On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 11:25 AM, Dr. Richard Boulanger wrote: > On the Macintosh, when teaching, I use MacCsound and the PPC version of > Csound5.08, > Sometimes, I just use BBedit and TextWrangler - to zap gremlins especially, > and when developing and > performing and using the latest Intel Native Csound5.08, Is this a special Csound? or are you referring to Intel/Mac? > I use Smultron > with Pieman Koshravi's opcode > syntax definition file and opcode hiliting, and his quick links to the > csound manual and wonderful .csd rendering shortcuts. Smultron - with > Pieman's trix works out really great. > > (http://www.esnips.com/web/csound-smultron-utilities) named "Csound named > "Csound > Utilities for Smultron_ improved version.zip". I've never heard of these. Are they only for the MAC? -- Brad Fuller www.bradfuller.com