since i was trying to build hotkey instuments with WebAudioApi learning that csound4android can handle javascript is bringing me big hope am now about to turn myself realtime-oriented taking advantage of this app on yogabook(lenovo,android6) which looks like a notepc but is equipped with a wacom tablet that lights up a virtual-keyboard my plan on this machine is to 1) use the default gui 2) make this virtual-keyboard hot and twist the running oscillators 3) use wacom-pen to control play music if thats possible went roughly through the examples but it seems there are very few info related to the usage of javascript followings are the script am using for WebAudioApi can i simply copy n paste it to somewhere in the .scd file? well yes i should replace the function_thangs with something suitable for the app btw. related to 1) .. what does those buttons do? i learned that the value each of those guis returns somewhere between 0.0-1.0 but it's a button .. value is fixed? ---8<--- document.addEventListener("keydown", function(e){ var kd = String.fromCharCode(e.keyCode); if (kd == "Z"){ z_thang(); } else if (kd == "X"){ x_thang(); } else if (kd == "C"){ c_thang(); } else if (kd == "V"){ v_thang(); } else if (kd == "B"){ b_thang(); } else if (kd == "N"){ n_thang(); } else if (kd == "M"){ m_thang(); } else if (kd == "A"){ a_thang(); } else if (kd == "S"){ s_thang(); } else if (kd == "D"){ d_thang(); } else if (kd == "F"){ f_thang(); } else if (kd == "G"){ g_thang(); } else if (kd == "H"){ h_thang(); } else if (kd == "J"){ j_thang(); } else if (kd == "K"){ k_thang(); } else if (kd == "L"){ l_thang(); } else if (kd == "Q"){ q_thang(); } else if (kd == "W"){ w_thang(); } else if (kd == "E"){ e_thang(); } else if (kd == "R"){ r_thang(); } else if (kd == "T"){ t_thang(); } else if (kd == "Y"){ y_thang(); } else if (kd == "U"){ u_thang(); } else if (kd == "I"){ i_thang(); } else if (kd == "O"){ o_thang(); } else if (kd == "P"){ p_thang(); } else if (kd == "1"){ one_thang(); } else if (kd == "2"){ two_thang(); } else if (kd == "3"){ three_thang(); } else if (kd == "4"){ four_thang(); } else if (kd == "5"){ five_thang(); } else if (kd == "6"){ six_thang(); } else if (kd == "7"){ seven_thang(); } else if (kd == "8"){ eight_thang(); } else if (kd == "9"){ nine_thang(); } else if (kd == "0"){ zero_thang(); } }, true);