I thought of an opcode I might like to try to write; advice is welcome, and if you like the idea but don't want to wait for me to get through it feel free to take it (it will take me a while). But if not I'd like the chance to work through it:
dynproc - a parametric dynamic processor
ares dynproc aasig, acsic, katt, krel, ilook, klo1, kknee1, krat1 [, klo2, kknee2, krat2] [,klo3, kknee3, krat3]....
ilook, katt, krel, aasic, acsig - all same as compress opcode in function (perhaps in implementation too)
klo1, klo2, etc - decibel value of lower bound of segment of dynamic range; 0 <= klo1 < klo2 < klo3 ... if klo1 > 0, then the segment from 0 to klo1 is gated.
kknee1, kknee2, etc. - 0 for hard knee, 1 for soft knee (need to determine what equation to use for soft knee, may need more parameters? maybe the range 0-1?)
krat1, krat2, etc. - compression applied to the segment. Perhaps it would be better as a pure amplitude multiplier, or a db multiplier, rather than compression ratio, since it is meant to be used for expanding and limiting too. So that kratn >1 is expanding, kratn <1 is compressing, and krat =0 gating.
Sound useful? Sound difficult?