Actually I did some more tuning and I got realtime csound running straight through alsa to work fine, I'm not getting any dropouts. This is great so now I need to see if I can get Blue to run with the realtime features, but I need to install java first, I have ruby and python, but no java yet. I was able to get the python bindings to work and csoundac with python. Since I'm just using csound I don't need to worry about jack having latency issues, as long as I'm running just csound through alsa it works fine in realtime, even without recompiling the kernel. On Mon, Aug 11, 2008 at 12:08 AM, Brian Redfern wrote: > I got this working, I may need to build a custom kernel to get realtime > performance. Right now the sound breaks up in realtime, but I can write and > render csound. > > I had to remove gnome since it was too huge, with gnome it took all but 250 > megs of space, but with window maker I have over 1 gig leftover. > > I got jack installed but then found the audio latency was too great with > the "vanilla" kernel to make it usuable. >