I have attempted to create the "exp" GEN as a higher level instrument and I'm wondering if this is correct or not? I tried to ascertain what was being done by looking at the source code.. the idea is you would run this instrument once and generate the table that is equivalent (hopefully) to the "exp" GEN subroutine.. what problems are there with this? Does anyone have the output of the "exp" table to compare to? I'm still running the ancient Csound version 5.08.91 (float samples) Apr 29 2008 libsndfile-1.0.16 sr = 44100 kr = 441 ksmps = 100 nchnls = 2 /*--- ---*/ instr 1 ifgen = p4 isize = p5 istart = p6 iend = p7 kloop init 0 ksig init istart itmp ftgen ifgen, p2, isize, -7, 0, isize, 0 incr = (iend - istart) / ftlen(ifgen) loopStart: tablew exp(ksig), kloop, ifgen ; printk2 exp(ksig) ksig = ksig + incr loop_lt kloop, 1, ftlen(ifgen), loopStart endin /*--- ---*/ i1 0 1 3 131072 0 -14