 0 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01
> 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 81 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01
> 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.03
> 0 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.04 82 0.05 0 0.05 81 0.06 82 0.069 82 0.079 82 0.089 82
> 0.099 82 0.119 0 0.129 82 0.149 82 0.168 82 0.188 82 0.208 164 0.228 82
> 0.248 82 0.277 82 0.307 81 0.337 164 0.366 82 0.396 82 0.436 164 0.475 164
> 0.515 82 0.554 164 0.604 164 0.653 245 0.703 164 0.752 246 0.812 328 0.871
> 491 0.931 1475 1.0
> f 132 0 8193 5 1.0 0 0.97 82 0.941 0 0.911 0 0.881 82 0.852 0 0.822 82 0.802
> 0 0.772 0 0.743 82 0.713 0 0.683 82 0.663 0 0.634 0 0.614 82 0.584 0 0.554
> 82 0.535 0 0.515 0 0.485 81 0.465 0 0.436 82 0.416 0 0.396 82 0.376 0 0.356
> 82 0.327 0 0.307 0 0.287 82 0.267 0 0.248 82 0.228 0 0.218 82 0.198 0 0.178
> 82 0.159 0 0.149 82 0.129 0 0.119 82 0.099 0 0.089 82 0.079 0 0.069 82 0.05
> 0 0.04 82 0.03 0 0.03 82 0.02 81 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.02 82 0.03
> 0 0.03 82 0.04 0 0.05 82 0.069 82 0.079 0 0.089 82 0.099 82 0.119 0 0.129 82
> 0.149 82 0.159 0 0.178 82 0.198 82 0.218 82 0.228 0 0.248 81 0.267 82 0.287
> 82 0.307 82 0.327 82 0.356 82 0.376 0 0.396 82 0.416 82 0.436 82 0.465 82
> 0.485 164 0.515 82 0.535 82 0.554 82 0.584 81 0.614 164 0.634 82 0.663 82
> 0.683 164 0.713 164 0.743 82 0.772 164 0.802 164 0.822 245 0.852 164 0.881
> 246 0.911 328 0.941 491 0.97 1475 1.0
> f 133 0 8193 5 1.0 0 0.99 82 0.97 0 0.96 0 0.95 82 0.931 0 0.921 82 0.901 0
> 0.891 0 0.871 82 0.861 0 0.842 82 0.832 0 0.812 0 0.802 82 0.782 0 0.772 82
> 0.752 0 0.743 0 0.723 81 0.703 0 0.693 82 0.673 0 0.653 82 0.644 0 0.624 82
> 0.604 0 0.594 0 0.574 82 0.554 0 0.535 82 0.515 0 0.495 82 0.475 0 0.455 82
> 0.436 0 0.416 82 0.396 0 0.376 82 0.356 0 0.327 82 0.307 0 0.277 82 0.257 0
> 0.228 82 0.198 0 0.159 82 0.129 81 0.079 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.079 82 0.129 82
> 0.159 0 0.198 82 0.228 0 0.257 82 0.277 82 0.307 0 0.327 82 0.356 82 0.376 0
> 0.396 82 0.416 82 0.436 0 0.455 82 0.475 82 0.495 82 0.515 0 0.535 81 0.554
> 82 0.574 82 0.594 82 0.604 82 0.624 82 0.644 0 0.653 82 0.673 82 0.693 82
> 0.703 82 0.723 164 0.743 82 0.752 82 0.772 82 0.782 81 0.802 164 0.812 82
> 0.832 82 0.842 164 0.861 164 0.871 82 0.891 164 0.901 164 0.921 245 0.931
> 164 0.95 246 0.96 328 0.97 491 0.99 1475 1.0
> f 134 0 8193 5 1.0 0 0.99 82 0.99 0 0.98 0 0.98 82 0.97 0 0.96 82 0.96 0
> 0.95 0 0.941 82 0.931 0 0.931 82 0.921 0 0.911 0 0.901 82 0.901 0 0.891 82
> 0.881 0 0.871 0 0.861 81 0.852 0 0.852 82 0.842 0 0.832 82 0.822 0 0.812 82
> 0.802 0 0.792 0 0.782 82 0.762 0 0.752 82 0.743 0 0.733 82 0.713 0 0.703 82
> 0.693 0 0.673 82 0.663 0 0.644 82 0.624 0 0.604 82 0.584 0 0.564 82 0.535 0
> 0.505 82 0.475 0 0.436 82 0.386 81 0.317 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.317 82 0.386 82
> 0.436 0 0.475 82 0.505 0 0.535 82 0.564 82 0.584 0 0.604 82 0.624 82 0.644 0
> 0.663 82 0.673 82 0.693 0 0.703 82 0.713 82 0.733 82 0.743 0 0.752 81 0.762
> 82 0.782 82 0.792 82 0.802 82 0.812 82 0.822 0 0.832 82 0.842 82 0.852 82
> 0.852 82 0.861 164 0.871 82 0.881 82 0.891 82 0.901 81 0.901 164 0.911 82
> 0.921 82 0.931 164 0.931 164 0.941 82 0.95 164 0.96 164 0.96 245 0.97 164
> 0.98 246 0.98 328 0.99 491 0.99 1475 1.0
> f 135 0 8193 5 1.0 0 1.0 82 0.99 0 0.99 0 0.99 82 0.99 0 0.98 82 0.98 0 0.98
> 0 0.97 82 0.97 0 0.97 82 0.96 0 0.96 0 0.96 82 0.95 0 0.95 82 0.941 0 0.941
> 0 0.941 81 0.931 0 0.931 82 0.921 0 0.921 82 0.911 0 0.911 82 0.901 0 0.901
> 0 0.891 82 0.891 0 0.881 82 0.871 0 0.871 82 0.861 0 0.852 82 0.842 0 0.842
> 82 0.832 0 0.822 82 0.812 0 0.802 82 0.782 0 0.772 82 0.752 0 0.733 82 0.713
> 0 0.693 82 0.653 81 0.594 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.594 82 0.653 82 0.693 0 0.713
> 82 0.733 0 0.752 82 0.772 82 0.782 0 0.802 82 0.812 82 0.822 0 0.832 82
> 0.842 82 0.842 0 0.852 82 0.861 82 0.871 82 0.871 0 0.881 81 0.891 82 0.891
> 82 0.901 82 0.901 82 0.911 82 0.911 0 0.921 82 0.921 82 0.931 82 0.931 82
> 0.941 164 0.941 82 0.941 82 0.95 82 0.95 81 0.96 164 0.96 82 0.96 82 0.97
> 164 0.97 164 0.97 82 0.98 164 0.98 164 0.98 245 0.99 164 0.99 246 0.99 328
> 0.99 491 1.0 1475 1.0
> ;testa di balena up da larga a stretta
> f 136 0 8193 5 0.01 1475 0.149 491 0.277 328 0.376 246 0.475 164 0.554 245
> 0.624 164 0.683 164 0.733 82 0.782 164 0.822 164 0.852 82 0.881 82 0.901 164
> 0.921 82 0.931 81 0.95 82 0.96 82 0.97 164 0.97 82 0.98 82 0.98 82 0.99 82
> 0.99 0 0.99 82 1.0 82 1.0 82 1.0 82 1.0 82 1.0 81 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 82 1.0 82
> 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0
> 0 1.0 82 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 81 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82
> 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0
> 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 0.99 82 0.99 0 0.99 82 0.98 0 0.98
> 81 0.97 0 0.97 0 0.96 82 0.95 0 0.931 82 0.921 0 0.901 0 0.881 82 0.852 0
> 0.822 82 0.782 0 0.733 0 0.683 82 0.624 0 0.554 82 0.475 0 0.376 0 0.277 82
> 0.149 0 0.01
> f 137 0 8193 5 0.01 1475 0.079 491 0.139 328 0.198 246 0.257 164 0.307 245
> 0.356 164 0.406 164 0.455 82 0.495 164 0.535 164 0.574 82 0.614 82 0.644 164
> 0.673 82 0.703 81 0.733 82 0.762 82 0.782 164 0.802 82 0.832 82 0.842 82
> 0.861 82 0.881 0 0.891 82 0.911 82 0.921 82 0.931 82 0.941 82 0.95 81 0.96 0
> 0.96 82 0.97 82 0.98 82 0.98 0 0.98 82 0.99 82 0.99 0 0.99 82 1.0 82 1.0 0
> 1.0 82 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 81 1.0
> 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 82 0.99 0 0.99 82 0.99 0
> 0.98 82 0.98 0 0.98 82 0.97 0 0.96 82 0.96 0 0.95 82 0.941 0 0.931 0 0.921
> 82 0.911 0 0.891 82 0.881 0 0.861 82 0.842 0 0.832 81 0.802 0 0.782 0 0.762
> 82 0.733 0 0.703 82 0.673 0 0.644 0 0.614 82 0.574 0 0.535 82 0.495 0 0.455
> 0 0.406 82 0.356 0 0.307 82 0.257 0 0.198 0 0.139 82 0.079 0 0.01
> f 138 0 8193 5 0.01 1475 0.04 491 0.069 328 0.099 246 0.129 164 0.159 245
> 0.188 164 0.218 164 0.238 82 0.267 164 0.297 164 0.327 82 0.347 82 0.376 164
> 0.406 82 0.426 81 0.455 82 0.475 82 0.505 164 0.525 82 0.545 82 0.574 82
> 0.594 82 0.614 0 0.634 82 0.663 82 0.683 82 0.703 82 0.723 82 0.743 81 0.762
> 0 0.782 82 0.792 82 0.812 82 0.832 0 0.852 82 0.861 82 0.881 0 0.891 82
> 0.911 82 0.921 0 0.931 82 0.95 82 0.96 0 0.97 82 0.98 0 0.99 82 0.99 82 1.0
> 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 1.0 81 0.99 82 0.99 0 0.98 82 0.97 0 0.96 82 0.95 0 0.931 82
> 0.921 0 0.911 82 0.891 0 0.881 82 0.861 0 0.852 82 0.832 0 0.812 82 0.792 0
> 0.782 82 0.762 0 0.743 82 0.723 0 0.703 0 0.683 82 0.663 0 0.634 82 0.614 0
> 0.594 82 0.574 0 0.545 81 0.525 0 0.505 0 0.475 82 0.455 0 0.426 82 0.406 0
> 0.376 0 0.347 82 0.327 0 0.297 82 0.267 0 0.238 0 0.218 82 0.188 0 0.159 82
> 0.129 0 0.099 0 0.069 82 0.04 0 0.01
> f 139 0 8193 5 0.01 1475 0.02 491 0.04 328 0.05 246 0.069 164 0.079 245
> 0.089 164 0.109 164 0.119 82 0.139 164 0.149 164 0.168 82 0.178 82 0.198 164
> 0.208 82 0.228 81 0.238 82 0.257 82 0.267 164 0.287 82 0.307 82 0.317 82
> 0.337 82 0.356 0 0.366 82 0.386 82 0.406 82 0.426 82 0.436 82 0.455 81 0.475
> 0 0.495 82 0.515 82 0.535 82 0.554 0 0.574 82 0.594 82 0.614 0 0.634 82
> 0.663 82 0.683 0 0.703 82 0.733 82 0.762 0 0.782 82 0.812 0 0.852 82 0.881
> 82 0.931 0 1.0 82 1.0 0 0.931 81 0.881 82 0.852 0 0.812 82 0.782 0 0.762 82
> 0.733 0 0.703 82 0.683 0 0.663 82 0.634 0 0.614 82 0.594 0 0.574 82 0.554 0
> 0.535 82 0.515 0 0.495 82 0.475 0 0.455 82 0.436 0 0.426 0 0.406 82 0.386 0
> 0.366 82 0.356 0 0.337 82 0.317 0 0.307 81 0.287 0 0.267 0 0.257 82 0.238 0
> 0.228 82 0.208 0 0.198 0 0.178 82 0.168 0 0.149 82 0.139 0 0.119 0 0.109 82
> 0.089 0 0.079 82 0.069 0 0.05 0 0.04 82 0.02 0 0.01
> f 140 0 8193 5 0.01 1475 0.02 491 0.02 328 0.03 246 0.04 164 0.04 245 0.05
> 164 0.06 164 0.06 82 0.069 164 0.079 164 0.079 82 0.089 82 0.099 164 0.109
> 82 0.109 81 0.119 82 0.129 82 0.139 164 0.149 82 0.159 82 0.168 82 0.168 82
> 0.178 0 0.188 82 0.198 82 0.208 82 0.218 82 0.238 82 0.248 81 0.257 0 0.267
> 82 0.277 82 0.297 82 0.307 0 0.317 82 0.337 82 0.356 0 0.366 82 0.386 82
> 0.406 0 0.426 82 0.446 82 0.475 0 0.505 82 0.535 0 0.574 82 0.624 82 0.693 0
> 1.0 82 1.0 0 0.693 81 0.624 82 0.574 0 0.535 82 0.505 0 0.475 82 0.446 0
> 0.426 82 0.406 0 0.386 82 0.366 0 0.356 82 0.337 0 0.317 82 0.307 0 0.297 82
> 0.277 0 0.267 82 0.257 0 0.248 82 0.238 0 0.218 0 0.208 82 0.198 0 0.188 82
> 0.178 0 0.168 82 0.168 0 0.159 81 0.149 0 0.139 0 0.129 82 0.119 0 0.109 82
> 0.109 0 0.099 0 0.089 82 0.079 0 0.079 82 0.069 0 0.06 0 0.06 82 0.05 0 0.04
> 82 0.04 0 0.03 0 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.01
> f 141 0 8193 5 0.01 1475 0.01 491 0.02 328 0.02 246 0.02 164 0.02 245 0.03
> 164 0.03 164 0.03 82 0.04 164 0.04 164 0.04 82 0.05 82 0.05 164 0.06 82 0.06
> 81 0.06 82 0.069 82 0.069 164 0.069 82 0.079 82 0.079 82 0.089 82 0.089 0
> 0.099 82 0.099 82 0.109 82 0.109 82 0.119 82 0.119 81 0.129 0 0.139 82 0.139
> 82 0.149 82 0.159 0 0.168 82 0.168 82 0.178 0 0.188 82 0.198 82 0.218 0
> 0.228 82 0.238 82 0.257 0 0.277 82 0.297 0 0.327 82 0.356 82 0.416 0 1.0 82
> 1.0 0 0.416 81 0.356 82 0.327 0 0.297 82 0.277 0 0.257 82 0.238 0 0.228 82
> 0.218 0 0.198 82 0.188 0 0.178 82 0.168 0 0.168 82 0.159 0 0.149 82 0.139 0
> 0.139 82 0.129 0 0.119 82 0.119 0 0.109 0 0.109 82 0.099 0 0.099 82 0.089 0
> 0.089 82 0.079 0 0.079 81 0.069 0 0.069 0 0.069 82 0.06 0 0.06 82 0.06 0
> 0.05 0 0.05 82 0.04 0 0.04 82 0.04 0 0.03 0 0.03 82 0.03 0 0.02 82 0.02 0
> 0.02 0 0.02 82 0.01 0 0.01
> ;testa di balena down da larga a stretta
> f 142 0 8193 5 1.0 1475 0.861 491 0.743 328 0.634 246 0.535 164 0.455 245
> 0.386 164 0.327 164 0.277 82 0.228 164 0.198 164 0.159 82 0.139 82 0.109 164
> 0.089 82 0.079 81 0.06 82 0.05 82 0.04 164 0.04 82 0.03 82 0.03 82 0.02 82
> 0.02 0 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 81 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01
> 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01
> 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 81 0.01
> 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01
> 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 0
> 0.01 82 0.02 0 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.02 82 0.03 0 0.03 81 0.04 0 0.04 0 0.05 82
> 0.06 0 0.079 82 0.089 0 0.109 0 0.139 82 0.159 0 0.198 82 0.228 0 0.277 0
> 0.327 82 0.386 0 0.455 82 0.535 0 0.634 0 0.743 82 0.861 0 1.0
> f 143 0 8193 5 1.0 1475 0.931 491 0.871 328 0.812 246 0.752 164 0.703 245
> 0.653 164 0.604 164 0.554 82 0.515 164 0.475 164 0.436 82 0.396 82 0.366 164
> 0.337 82 0.307 81 0.277 82 0.248 82 0.228 164 0.208 82 0.188 82 0.168 82
> 0.149 82 0.129 0 0.119 82 0.099 82 0.089 82 0.079 82 0.069 82 0.06 81 0.05 0
> 0.05 82 0.04 82 0.03 82 0.03 0 0.03 82 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.02 82 0.02 82 0.01 0
> 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0
> 0.01 81 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.02 82
> 0.02 0 0.02 82 0.02 0 0.03 82 0.03 0 0.03 82 0.04 0 0.05 82 0.05 0 0.06 82
> 0.069 0 0.079 0 0.089 82 0.099 0 0.119 82 0.129 0 0.149 82 0.168 0 0.188 81
> 0.208 0 0.228 0 0.248 82 0.277 0 0.307 82 0.337 0 0.366 0 0.396 82 0.436 0
> 0.475 82 0.515 0 0.554 0 0.604 82 0.653 0 0.703 82 0.752 0 0.812 0 0.871 82
> 0.931 0 1.0
> f 144 0 8193 5 1.0 1475 0.97 491 0.941 328 0.911 246 0.881 164 0.852 245
> 0.822 164 0.802 164 0.772 82 0.743 164 0.713 164 0.683 82 0.663 82 0.634 164
> 0.614 82 0.584 81 0.554 82 0.535 82 0.515 164 0.485 82 0.465 82 0.436 82
> 0.416 82 0.396 0 0.376 82 0.356 82 0.327 82 0.307 82 0.287 82 0.267 81 0.248
> 0 0.228 82 0.218 82 0.198 82 0.178 0 0.159 82 0.149 82 0.129 0 0.119 82
> 0.099 82 0.089 0 0.079 82 0.069 82 0.05 0 0.04 82 0.03 0 0.03 82 0.02 82
> 0.01 0 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.01 81 0.02 82 0.03 0 0.03 82 0.04 0 0.05 82 0.069 0
> 0.079 82 0.089 0 0.099 82 0.119 0 0.129 82 0.149 0 0.159 82 0.178 0 0.198 82
> 0.218 0 0.228 82 0.248 0 0.267 82 0.287 0 0.307 0 0.327 82 0.356 0 0.376 82
> 0.396 0 0.416 82 0.436 0 0.465 81 0.485 0 0.515 0 0.535 82 0.554 0 0.584 82
> 0.614 0 0.634 0 0.663 82 0.683 0 0.713 82 0.743 0 0.772 0 0.802 82 0.822 0
> 0.852 82 0.881 0 0.911 0 0.941 82 0.97 0 1.0
> f 145 0 8193 5 1.0 1475 0.99 491 0.97 328 0.96 246 0.95 164 0.931 245 0.921
> 164 0.901 164 0.891 82 0.871 164 0.861 164 0.842 82 0.832 82 0.812 164 0.802
> 82 0.782 81 0.772 82 0.752 82 0.743 164 0.723 82 0.703 82 0.693 82 0.673 82
> 0.653 0 0.644 82 0.624 82 0.604 82 0.594 82 0.574 82 0.554 81 0.535 0 0.515
> 82 0.495 82 0.475 82 0.455 0 0.436 82 0.416 82 0.396 0 0.376 82 0.356 82
> 0.327 0 0.307 82 0.277 82 0.257 0 0.228 82 0.198 0 0.159 82 0.129 82 0.079 0
> 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.079 81 0.129 82 0.159 0 0.198 82 0.228 0 0.257 82 0.277 0
> 0.307 82 0.327 0 0.356 82 0.376 0 0.396 82 0.416 0 0.436 82 0.455 0 0.475 82
> 0.495 0 0.515 82 0.535 0 0.554 82 0.574 0 0.594 0 0.604 82 0.624 0 0.644 82
> 0.653 0 0.673 82 0.693 0 0.703 81 0.723 0 0.743 0 0.752 82 0.772 0 0.782 82
> 0.802 0 0.812 0 0.832 82 0.842 0 0.861 82 0.871 0 0.891 0 0.901 82 0.921 0
> 0.931 82 0.95 0 0.96 0 0.97 82 0.99 0 1.0
> f 146 0 8193 5 1.0 1475 0.99 491 0.99 328 0.98 246 0.98 164 0.97 245 0.96
> 164 0.96 164 0.95 82 0.941 164 0.931 164 0.931 82 0.921 82 0.911 164 0.901
> 82 0.901 81 0.891 82 0.881 82 0.871 164 0.861 82 0.852 82 0.852 82 0.842 82
> 0.832 0 0.822 82 0.812 82 0.802 82 0.792 82 0.782 82 0.762 81 0.752 0 0.743
> 82 0.733 82 0.713 82 0.703 0 0.693 82 0.673 82 0.663 0 0.644 82 0.624 82
> 0.604 0 0.584 82 0.564 82 0.535 0 0.505 82 0.475 0 0.436 82 0.386 82 0.317 0
> 0.01 82 0.01 0 0.317 81 0.386 82 0.436 0 0.475 82 0.505 0 0.535 82 0.564 0
> 0.584 82 0.604 0 0.624 82 0.644 0 0.663 82 0.673 0 0.693 82 0.703 0 0.713 82
> 0.733 0 0.743 82 0.752 0 0.762 82 0.782 0 0.792 0 0.802 82 0.812 0 0.822 82
> 0.832 0 0.842 82 0.852 0 0.852 81 0.861 0 0.871 0 0.881 82 0.891 0 0.901 82
> 0.901 0 0.911 0 0.921 82 0.931 0 0.931 82 0.941 0 0.95 0 0.96 82 0.96 0 0.97
> 82 0.98 0 0.98 0 0.99 82 0.99 0 1.0
> f 147 0 8193 5 1.0 1475 1.0 491 0.99 328 0.99 246 0.99 164 0.99 245 0.98 164
> 0.98 164 0.98 82 0.97 164 0.97 164 0.97 82 0.96 82 0.96 164 0.96 82 0.95 81
> 0.95 82 0.941 82 0.941 164 0.941 82 0.931 82 0.931 82 0.921 82 0.921 0 0.911
> 82 0.911 82 0.901 82 0.901 82 0.891 82 0.891 81 0.881 0 0.871 82 0.871 82
> 0.861 82 0.852 0 0.842 82 0.842 82 0.832 0 0.822 82 0.812 82 0.802 0 0.782
> 82 0.772 82 0.752 0 0.733 82 0.713 0 0.693 82 0.653 82 0.594 0 0.01 82 0.01
> 0 0.594 81 0.653 82 0.693 0 0.713 82 0.733 0 0.752 82 0.772 0 0.782 82 0.802
> 0 0.812 82 0.822 0 0.832 82 0.842 0 0.842 82 0.852 0 0.861 82 0.871 0 0.871
> 82 0.881 0 0.891 82 0.891 0 0.901 0 0.901 82 0.911 0 0.911 82 0.921 0 0.921
> 82 0.931 0 0.931 81 0.941 0 0.941 0 0.941 82 0.95 0 0.95 82 0.96 0 0.96 0
> 0.96 82 0.97 0 0.97 82 0.97 0 0.98 0 0.98 82 0.98 0 0.99 82 0.99 0 0.99 0
> 0.99 82 1.0 0 1.0
> f 200 0 8193 7 0.01 8111 1.0 82 0.02     ;linear up
> f 201 0 8193 7 0.02 82 1.0 8111 0.01     ;linear down
> f 202 0 8193 7 0.01 7128 0.188 1065 1.0    ;spezzato up 1
> f 203 0 8193 7 1.0 1065 0.188 7128 0.01     ;spezzato down 1
> f 204 0 8193 7 0.01 1229 0.297 6964 1.0   ;spezzato up 2
> f 205 0 8193 7 1.0 6964 0.297 1229 0.01     ;spezzato down 2
> f 206 0 8193 7 0.505 82 1.0 3933 1.0 163 0.01 3933 0.01 82 0.505   ;Z 1up
> f 207 0 8193 7 0.505 82 0.01 3933 0.01 163 1.0 3933 1.0 82 0.505    ;Z 1
> down
> f 208 0 8193 7 0.01 3933 0.01 82 1.0 819 1.0 164 0.01 3113 0.01     ;scalino
> breve centrale up
> f 209 0 8193 7 1.0 3933 1.0 82 0.01 819 0.01 164 1.0 3113 1.0     ;scalino
> breve centrale down
> f 210 0 8193 7 0.01 4178 1.0 4015 0.001     ;triangolo up
> f 211 0 8193 7 1.0 4178 0.01 4015 1.0     ;triangolo down
> f 212 0 8193 7 0.01 737 0.01 82 1.0 6473 1.0 82 0.01 819 0.01    ;scalino
> lungo centrale up
> f 213 0 8193 7 1.0 737 1.0 82 0.01 6473 0.01 82 1.0 819 1.0     ;scalino
> lungo centrale down
> f 214 0 8193 7 0.01 655 0.226 246 0.51 1147 0.853 1967 1.0 2048 0.853 983
> 0.53 328 0.235 737 0.01 ;poligono up
> f 215 0 8193 7 1.0 655 0.784 246 0.5 1147 0.157 1967 0.01 2048 0.157 983
> 0.48 328 0.775 737 1.0     ;poligono down
> f 216 0 8193 7 1.0 2704 1.0 2703 0.01 2786 0.01     ;Z 2 up
> f 217 0 8193 7 0.01 2704 0.01 2703 1.0 2786 1.0  ;Z 2 down
> --
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> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
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Date2019-05-05 20:39
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
The following lines should get the notes of the keyboard: 

icps cpsmidi
ifreqbase = icps

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Date2019-05-05 23:20
FromJohn ff
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
I would have expected a -M option to say which midi device

Sent from TypeApp
On 5 May 2019, at 20:40, Gpp <giuseppeiacono.friends@gmail.com> wrote:
The following lines should get the notes of the keyboard: 

icps cpsmidi
ifreqbase = icps

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Date2019-05-06 01:00
FromHlöðver Sigurðsson
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
Seems that you are also missing “massign”

On Mon, 6 May 2019 at 00:21, John ff <jpff@codemist.co.uk> wrote:
I would have expected a -M option to say which midi device

Sent from TypeApp
On 5 May 2019, at 20:40, Gpp <giuseppeiacono.friends@gmail.com> wrote:
The following lines should get the notes of the keyboard: 

icps cpsmidi
ifreqbase = icps

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Date2019-05-06 17:03
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
I think you are wrong here.  your instruments are MIDI started and so 
csound needs to know which midi device to listen before it can obey the 
cpsmidi opcode.  -M selects the MIDI device.  Look at the manual example 
for cpsmidi and you will see the -M0 option.  Without knowing your setup 
cannot know the correct number for your keyboard(?) or what MIDI system 
you are using n what platform.

On Sun, 5 May 2019, Gpp wrote:

> The following lines should get the notes of the keyboard:
> icps cpsmidi
> ifreqbase = icps
> --
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Date2019-05-06 17:13
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
and from the manual

  MIDI Realtime Input/Ouput

-M DEVICE, --midi-device=DEVICE

     Read MIDI events from device DEVICE. If using ALSA MIDI 
(-+rtmidi=alsa), devices are selected by name and not number. So, you need 
to use an option like -M hw:CARD,DEVICE where CARD and DEVICE are the card 
and device numbers (e.g. -M hw:1,0). In the case of PortMidi and MME, 
DEVICE should be a number, and if it is out of range, an error occurs and 
the valid device numbers are printed. When using PortMidi, you can use 
'-Ma' to enable all devices. This is also convenient when you don't have 
devices as it will not generate an error.

On Mon, 6 May 2019, john wrote:

> I think you are wrong here.  your instruments are MIDI started and so csound 
> needs to know which midi device to listen before it can obey the cpsmidi 
> opcode.  -M selects the MIDI device.  Look at the manual example for cpsmidi 
> and you will see the -M0 option.  Without knowing your setup we cannot know 
> the correct number for your keyboard(?) or what MIDI system you are using n 
> what platform.
> On Sun, 5 May 2019, Gpp wrote:
>> The following lines should get the notes of the keyboard:
>> icps cpsmidi
>> ifreqbase = icps
>> --
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Date2019-05-06 21:01
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
John, thanks. 
I used the cpsmidi opcode in other csd files, they worked also without
adding -M0 at the beginning of the orchestra. About the device I am using, I
set it in the preferences of CsoundQt.
Anyway I tryed and play this fof2 orchestra adding -odac  -M0. It still
doesn't work.
I think I am wrong here:
asig fof2 kenv, kfreq_base, kform_freq1 , koctav1, kfrom_bdw1, krise1,
kgr_dur1, kdec1, iolaps,gisine, giWFn, p3, kph1, kgliss1 
The p3 parameter was clearly not initialized in the previous lines of the
orc, because I am playing it live, so I guess it doesn't make sense at all.
It should be substituted with the duration of the Midi event, I am wondering
in which way. I also tryed and substitute it with arbitrary durations, i.e.
1, 20, 100. Finally I got some sounds, but always lasting not more than half
second, and get this error: PERF ERROR in instr 1: FOF needs more overlaps
In the manual - about this parameter - I read: itotdur -- total time during
which this fof will be active. 

Any idea or suggestion?

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Date2019-05-06 21:12
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
You did not say you were using CsoundQt which i do not use or know 
anything about.  I only use csound, so I doubt I can hep you.

One problem with MIDIi csound is that one camnnot know p3 at thr start of 
a note as it woul drequire knowing the future.  I _think_ p3 is negative 
in midi notes, but cannot be used sensibly in an instr.  No dea how to 

On Mon, 6 May 2019, Gpp wrote:

> John, thanks.
> I used the cpsmidi opcode in other csd files, they worked also without
> adding -M0 at the beginning of the orchestra. About the device I am using, I
> set it in the preferences of CsoundQt.
> Anyway I tryed and play this fof2 orchestra adding -odac  -M0. It still
> doesn't work.
> I think I am wrong here:
> asig fof2 kenv, kfreq_base, kform_freq1 , koctav1, kfrom_bdw1, krise1,
> kgr_dur1, kdec1, iolaps,gisine, giWFn, p3, kph1, kgliss1
> The p3 parameter was clearly not initialized in the previous lines of the
> orc, because I am playing it live, so I guess it doesn't make sense at all.
> It should be substituted with the duration of the Midi event, I am wondering
> in which way. I also tryed and substitute it with arbitrary durations, i.e.
> 1, 20, 100. Finally I got some sounds, but always lasting not more than half
> second, and get this error: PERF ERROR in instr 1: FOF needs more overlaps
> In the manual - about this parameter - I read: itotdur -- total time during
> which this fof will be active.
> Any idea or suggestion?
> --
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Date2019-05-07 02:57
FromPete Goodeve
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi

Date2019-05-07 14:42
FromOeyvind Brandtsegg
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
Just my 2cents,
I think what you try to do is entirely possible but as others have mentioned the issue of p3 must be treated differently with midi events.
But itotdur and iolaps can safely be set to large values, effectively bypassing their effect on the output.
The instrument is also fairly complex, so simplifying it might give insight into what causes the lack of sound (or odd sounds and artifacts).
The process of simplifying it can be done by editing out some of the k-rate automation, replacing with static values that you know will work, then building up again once you have identified the offending parts. Another approach would be starting with a simpler example and then building up, adding parts of your problem instrument one by one. A third approach could be adding another sound generator (simple oscillator or similar) to run in parallell in the same instrument, and output the simple oscillator to one channel (left) while running the fof2 output to another channel (right). This would give you clues as to if the instrument in general is running and calculating everything without stops or errors.
Simplifying the instrument and chasing down the cause of the problem can be quite an effort sometimes, but I am 100% confident that you will learn something valuable in the process.
all best

tir. 7. mai 2019 kl. 03:57 skrev Pete Goodeve <pete.goodeve@computer.org>:
On Mon, May 06, 2019 at 01:01:36PM -0700, Gpp wrote:
> Anyway I tryed and play this fof2 orchestra adding -odac  -M0. It still
> doesn't work.
Yes, I set up your file to match my MIDI keyboard (and fixed a few
folded long lines that I gues your mailer munged), and indeed I
see 'rtevents' but no sound.
> I think I am wrong here:
> asig fof2 kenv, kfreq_base, kform_freq1 , koctav1, kfrom_bdw1, krise1,
> kgr_dur1, kdec1, iolaps,gisine, giWFn, p3, kph1, kgliss1
> The p3 parameter was clearly not initialized in the previous lines of the
> orc, because I am playing it live, so I guess it doesn't make sense at all.

I think you may be out of luck with what you're trying to do.
Looking at the fof2 manual page, it seems to require that 'itotdur'
value, which you won't be able to get from MIDI.  You might have
to settle for fixed length notes or something.

I also got the "FOF needs more overlaps" message, but I just
increased iolaps to 600 and set itotdur to 1.0 to get some (odd!)
sounds out.

Good luck!

        -- Pete --

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Date2019-05-08 12:31
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
Yes, I also believe that fof2 is not compatible with a MIDI performance. But
let's follow Oeyvind's suggestions as well.
Thank you for your feedback!

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Date2019-05-08 12:37
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
Hi Oeyvind,

thanks, I will try and semplify and see what happens.
What I can say is that the same orchestra - same use of k-rate LFOs - works
very fine having all parameters set in a score. So, I am wondering if it's
matter of semplification. Or it's just that fof2 and MIDI are not

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Date2019-05-08 13:32
FromOeyvind Brandtsegg
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
I have used fof2 in midi triggered instruments, so I am sure this should work.

As a quick test you could try setting p3 explicitly at the beginning of your instrument, like
p3 =1
This will let your midi triggered instrument play for one second, regardless of how long you hold the midi note.
All envelopes should work as for a score event in this case. It is a bit inflexible and hackish, just a way to move forward with the process of finding the problem.


ons. 8. mai 2019 kl. 13:37 skrev Gpp <giuseppeiacono.friends@gmail.com>:
Hi Oeyvind,

thanks, I will try and semplify and see what happens.
What I can say is that the same orchestra - same use of k-rate LFOs - works
very fine having all parameters set in a score. So, I am wondering if it's
matter of semplification. Or it's just that fof2 and MIDI are not

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Date2019-05-09 01:32
FromMichael Gogins
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
You should try the MIDI inter-operation command line options:

These are designed so that exactly the same instrument definitions can
be used for regular score-driven performance, for MIDI file-driven
performance, or for real-time MIDI controller-driven performance.
There is then no need to use the cpsmidi, midiin, veloc, or other
channel message opcodes. If you need MIDI controller numbers and
values, you can still use midictrl, ctrl7, or the other controller

Write your instrument to use score statements, then use --midi-key=4
--midi-velocity=5 to route incoming MIDI channel message key numbers
to p4, and MIDI channel message velocity numbers to p5. This is just
an example, you can determine which pfields receive the MIDI channel
message data.



In your instr definition, use a releasing envelope such as transegr or linsegr.

Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com

On Wed, May 8, 2019 at 8:32 AM Oeyvind Brandtsegg
> Hi,
> I have used fof2 in midi triggered instruments, so I am sure this should work.
> As a quick test you could try setting p3 explicitly at the beginning of your instrument, like
> p3 =1
> This will let your midi triggered instrument play for one second, regardless of how long you hold the midi note.
> All envelopes should work as for a score event in this case. It is a bit inflexible and hackish, just a way to move forward with the process of finding the problem.
> Oeyvind
> ons. 8. mai 2019 kl. 13:37 skrev Gpp :
>> Hi Oeyvind,
>> thanks, I will try and semplify and see what happens.
>> What I can say is that the same orchestra - same use of k-rate LFOs - works
>> very fine having all parameters set in a score. So, I am wondering if it's
>> matter of semplification. Or it's just that fof2 and MIDI are not
>> compatible?
>> --
>> Sent from: http://csound.1045644.n5.nabble.com/Csound-General-f1093014.html
>> Csound mailing list
>> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
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>> Send bugs reports to
>>         https://github.com/csound/csound/issues
>> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
> --
> Oeyvind Brandtsegg
> Professor of Music Technology
> 7491 Trondheim
> Norway
> Cell: +47 92 203 205
> http://www.partikkelaudio.com/
> http://crossadaptive.hf.ntnu.no
> http://gdsp.hf.ntnu.no/
> http://soundcloud.com/brandtsegg
> http://flyndresang.no/
> http://soundcloud.com/t-emp
> Csound mailing list Csound@listserv.heanet.ie https://listserv.heanet.ie/cgi-bin/wa?A0=CSOUND Send bugs reports to https://github.com/csound/csound/issues Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here

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Date2019-05-10 10:53
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
Thank  you Michael,

this would be great, absolutely useful in case of complex instruments that
need many parameters.

But I guess I did something wrong. Starting with a simple orchestra, it
works until I don't trigger a Midi note. As soon as I play a note with the
keyboard I get this error message:

Invalid ftable no. 0.000000
INIT ERROR in instr 1: table: could not find ftable 0
kFreq_base_tab	table.k	kndx	iFreq_base_fnz	1	0	0

The following is the csd file:

--env:SSDIR+=../SourceMaterials -odac

sr = 96000
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2
	0dbfs = 1

gi16_1  ftgen 1, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 1, 0
gi16_2  ftgen 2, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 2, 0
gi16_3  ftgen 3, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 3, 0
gi16_4  ftgen 4, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 4, 0
gi16_5  ftgen 5, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 5, 0
gi16_6  ftgen 6, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 6, 0
gi16_7  ftgen 7, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 7, 0
gi16_8  ftgen 8, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 8, 0
gi16_9  ftgen 9, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 9, 0
gi16_10 ftgen 10, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 10, 0
gi16_11 ftgen 11, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -1, 0
gi16_12 ftgen 12, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -2, 0
gi16_13 ftgen 13, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -3, 0
gi16_14 ftgen 14, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -4, 0
gi16_15 ftgen 15, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -5, 0
gi16_16 ftgen 16, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -6, 0
gi16_17 ftgen 17, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -7, 0
gi16_18 ftgen 18, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -8, 0
gi16_19 ftgen 19, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -9, 0
gi16_20 ftgen 20, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -10, 0
gi16_21 ftgen 21, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 1, 1
gi16_22 ftgen 22, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 2, 1
gi16_23 ftgen 23, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 3, 1
gi16_24 ftgen 24, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 4, 1
gi16_25 ftgen 25, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 5, 1
gi16_26 ftgen 26, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 6, 1
gi16_27 ftgen 27, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 7, 1
gi16_28 ftgen 28, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 8, 1
gi16_29 ftgen 29, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 9, 1
gi16_30 ftgen 30, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 10, 1
gi16_31 ftgen 31, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -1, 1
gi16_32 ftgen 32, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -2, 1
gi16_33 ftgen 33, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -3, 1
gi16_34 ftgen 34, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -4, 1
gi16_35 ftgen 35, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -5, 1
gi16_36 ftgen 36, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -6, 1
gi16_37 ftgen 37, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -7, 1
gi16_38 ftgen 38, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -8, 1
gi16_39 ftgen 39, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -9, 1
gi16_40 ftgen 40, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -10, 1

gisine   ftgen 106,0,4096,10,1

instr 1

ifreq_base_base = p4
ifreq_base_range = p5  ; %%%%%
ifreq_base_range = ifreq_base_base * ifreq_base_range
iFreq_base_fnz = p6
icps = p7 
kndx phasor icps
kFreq_base_tab table kndx, iFreq_base_fnz, 1
kfreq_base = kFreq_base_tab * ifreq_base_range
kfreq_base = ifreq_base_base + kfreq_base

;==========freq_base random %
ifreq_base_rnd_min = p8
ifreq_base_rnd_max = p9
ifreq_base_rnd_cps = p10
kfreq_base_rnd randomi ifreq_base_rnd_min, ifreq_base_rnd_max,
kfreq_base_rnd = kfreq_base * kfreq_base_rnd

iwave = p11

iatt_env1_dur = p12 ; env1
ilevel_env1 = p13
idec_env1_dur = p14

ipan = p15

kenv1    linen ilevel_env1, iatt_env1_dur, p3, idec_env1_dur
asig		poscil3	kenv1, kfreq_base + kfreq_base_rnd, iwave									
;asigL,asigR pan2    asig, ipan	

outs		asig * ipan, asig * (1 - ipan)													


;           Freq		            Rand%	                    
;=======    Ba	Rng	Fnz	cps   min	max	cps    wave  rise amp  dec   pan
i 1 0 60    110   0    23     .1    .0   .0    1      106     1   .5   1   

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Date2019-05-10 11:20
FromVictor Lazzarini
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
There is no incompatibility between fof2 and MIDI. Here’s a minimal example demonstrating it.

 i1 ftgen 2, 0, 16384, 7, 0, 16384, 1 
instr 1
iamp ampmidi 0dbfs
icps cpsmidib 2
a1 fof2 iamp, icps, 1000, 0, 100, 0.007, 0.04, 0.001, 100, -1, 2, 1000, 0, 0
   outs a1,a1 

Prof. Victor Lazzarini
Dean of Arts, Celtic Studies, and Philosophy,
Maynooth University,
Maynooth, Co Kildare, Ireland
Tel: 00 353 7086936
Fax: 00 353 1 7086952 

> On 8 May 2019, at 12:37, Gpp  wrote:
> Hi Oeyvind,
> thanks, I will try and semplify and see what happens.
> What I can say is that the same orchestra - same use of k-rate LFOs - works
> very fine having all parameters set in a score. So, I am wondering if it's
> matter of semplification. Or it's just that fof2 and MIDI are not
> compatible?
> --
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> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
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Date2019-05-10 13:56
FromJohn ff
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
Your instrument uses p6 which is not set by the midi keyboard.

Sent from TypeApp
On 10 May 2019, at 10:55, Gpp <giuseppeiacono.friends@gmail.com> wrote:
Thank  you Michael,

this would be great, absolutely useful in case of complex instruments that
need many parameters.

But I guess I did something wrong. Starting with a simple orchestra, it
works until I don't trigger a Midi note. As soon as I play a note with the
keyboard I get this error message:

Invalid ftable no. 0.000000
INIT ERROR in instr 1: table: could not find ftable 0
kFreq_base_tab table.k kndx iFreq_base_fnz 1 0 0

The following is the csd file:


--env:SSDIR+=../SourceMaterials -odac


sr = 96000
ksmps = 10
nchnls = 2
0dbfs = 1

gi16_1 ftgen 1, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 1, 0
gi16_2 ftgen 2, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 2, 0
gi16_3 ftgen 3, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 3, 0
gi16_4 ftgen 4, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 4, 0
gi16_5 ftgen 5, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 5, 0
gi16_6 ftgen 6, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 6, 0
gi16_7 ftgen 7, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 7, 0
gi16_8 ftgen 8, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 8, 0
gi16_9 ftgen 9, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 9, 0
gi16_10 ftgen 10, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, 10, 0
gi16_11 ftgen 11, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -1, 0
gi16_12 ftgen 12, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -2, 0
gi16_13 ftgen 13, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -3, 0
gi16_14 ftgen 14, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -4, 0
gi16_15 ftgen 15, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -5, 0
gi16_16 ftgen 16, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -6, 0
gi16_17 ftgen 17, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -7, 0
gi16_18 ftgen 18, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -8, 0
gi16_19 ftgen 19, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -9, 0
gi16_20 ftgen 20, 0, 1024, 16, 1, 1024, -10, 0
gi16_21 ftgen 21, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 1, 1
gi16_22 ftgen 22, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 2, 1
gi16_23 ftgen 23, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 3, 1
gi16_24 ftgen 24, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 4, 1
gi16_25 ftgen 25, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 5, 1
gi16_26 ftgen 26, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 6, 1
gi16_27 ftgen 27, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 7, 1
gi16_28 ftgen 28, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 8, 1
gi16_29 ftgen 29, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 9, 1
gi16_30 ftgen 30, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, 10, 1
gi16_31 ftgen 31, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -1, 1
gi16_32 ftgen 32, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -2, 1
gi16_33 ftgen 33, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -3, 1
gi16_34 ftgen 34, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -4, 1
gi16_35 ftgen 35, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -5, 1
gi16_36 ftgen 36, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -6, 1
gi16_37 ftgen 37, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -7, 1
gi16_38 ftgen 38, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -8, 1
gi16_39 ftgen 39, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -9, 1
gi16_40 ftgen 40, 0, 1024, 16, 0, 1024, -10, 1

gisine ftgen 106,0,4096,10,1

instr 1

ifreq_base_base = p4
ifreq_base_range = p5 ; %%%%%
ifreq_base_range = ifreq_base_base * ifreq_base_range
iFreq_base_fnz = p6
icps = p7
kndx phasor icps
kFreq_base_tab table kndx, iFreq_base_fnz, 1
kfreq_base = kFreq_base_tab * ifreq_base_range
kfreq_base = ifreq_base_base + kfreq_base

;==========freq_base random %
ifreq_base_rnd_min = p8
ifreq_base_rnd_max = p9
ifreq_base_rnd_cps = p10
kfreq_base_rnd randomi ifreq_base_rnd_min, ifreq_base_rnd_max,
kfreq_base_rnd = kfreq_base * kfreq_base_rnd

iwave = p11

iatt_env1_dur = p12 ; env1
ilevel_env1 = p13
idec_env1_dur = p14

ipan = p15

kenv1 linen ilevel_env1, iatt_env1_dur, p3, idec_env1_dur

asig poscil3 kenv1, kfreq_base + kfreq_base_rnd, iwave
;asigL,asigR pan2 asig, ipan

outs asig * ipan, asig * (1 - ipan)




; Freq Rand%
;======= Ba Rng Fnz cps min max cps wave rise amp dec pan
i 1 0 60 110 0 23 .1 .0 .0 1 106 1 .5 1




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Date2019-05-10 22:15
FromPete Goodeve
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi

Date2019-05-19 18:56
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Fof2 and Midi
Pete, sorry for this late reply. 
Thank you, this is really what I needed. It works well and semplifies many
I have another question about pset, but I guess it's better to open another
message with a new topic.

Thanks again!

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