Does not give you a Windows binary? If so please let me know ==John ff Quoting jdharper : > I think has broken links to > SourceForge. When I follow the links to download the current version of > Csound, I get an Http 403 Forbidden error from SourceForge. I've learned > that Csound recently moved to Github. Perhaps, the links on the Csound > download page need to be updated to point to Github. > > I'd like to get prebuilt binaries for Windows 7, but I can't find them on > GitHub. The GitHub INSTALLING file, >, says the prebuilt > binaries are on Source Forge. The INSTALLING file also points to > which also points to > Source Forge. > > I assume the Csound project has been removed from SourceForge because Csound > is now hosted on GitHub. If this is the case, perhaps it would make sense > to temporarily reinstate at least the Csound binaries on SourceForge until > all the links can be fixed. > > >