On Thursday 02 August 2007 15:37, Dr. Richard Boulanger wrote: > Jeremy, (or other Linux users), > > Now that you have the Ubuntu install all worked out, it would be > really helpful for others if you could write up a > step by step set of instructions for others. > > Maybe this could be included in the manual - or on some WIKI that > Linux Users could constantly revise. > > Seems that there are a number of packages and requirements that are > unique for the different versions > of Linux. This might be a helpful way of keeping up with the > changing Linux installs and their changing package > requirements etc. > > Dr. B. I used the following process to install Csound 5.06.0 on a newly setup version of Debian Etch. I think it should work on any Linux distro that uses the Debian repositories. Use the Synaptic package manager to install the following: dssi-dev dssi-utils fluidsynth libfluidsynth-dev libfluidsynth1 libasound2 libasound2-dev libfltk1.1 libfltk1.1-dev libjackasyn-dev libjackasyn0 libportmidi-dev libportmidi0 libsndfile1 libsndfile1-dev stk libstk0-dev libstk0c2a build-essential scons Then go to: http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=81968&package_id=120482 and download the source zip: Csound5.06.0.zip Then, at the command line, cd to the directory where the zip was downloaded, and use the following commands: unzip Csound5.06.0.zip cd Csound5.06.0 cp custom.py.mkg custom.py scons sudo ./install.py Finally, before running Csound, make sure that the following environment variables are set: OPCODEDIR=/usr/local/lib/csound/plugins CSSTRNGS=/usr/local/share/csound/xmg ...I always run csound from the command line so I just put the following in my ~/.bashrc: export OPCODEDIR=/usr/local/lib/csound/plugins export CSSTRNGS=/usr/local/share/csound/xmg