The practical result (in terms of signal path) is exactly like you describe (Csound calling out for composition data at k-rate). The only problem with it is if getting (calculating) the composition data takes more time than one k-period. Actually, what I describe must not be considered a problem with the csoundAPI, it is a general design issue for any software for (sample/audio synchronized) realtime algorithmic composition. Oeyvind 2008/4/26, Tim Mortimer : > i've sent oeyvind some code - i don't think its as significant as he thinks > it is. if there are problems with accurate scheduling using csound api in > python then i thought the obvious alternate thing to try would be simply > hosting a gui, & dictionary based data base for krate examination via > pyops... & set all the output (& user added) "atomic elements" / list data > values to ftables... i'm simply mocking up ideas in pure csound at this > stage... "it aint pretty, but it works" - the csound motto perhaps? >