# Hi, # I'm trying to make an oscilloscope using FLTK, because the display opcode works only on X11. # I successfully made a very simple (sinusoidal waveform calculating) plug-in opcode looking at the documentation: ugur2.c For this one, I have only one question. When I compiled it and made it a .so file and called its opcode from Csound etc. it said that "incompatible opcode" I understand that this is because of MYFLT is default a float and my Csound version is double. I added a line in the ugur2.c file "#define MYFLT double" to handle the situation, it works but I get always a warning which says MYFLT was defined twice. (It is defined in csound.h) How can I say to compiler that MYFLT is double without defining it twice. # I do not know the cause of my second question. I added some FLTK code for creating an FLTK window, which is the first example in the FLTK documentation. (same file with additional code from FTLK example: ugur4.cpp) But I do not know whether I made it correct. # The file compiled without errors. I copied the .so file under plugins64 folder but Csound gave this warning: WARNING: could not open library '/usr/lib/csound/plugins64/ugur4.so' (/usr/lib/csound/plugins64/ugur4.so: undefined symbol: _Znwj) # What may be the reason of this warning? # My system is Ubuntustudio 8.04 and csound 5.08 double version. # Thanks in advance! -ugur guney-