Hi Dave -
"Besides Processing, have you looked at any other similar applications ? "

My story with video:

I've been doing a lot of triggering sound with video analysis, like so:

VideoCapture -> Analysis -> Generate OSC events -> Send to Csound -> Csound makes noise

Initially, the capture and analysis steps were done with Java frame grabbing and analysis code I wrote against JMF, then dsj.  After discovering Processing, I found that my java code was DRASTICALLY simplified, so I dove into learning Processing.  Lately, I've been working on generating video from events received over OSC from csound, essentially walking the chain above in reverse.  I have a band which plays behind a large screen - most of my experiments end up on that screen during shows.

I have a dual boot machine (XP and Ubuntu) but have been doing most of my video stuff on Windows, primarily because my Java Video interaction has been better on XP.  I had been using dsj (DirectShow wrapper for Java) and Quicktime for Java.  Processing utilizes Quicktime for Java, and with the right set of params you can get high quality results, though performance is not there yet for realtime video generation.  My other reason for continuing to 'drink the kool aid' (as we say here in Seattle) is that I bought Adobe Premier a while back and it won't run in wine ' (though I keep trying!).

I hadn't noticed AVS was released yet - I'll have to dig in!  These toolsets and apps you mention are good data points.  I will check them out.  

I do have a few things up on Vimeo, one involving Processing and csound, though there is no sound.  In the process of trying to ape some techniques of Brakhage's, I've been experimenting with video processing code that resembles some csound processes, like sndwarp.  These things I upload are all experiments/works in progress.  None are finished pieces by any means.

I haven't figured out how to make videos I've uploaded as a user appear as 'group videos', but I'm probably missing something. 


On Mon, Jul 7, 2008 at 2:23 AM, Dave Phillips <dlphillips@woh.rr.com> wrote:
Ben McAllister wrote:
I've been working on video using Processing  (http://www.processing.org) to augment my audio compositions, and have been posting works-in-progress at Vimeo, a video sharing site with a focus on HD.  I created a csound group there, hoping there might be others out there of like mind.
Join at http://www.vimeo.com/groups/1156
Hi Ben,

I've been working on video/audio synthesis with Jean-Pierre Lemoine's AVSynthesis. I still need to learn how to create high-quality compressed video in Linux, but I'd like to get on the channel. I'll sign in today.

Besides Processing, have you looked at any other similar applications ? I've been tesing a variety of a/v synths and video mixers lately, but so far nothing quite compares to AVSynthesis (for my purposes, that is).

Fluxus is cool, and I'm still trying to get VeeJay, FreeJ, and Gephex working with my new webcam.

Please advise if you have anything available that you've done with Processing + Csound.

Also, there's a Houdini/Csound link-up:


Looks pretty interesting.



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