Hello, Thank you for the advice. Actually, I am now using the Analogue Devices Extended CSound card. The ZAK system does not work. So, I cannot use the Hans Mikelson's vocoder. There is no warpblahblah (time stretching) opcode for Extended Csound... This is why I am looking for some kind of real time vocoders that are not using FFT files. I have another small problem concerning filters. For the same piece for mezzo soprano, I am trying to filter her voice (in) using a Butterworth filter at 8000 Hz with a quite narrow band (100 Hz). I have the expected result with a horrible resonation althought I am using balance. This hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii at 8 kH comes from the mic. I do not want to filter it because I want to keep the 8 kHz from the voice. I also have tried to use a noise gate but is does not do a clean job. What can I do to avoid this resonation? Thank you every body. Olivier Pasquet. -------------------- Olivier PASQUET -- APU -- Music Faculty OP101@mercury.anglia.ac.uk www.sinclair.anglia.ac.uk/~op101.student.cambridge.anglia