Hello My name is Juan Carlos Gentile from Uruguay/Italy I'm basically a piano classical player. I spend every year some month in India where I am in this moment. I'm also a friend an a music friend from Luis Jure in this list :) I will like to know if there is some people from India here. I'm working in create a center for computer for arts then also music here in Trivandrum, based in exclusively free software and with free software philosophy. This will be done together with hipatia.net and space-kerala.org and also we are working to have same partner from other countries (if somebody interested please tell me) The conditions here are good due to the high level of knowledge. It is very easy to find experts in programming, electronics and other fields. Some people is doing some research with arduino and microhope cards. thanks in advance. juan -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Gutta cavat lapidem Karmanyevadhikarasthe ma phaleshu kadachana --------------------------------------------------------------------------- friendika.hipatia.net/profile/jucar www.hipatia.net - aty.hipatia.net - marroncito.hipatia.net wiki.hipatia.info Italia - tel: +39 3929657778 - India - +91 9633013419 - Uruguay +598 091 800680 jabber: jucar@hipatia.net email: jucar at hipatia.net , jucar at music.columbia.edu -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Fingerprint: 7464 DDDE 9D5D 3B6C CBF9 7699 A021 CE74 EA7A D95A Public key 0xEA7AD95A at http://pgp.mit.edu