> Interesting, do you have a full list of widgets that cabbage supports? Scrollbar, Button, CheckBox, ComboBox, TextCtrl, GroupBox, Menu > It seems straight forward to have QuteCsound export cabbage widgets > (they might look somewhat different, but will certainly be useful). > Can Cabbage be used as a standalone csd player with widgets? Yes, that the idea of it. Users write a csd file that includes some cabbage syntax, they then use the cabbage compiler to build a standalone GUI interface that runs and interacts with the csound instrument. > planning vst/dssi/audiounits integration? If I could only find a simple vst plugin that uses wxWdigets I'm sure it would be relatively straightforward to write a utility that would convert these standalone binaries to vst plugins. > The syntax you are using makes a lot of sense to me, since it is also > extensible (I suppose you don't require a strict order in your > properties). There's no particular order and the parsing is very straightforward. > people are willing to support. I would really like to hear Steven's > opinion on this, since it would be great if we could exchange widgets > between frontends. I think at this stage it's important that we don't keep coming up with a new widget syntax for each now gui frontend. I do think it's important that the syntax can be easily edited by hand and still allows designers of frontends to add simple drag and drop functionality if they wish. > What you can use in QuteCsound for this effect is the shortcut Alt+1, > which shows/hides the opcode panel. Since you can undock the widget > panel, you can place it anywhere with any size, even if it is > different from the editor window's size. The size is saved, so when > you switch to a different csd, the widget panel will resize if > undocked. Nice, I hadn't noticed this before. I think I might start using Qute in my classes next year, it's great that it's cross platform. Rory.