Okay, thanks Michael,
Let us distinguish....
Csound can be a 32 bit application, or a 64 bit application. That it
is, it can be built to run on a 32 processor or a 64 bit processor.
Normally, Csound is a 32 bit application but, in the future, Csound
will normally be a 64 bit application.
Csound, whether it is a 32 bit application or a 64 bit application,
can use 32 bit floating point numbers ("floats") to represent audio
samples, or it can use 64 bit floating point numbers ("doubles") to
represent samples. This is not the same thing as the above. 32 bit
samples run a bit faster on some systems (maybe), 64 bit samples are
more precise and occasionally sound a bit better.
Csound, whether it is 32 bit or 64 bit as an application and whether
it uses 32 bit or 64 bit audio samples, can write soundfiles in
various formats such as 16 or 24 bit ints, floats, or doubles. This is
not the same as either of the above.
Regardless of what kind of Csound you have -- 32 or 64 bit app, or
float or double samples -- you can write a float soundfile using the
-f Csound command line option, or you can write a double soundfile
using the --format=w64 option.
Hope this helps,
On 1/10/09, Jason Timm <jasontimm07@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hey Chuckk,
> I'm Mac 10.5.6.
> I had both frameworks(32/64) installed, the problem's invoking the doubles
> version when desired. From reading the manual this should be possible or
> maybe I'm misunderstanding something. I switched to a lone doubles build run
> from the command line - none of the GUIs work with the 64v on my machine.
> BTW - csound~ seems broken by 5.10.
> Jason
> On Sat, Jan 10, 2009 at 3:59 AM, Chuckk Hubbard
> <badmuthahubbard@gmail.com>wrote:
>> As far as I know that's something only decided while compiling Csound.
>> If you want to have both options available, you'll need two copies of
>> Csound. If you're compiling from source, you can make them from the
>> same source. What OS are you using?
>> -Chuckk
>> On Tue, Jan 6, 2009 at 7:52 PM, Jason Timm <jasontimm07@gmail.com> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> > How to render with double precision floats? I'm not seeing a flag.
>> > J.
>> --
>> http://www.badmuthahubbard.com
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Michael Gogins
Irreducible Productions
Michael dot Gogins at gmail dot com
Send bugs reports to this list.
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