I've been meaning to announce this for quite some time, but I've just been very busy since the end of my phD project in February. Also, I intended to release ImproSculpt4 "for real" (non beta) at the same time as this announcement. ImproSculpt4 is now stable on wondows, but I still lack testing experience on OSX and Linux, so the official release has to wait a bit. So now: I proudly present the documentation for my project "New creative possibilities through improvisational use of compositional techniques, - a new computer instrument for the performing musician", including documentation of all artistic projects I've done during the last 3 years. Read it here: http://oeyvind.teks.no/results/ The appraisal committee for the project was our dear Victor Lazzarini, plus Lawrence Casserley and Magnus Lie Hetland. I did pass the test ;-) I'll get back to the ImproSculpt4 full release as soon as time permits. best Oeyvind