i think this is a very serious issue for new csound users. all you encounter is a never ending stream of features not working or not compiling, not to mention binary releases for linux which are laughable at best. i am not sure how is it on other platforms but i can hardly picture a user who would not have given up by now, almost every time i try to enable a new feature csound wont compile and this has been this way from the very beginning. i have tried my best to have all the dependencies right and it will still choke no matter what you try. (sorry for being in a grumpy mood i spend all day recompiling csound)
also i cant seem to be able to compile python opcodes on 5.05 (as in they simply dont exist even when i use buildPythonOpcodes=1) python 2.5 issue maybe?On 8/14/07, phundamental unaudio <unaudio@gmail.com> wrote:also. i cant seem to even install it. the widgets wont work (WARNING: could not open library '/usr/local/lib/csound/plugins/libwidgets.so' (/usr/local/lib/csound/plugins/libwidgets.so: undefined symbol: _ZN2Fl4lockEv). that is after i used the install.py script. is the new version even usable?On 8/14/07, phundamental unaudio < unaudio@gmail.com> wrote:Every other scons using software has an uninstall target but how do i do it when it comes to csound?