Just to let everybody know that the date is really Wednesday, August 6 and not 5. Also, I am available starting at 6 PM so that anyone in the neighborhood or with time to kill is welcome to come early and enjoy some music instead of making time until 8. This is the third (and unfortunately, last) meeting at my place before I move to Boston, as Mike pointed out. The other two were already 3 years ago--time flies. Directions and contact details are in the link Mike provided. Let me know if you have any questions. Hope to see you here! //p http://www.interdisciplina.org/00.0 On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 4:54 PM, Michael Gogins wrote: > Normally, the New York Csound Users Group meeting on the first THURSDAY of each month at MY house. > > This August, NYCSUG will meet the first WEDNESDAY (August 5, at 8 PM) at the home of PAULO MOUAT: > > 20 River Court, Apt 1603 > Jersey City, NJ 07310 > > This is the Pavonia/Newport stop on the PATH train. You can find more detailed directions and a map at: > > http://www.interdisciplina.org/nycsug/directions.html > > Paulo, unfortunately for us, is moving to Cambridge MA, but before he leaves, he is hosting NYCSUG. And he has not only a great view of the Hudson river, but also a new audiophile sound system! So, bring something you really want to hear. > > The agenda, as usual, will include all things Csound, as well as other computer music and/or experimental music topics not limited to Csound. > > You are invited to bring a piece of your own, a piece of someone else's that you think is worth sharing, a problem you want some help with, or a solution that you have developed to a problem. > > Best, > Mike > > > > > Send bugs reports to this list. > To unsubscribe, send email sympa@lists.bath.ac.uk with body "unsubscribe csound" >