> I tried running your script with your test example `pbind_test.sc'. > But nothing happens, the script doesn't return an error but no output > is printed. It works here on GNU/Linux and perl 5.10.1 socat sclang 3.4.5 I suppose problems with Windows but not with OSX (perhaps with pty or the form-feed char "\f" in the sclang-code). I repeat the steps and you can say (if you want) what it's good and what no: 1) open a terminal and run socat pty,link=/tmp/sclang.in,echo=0 exec:sclang The server is listening. 2) open another terminal and run ./scl_pbind2cols.pl pbind_test.sc Possibilities (if `socat' works): - you get the output -> yeah - you don't get the control of the terminal -> problem of the communication with sclang; press CTRL-C to stop the script - you get the control of the terminal but no output -> investigate tito