Wow Anthony,

thanks. That explains it.


On Sun, Jan 11, 2009 at 1:28 AM, Anthony Kozar <> wrote:

I believe that the OS X packages overwrite each others' commandline binaries
(and possibly stuff in /Applications too) so whichever version you installed
last will be the current one.  I also think Victor mentioned that the GUIs
in /Applications will not work with the doubles version yet.  You might try
just making copies of the GUIs inbetween installing the two packages.

Note that the frameworks do have different names so they can coexist

Here is a solution for the commandline binaries:

1. Install the doubles build.
2. Open Terminal and cd /usr/loca/bin
3. Save the following script as a file named csound-rename, chmod a+x it,
and run it as the root user (i.e. sudo csound-rename) and supplying a suffix
such as "64"  (beware of wrapped lines in this email):


# csound-rename:
# This script renames the standard Csound binary executables by appending
# the suffix specified as the first argument on the commandline.  The
# binaries are assumed to be in the current directory.
# Example:   csound-rename 64
#   will rename 'csound' to 'csound64', 'cvanal' to 'cvanal64', etc.
# Example 2: csound-rename -5.09
#   will rename 'csound' to 'csound-5.09', 'cvanal' to 'cvanal-5.09', etc.

CSOUNDBINS="atsa cs csb64enc cseditor csound cstclsh cswish cvanal dnoise
envext extract extractor het_export het_import hetro lpanal lpc_export
lpc_import makecsd mixer pv_export pv_import pvanal pvlook scale scot scsort
sdif2ad sndinfo srconv"

for f in $CSOUNDBINS; do
   mv -n -v "./$f" "./${f}$1"

# end of script

4. Install the floats build.  You will now have two sets of commandline
binaries, one for floats, one for doubles.
5.  Optionally, run csound-rename again with say "32".
6.  Optionally use this script to select between the two installations:


# csound-select:
# This script creates symbolic links to a set of standard Csound binary
# with the same suffix $1 from the "canonical" suffixless names of the
# programs.  The suffix is specified as the first argument on the
# The binaries are assumed to be in the current directory.
# Example:   csound-select 64
#   will link 'csound' to 'csound64', 'cvanal' to 'cvanal64', etc.
# Example 2: csound-select -5.09
#   will link 'csound' to 'csound-5.09', 'cvanal' to 'cvanal-5.09', etc.

CSOUNDBINS="atsa cs csb64enc cseditor csound cstclsh cswish cvanal dnoise
envext extract extractor het_export het_import hetro lpanal lpc_export
lpc_import makecsd mixer pv_export pv_import pvanal pvlook scale scot scsort
sdif2ad sndinfo srconv"

for f in $CSOUNDBINS; do
   ln -s -v "./${f}$1" "./$f"

Hope that this helps!


Jason Timm wrote on 1/10/09 11:29 AM:

> Hey Chuckk,
> I'm Mac 10.5.6.
> I had both frameworks(32/64) installed, the problem's invoking the doubles
> version when desired. From reading the manual this should be possible or
> maybe I'm misunderstanding something. I switched to a lone doubles build run
> from the command line - none of the GUIs work with the 64v on my machine.

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