I posted a question a couple of weeks ago about a problem I had with filter clicks in legato passages and some generous people offered their responses. I have come up with yet another solution for this. Apparently the problem is that, on every new note, when the filter is reinitialized, it resets the phase to zero, causing the offending click. This undoes any good which might have been accomplished by setting the iphs switch in the oscillator to a negative value: iPhase=-1 a1 oscil kAmp,kCps,kTbl,iPhase ;-1 skips phase-initialization f1 tonex a1,kCtf,iNumLayer,1 and setting the filter's "istor" parameter does not seem to affect this. Using an igoto seems to solve this: iPhase=-1 a1 oscil kAmp,kCps,kTbl,iPhase ;-1 skips phase-initialization if iPhase=-1 igoto SkipFltInit f1 tonex a1,kCtf,iNumLayer,1 SkipFltInit: The other solutions people wrote about work quite well, but this allows you to keep the filter inside the instrument if that is what you want, and still get a true legato. Thanks to everyone for responding to my earlier question. --Jonathan !