Hi All I would like to use CSound to analyze ambient sound. So I tried to set up a microphone and use following opcode: spectrum, specdiff, etc. to achieve my goal. However, I am stuck at the first step when I tried to make a microphone to work. In my orc file, I have some code piece like instr 1 asig in ; GET MICROPHONE INPUT wsig1 spectrum asig, .01, 8, 12, 8, 0, 1, 0 wsig2 specdiff wsig1 specdisp wsig2, 1 out asig endin It doesn't work at all. So I changed the "GET MICROPHONE INPUT" line to asig soundin "123.wav" ;USE A WAVE FILE AS INPUT and it works fine for those spec???? opcode. Anything I need to pay attention to when I want to use a microphone? Such as and command line flag? I am using CSound_AV on Windows XP. When I tried to use -+I or -i command flag, it will return error like ; error message for -+P0 -+I0 Portaudio OUTPUT device num.0 selected: ---->Microsoft Sound Mapper - Input Portaudio INPUT device num.0 selected: ------>Microsoft Sound Mapper - Input An error occured while using the portaudio stream.Error number: -9998 Portaudio error message: Invalid number of channels writing 20-byte blks of shorts to portaudio SECTION 1: An error occured while using the portaudio stream.Error number: -10000 Portaudio error message: PortAudio not initialized The CSound_AV will crash directly when I use "-+P0 -idevaudio0" flag. Thanks a lot for your help. Chaochi