Hi Jim,

The reason the GUI is not mentioned there is that the GUI is not part of csound, it is afront end, an independent graphical interface. There are many front ends, but Csound5GUI is one of the GUI s distributed with csound. There are better ones, like WinXsound for windows and MacCsound for Mac. What might be a good idea is explaining better in the getting started section that the front end calls csound, and each front end gas different ways of exposing the options available in csound.
I also haven't included any specific information about csound5GUI, because I don't like it. It's very awkward. I'm working on another (yet another front end...) which is cross-platform, which I hope supercedes csound5GUI, but it's still untested in Mac and OSX and there's still some work to be done before it's released.


On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 9:16 PM, Jim Aikin <midiguru23@sbcglobal.net> wrote:

Also, I'm sensitive on this subject because I've been writing and editing
how-to material for musicians who use synthesizers for the past 30 years.
When I look at the Csound manual's page on Real-time MIDI Support, for
instance: (a) It never mentions using the GUI as an option, only the command
line, and (b) the words "buffer" and "latency" are never used. That being
the case, I would not characterize this page as providing a sufficient
discussion of the topic. I'm speaking not as a baffled musician (though I'm
sometimes in that category) but as a professional editor.