Thanks for the feedback everyone - I'll need to stop by my studio tonight and check it out.  FWIW, the M-Audio ASIO driver performs well in other applications (Cubase, Logic), so I figured there was no need to check the control panel, _and_ that behavior would be consistent across apps.  One caveat - I'm debugging this in the context of a larger instrument (my vcs3 emulator, if anyone remembers me posting that).  Since it would be more helpful from a debugging perspective, I'll make a stripped-down test - say, a single instr containing only a simple in/out combo - and see if the results are consistent with what I'm seeing in my vcs3 instrument.
Thanks again - b

On 1/3/06, Michael Gogins <> wrote:
With Csound 5 and ASIO in the past, I have been able to get 10 to 15 ms delay without dropouts, 5 to 10 ms delay with some dropouts. I will be checking this again soon.

-----Original Message-----
>From: Ben McAllister <>
>Sent: Jan 3, 2006 1:17 PM
>Subject: [Csnd] realtime input latency
>Hi All -
>What is the expected behavior of realtime input for the 12/13 build of
>csound5?  I'm running a 2.4gHz Win2k pc with 1.5 G Ram, M-Audio 1010LT
>soundcard.  Using the in, ins, and inch ugens, I'm getting ~300ms delay with
>the ASIO drivers included with my card at sr=44100 (this even with kr=441).
>Rt output is great, and RT MIDI input is good as well.  I will do more
>experimentation, but thought I'd also do a status check with the list, in
>case there is a known issue.  Thanks!
>Ben McAllister

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