| Wonderful!!!!
Thanks 🙏 to all the contributors.
Dr. Richard Boulanger
Electronic Production and Design
Berklee College of Music
> On Aug 14, 2020, at 12:28 PM, John wrote:
> Available at https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=github.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2Nzb3VuZC9jc291bmQvcmVsZWFzZXMvdGFnLzYuMTUuMA==&e=cmJvdWxhbmdlckBiZXJrbGVlLmVkdQ==&t=M201N01lcnpJV2d3MEprQjNwSHBWVUNDOFlZYWN4QnVQc3FFMFpFbTFRVT0=&h=db7b9590402242568d2c61b3e08a7228
> ==John ffitch
> Quite a few new opcodes are in this release as well as extensions of
> existing opcodes. In particular there is the introduction of streamed
> LPC which has long been requested.
> Another feature in this release is a large number of internal fixes to
> incorrect data access, as well as the usual tweaks and changes.
> Starting from this release, no third-party graphic frontends are shipped
> with the installation packages on MacOs and Windows. Users should
> install their choice of frontend separately.
> -- The Developers
> ### New opcodes
> - ftset sets multiple elements of a table to a given value.
> - lufs opcode calculates a momentary, integrated and short-term loudness meter.
> - bob filter is a numerical simulation of the Moog analog resonant filter.
> - sterrain is an enhanced version of wterrain with more possible orbits.
> - wterrain2 is a alternative enhancement of wterrain with less variation that sterrain.
> - count, count_i, cntCreate, cntRead, cntReset, cntCycles and cntState together implement a new counter object that cycles through a constant range, similar to in PD.
> - new alias for sc_ opcodes: sc_lag -> lag, sc_lagud -> lagud, sc_trig -> trigholf, sc_phasor -> phasortrigo.
> - println is similar to printf but without the trigger.
> - rndseed provides a seed for rnd and birnd functions.
> - arduinoStart, arduinoRead and arduinoStop provide a protocol for
> transferring sensor data from an Arduino to Csound.
> - lpcfilter, lpcanal, allpole, pvslpc, pvscfs, apoleparams, resonbnk:
> new streaming linear prediction opcodes.
> - gauss - new version accepting mean and standard deviation as
> parameters, implementing the Box-Muller algorithm.
> - pvsbandwidth - returns spectral bandwidth.
> - vps - vector phase shaping
> ### New Gen and Macros
> ### Orchestra
> - #include of a url now works again.
> - the end of file case is better handled in the pre-lexer.
> - corrections to reported line number in a few error cases.
> - conditional expressions yielding strings fixed, and other cases.
> - the sequence //* no longer is misinterpreted as starting a comment block.
> - when using sample-accurate mode a new score event that was aligned to the ksmps could stop one cycle early. Now correct.
> - the maximum line length for various inputs has been increased to
> 8192.
> - now legal to set the number of input channels to zero.
> ### Score
> - New score opcode B is like b but is accumulative.
> - the end of file case is better handled in the pre-lexer.
> ### Options
> - keep-sorted-score and simple-sorted-score both can take a filename in which to write the score after a =.
> - print_version option prints the version of Csound used at the end of a rendering.
> - syntax-check-only return an error if syntax failed.
> - opcode-dir: loads all plugin opcodes from a given directory (in
> addition to the plugins loaded from the opcode plugin path).
> ### Modified Opcodes and Gens
> - cent, semitone, dB accuracy improved.
> - taninv2 now has an array version.
> - ftslice has more variations.
> - ptable opcodes are now deprecated as they are identical to table opcodes.
> - GEN20 case 9 (sinc function) now has an optional parameter to the x range.
> - fprint(k)s now has a %s format specifier.
> - lastcycle corrected and clarified.
> - chn_k can now accept the mode as a string. r=1 (input), w=2 (output), rw=3 (input+output).
> - trim improved.
> - the HDF5 opcodes upgraded to v1.12.0.
> - GEN16 is more careful about lengths of data.
> - scale has additional optional arguments to specify the input range.
> - schedule/schedulek can take arguments from an array.
> - GEN11 improved with respect to rounding errors.
> - partials has an improved method of phase estimation.
> .
> - ctrlinit checks that the values are in the range [0,127].
> - fin as format argument changed, and is now deprecated.
> - fink has the same argument change
> ### Utilities
> - lpanal now contains a new alternative algorithm based on the Durbin
> method, in addition to the original Gauss method.
> ### Frontends
> - Belacsound:
> - CsoundQt:
> ### General Usage
> - if using FLTK the widgets are reset on ending a run, which was not always the case earlier.
> ## Bugs Fixed
> - setcols was very broken; fixed.
> - cps2pch and cpsxpc fixed in the case of a table of frequencies.
> - the 31 bit pseudo random number generator was seeded with zero then it stayed on zero. That is now fixed.
> - gen 20 was wrong in the case of 8 (triangle).
> - turning off an instrument from inside a UDO now works.
> - macro expansion in both orchestra and score had a bug related to uninitialised variable.
> - if a UDO set a different value for ksmps any output to a multichannel device was incorrectly calculated.
> - reshape array had a number of problems, now all fixed.
> - ftprint had problems not following the manual regarding trig == -1 and could show the wrong index.
> - part2txt/partials occasionally emitted the same track (including same track ID) multiple times for a given time point. Fixed.
> - expsegr was incorrectly dependent on ksmps when sample-accurate is in force.
> - table opcodes had an error when used with non power-of-two lengths.
> - a fencepost error in OSCraw fixed.
> - A crash when csound.evalcode was called without csound.start fixed.
> ### System Changes
> - Many fixes to memory problems, mainly invalid reads/writes.
> ### Translations
> ### API
> - new API to hard override default plugin dir.
> - new API function to load plugins.
> ### Platform Specific
> - WebAudio:
> - Built using Emscripten 1.40.1 (LLVM backend)
> - New single-file release of CsoundObj.js with all classes and webassembly files combined using npm and rollup
> - Breaking: CsoundObj.importScripts() was removed and replaced with CsoundObj.initialize()
> - paths for loading other files no longer relevant with single-file
> - initialize takes in optional AudioContext, otherwise CsoundObj will create one for use
> - Breaking: CSOUND\_AUDIO\_CONTEXT moved from global namespace; instead reference CsoundObj.CSOUND\_AUDIO\_CONTEXT
> - Compile flags changed to -O3 and without debug information, per recommendations for release builds by Emscripten
> - Link-Time Optimization (LTO) enabled for reduced size
> - iOS
> - Android
> - Windows
> - MacOS
> - coreaudio now checks the number of channels and fails if there are insufficient.
> - GNU/Linux
> - Haiku port
> - Bela
> - updated digiBelaOut and digiIOBela.
> - Added trill opcode
> ==END==
> Csound mailing list
> Csound@listserv.heanet.ie
> https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=heanet.ie&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9saXN0c2Vydi5oZWFuZXQuaWUvY2dpLWJpbi93YT9BMD1DU09VTkQ=&e=cmJvdWxhbmdlckBiZXJrbGVlLmVkdQ==&t=V2MrMzVGMU1BZEZaZ1lZck9kUnhTTC9YN1BHMnUxSDd4THhWY0dLeURxYz0=&h=db7b9590402242568d2c61b3e08a7228
> Send bugs reports to
> https://us-west-2.protection.sophos.com?d=github.com&u=aHR0cHM6Ly9naXRodWIuY29tL2Nzb3VuZC9jc291bmQvaXNzdWVz&e=cmJvdWxhbmdlckBiZXJrbGVlLmVkdQ==&t=cWpnbGx6KzZUci9yQkZQMDNaTDdyZFdzK1l1WDE0TVhzOXR1dHltRUx5RT0=&h=db7b9590402242568d2c61b3e08a7228
> Discussions of bugs and features can be posted here
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