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Re: [Csnd] Some problems with RunloopSound

Date2018-07-06 21:35
FromEnrico Francioni <00000005323c8739-dmarc-request@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE>
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Some problems with RunloopSound
Hi John!

I applied the advice you gave me above;
below copy:
- the code of the csd "audio_in.csd";
- the error message (after putting -v between the options).

Instead for the "in.csd" file (to export the microphone signal) - after Luis's suggestion (posted by "genell" that I thank) -
I assume that it is necessary to buy Inter-App-Audio (€ 5.49) to be able to host the host eg GarageBand ...


; "audio_in.csd" - code:

-i adc

nchnls = 1

instr 1
asig diskin “test.aiff”

i 1 0 5


; error message:

UnifiedCSD: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/B83C75B7-BB43-4FF2-9079-9EB078432189/Documents/csd/audio_in.csd
Creating options
Creating orchestra
Creating score
Calling preprocess on >>
nchnls = 1

instr 1
asig diskin “test.aiff”


/Users/stevenyi/work/csound/csound6/Engine/csound_orc_semantics.c(1970) line = 8

/Users/stevenyi/work/csound/csound6/Engine/csound_orc_semantics.c(1970) line = 8

/Users/stevenyi/work/csound/csound6/Engine/csound_orc_semantics.c(1970) line = 9

/Users/stevenyi/work/csound/csound6/Engine/csound_orc_semantics.c(1970) line = 11

/Users/stevenyi/work/csound/csound6/Engine/csound_orc_semantics.c(1970) line = 11

/Users/stevenyi/work/csound/csound6/Engine/csound_orc_semantics.c(1970) line = 11

/Users/stevenyi/work/csound/csound6/Engine/csound_orc_semantics.c(1970) line = 11

error: syntax error, unexpected T_IDENT, expecting NEWLINE or ',' (token "aiff") from file /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/B83C75B7-BB43-4FF2-9079-9EB078432189/Documents/csd/audio_in.csd (1)
 line 11:
>>>asig diskin “test.aiff <<<
Semantic Analysis
(0x1c0682f90)Instr: 1
  read(0x1c0683030): { }
  write:(0x1c0682fe0) { }
  read_write(0x1c0683440): { }
Semantic Analysis Ends
Parsing failed due to invalid input!
Stopping on parser failure
cannot compile orchestra
end of score. overall amps: 0.0
    overall samples out of range: 0
1 errors in performance
Elapsed time at end of performance: real: 108.103s, CPU: 4.732s

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Date2018-07-06 21:59
FromJohn ff
SubjectRe: [Csnd] Some problems with RunloopSound
As I said the double quoteyouhavr is not ASCII character " but I no not know what it is as somewhere in the chain it is getting modified.  That is why I asked for an attachment or an encoded copy.

You can see that in the -v output there is the sequence
where there should be a "

You have a character coding issue. Without the real input and having no Apple kit I cannot help
Sent from Blue
On 6 Jul 2018, at 21:36, Enrico Francioni <00000005323c8739-dmarc-request@listserv.heanet.ie> wrote:
Hi John!

I applied the advice you gave me above;
below copy:
- the code of the csd "audio_in.csd";
- the error message (after putting -v between the options).

Instead for the "in.csd" file (to export the microphone signal) - after Luis's suggestion (posted by "genell" that I thank) -
I assume that it is necessary to buy Inter-App-Audio (€ 5.49) to be able to host the host eg GarageBand ...


; "audio_in.csd" - code:

-i adc

nchnls = 1

instr 1
asig diskin “test.aiff”
i 1 0 5


; error message:

UnifiedCSD: /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/B83C75B7-BB43-4FF2-9079-9EB078432189/Documents/csd/audio_in.csd
Creating options
Creating orchestra
Creating score
Calling preprocess on >>
nchnls = 1

instr 1
asig diskin “test.aiff”


/Users/stevenyi/work/csound/csound6/Engine/csound_orc_semantics.c(1970) line = 8

/Users/stevenyi/work/csound/csound6/Engine/csound_orc_semantics.c(1970) line = 8

/Users/stevenyi/work/csound/csound6/Engine/csound_orc_semantics.c(1970) line = 9

/Users/stevenyi/work/csound/csound6/Engine/csound_orc_semantics.c(1970) line = 11

/Users/stevenyi/work/csound/csound6/Engine/csound_orc_semantics.c(1970) line = 11

/Users/stevenyi/work/csound/csound6/Engine/csound_orc_semantics.c(1970) line = 11

/Users/stevenyi/work/csound/csound6/Engine/csound_orc_semantics.c(1970) line = 11

error: syntax error, unexpected T_IDENT, expecting NEWLINE or ',' (token "aiff") from file /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/B83C75B7-BB43-4FF2-9079-9EB078432189/Documents/csd/audio_in.csd (1)
line 11:
asig diskin “test.aiff <<<
Semantic Analysis
(0x1c0682f90)Instr: 1
read(0x1c0683030): { }
write:(0x1c0682fe0) { }
read_write(0x1c0683440): { }
Semantic Analysis Ends
Parsing failed due to invalid input!
Stopping on parser failure
cannot compile orchestra
end of score. overall amps: 0.0
overall samples out of range: 0
1 errors in performance
Elapsed time at end of performance: real: 108.103s, CPU: 4.732s

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