Hello, I think that CScore is available for PC as well. Otherwise, I advise you CMask. This programme is very useful to generate a large number of events such as granular textures. It can be generated with stochastic functions or with ranges or... I do not remember the address where you could get it but I know it is based in Berlin (STEAM?). An other solution is Visual Orchestra 1.7 for Win 9x. This programme allows you to graphically view the score and change it with various functions. You can download this shareware at: www.dingy.demon.co.uk If other people know other tools, let us know. Yours, Olivier. ----------------- Olivier PASQUET - Faculty of Music - APU op101@mercury.anglia.ac.uk http://www.sinclair.anglia.ac.uk/~op101.student.cambridge.anglia -----------------