Yes, I am aware that having more than one distribution is not optimal, but I am also worried about the possibility of more conflicts in the future with other developers (as well as those other developers probably being worried, too). Whoever has removed my Csound developer accont probably had a reason for doing so. On the other hand, it is attractive (particularly in the case of a project done as a hobby for no actual gain) to be able to edit, reformat, reorganize, or delete any files without getting angry complaints, or wasting time on pointless flame wars, even if at the expense of efforts spent on synchronizing sources. The choice between being "unofficial" or having a lot of frustration is not easy. As I already registered a project, unless it is rejected, I may just as well use it until enough reasons are found for not doing so. > let us imagine that you had continued to develop your "unofficial" 4.23 > version of Csound, instead of joining the Csound 5 project. Let us also > imagine that I and others had worked on Csound 5 as we do today. Which > version would be the more widely useful for the larger number of musicians? > I have no doubt that your version would have fewer bugs and would evolve > quickly, but I also believe that the Csound 5 version would have more > features appealing to more different kinds of musician. Csound 5 would probably still be beta, though, and not likely to be released in 2006; but this is only guessing from CVS logs and file annotations (i.e who edited what and when), and I may be overestimating my own contributions.