There are plenty here who know more than I do, but here's my understanding:
the doc says that, for file-driven performance, the instrument defaults to MIDI channel + 1.  Obviously there is no MIDI channel 0, so instr 1 is only being triggered by the score, not the MIDI file.  Maybe you need to have instr 2 call instr 18 and 19, if you want MIDI channel 1 to trigger two instruments?


On 11/1/07, Rory Walsh <> wrote:
I'm trying to play two instruments with data from one midi file but I
can't manage it. Should the following csd not do the trick or am I just
having a bad day??

-odevaudio -F bach.mid  -m0d
sr = 44100
kr = 44100
ksmps = 1
nchnls = 1

instr 1
         kcps init 0
         kvelocity init 0
         midinoteoncps kcps, kvelocity
         a1 oscili 1000, kcps, 1
         out a1

instr 2
         kcps init 0
         kvelocity init 0
         midinoteoncps kcps, kvelocity
         a1 oscili 1000, kcps*2, 1
         out a1

f1 0 1024 10 1
i1 0 100
i2 0 100
