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[Csnd] csound.com : Download Instructions

Date2018-01-15 18:28
FromSteven Yi
Subject[Csnd] csound.com : Download Instructions
Hi All,

I'm working with Bernt at the moment going through the issues in the
csound.com/csound.github.io issue tracker [1]. We're looking at issue
#51 [2] which discusses added download instructions, but we weren't
sure what would be useful.

So, question: Is there anyone who's had any issues using the download
page to download and install Csound?  If so, is there anything that,
if mentioned on that page, would have helped?  For example, I could
imagine mentioning what is included might be useful, or explaining the
SDKs are for making apps with Csound, etc.

Feedback here or on the issue tracker appreciated!

[1] - https://github.com/csound/csound.github.io/issues
[2] - https://github.com/csound/csound.github.io/issues/51

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