It shouldn't be much trouble to add coreaudio IO to an application running Csound, tapping into the buffers (actually simpler than writing a RT module).
On another note, Dr.B. showed me some apps using the SndObj lib, written by a student of his. For simple synthesis applications, I guess a framework like that is only what is needed. But for something more complex, that would handle scheduling of events, etc., Csound is going to be way ahead of the game of anything that is currently available on mobile platforms.
If it turns out that it's worth the hassle, we will do some development for it, as we have some hardware here. It will mean forking out the 99 dollars for the dev license.
----- Original Message -----
From: Richard Dobson <>
Date: Thursday, October 20, 2011 8:53 pm
Subject: Re: [Csnd] Csound on iPhone / iOS
> On 20/10/2011 19:07, wrote:
> > We'd like to give a summary report of some work Steven and myself
> > have done this afternoon on Csound for iPhone (Steven is
> actually> ducking here and will not be available for questioning ;).
> >
> ...
> I would be happy to test how it behaves on hardware; I have an
> iPod
> touch and now also an iPad 2 (which would be able to run
> hopefully quite
> a lot of the CPU-intensive parts of Csound). But I can't commit
> much by
> way of development time to it, hugely interesting as it is, as I
> need to
> focus on my own projects.
> My main app project doesn't use any third-party software (all it
> has to
> do is play short soundfiles), but in a separate test project
> (which may
> become an app in the fullness of time) I got the STK library
> built and
> working fine on iOS, including dynamic parameter control, just
> feeding
> into the native audio i/o routines, and running very cleanly on
> the
> iPod. It may be simplest to adapt the Csound audio i/o in
> the same way
> to feed buffers directly into the iOS CoreAudio framework.
> Stanford have
> more recently released their "MoMu" package for iOS, which
> includes STK
> and a lot of other iOS support stuff (OpenGL extensions, touch, etc).
> Note that the Simulator just uses the native CoreAudio
> frameworks on the
> host machine, at full native speed, so it is not a literal
> hardware-level simulator; audio running cleanly on the simulator
> cannot
> be assumed to run identically on a device.
> Richard Dobson
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Dr Victor Lazzarini, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Music,
National University of Ireland, Maynooth