> This appears to work, but now I'm getting increasingly unpredictable > behavior. Csound terminates at a certain part of my score for no > obvious reason, I'm still working out what to post about it. When I > play the .csd file from another Pd test patch, it terminates at > different places, or it makes no sound, or it plays fine; I can't > determine what is changing to make it behave differently each time. > I'll post some info when I can zero in on it. Here's another .csd file that maxes CPU almost immediately. I thought I solved the problem by giving all the notes decimal numbers that increase according to noteoff times and using mode 5 for turnoff2; note that the arguments for p4 of i10 increase throughout the score, giving the illusion that it's always turning off the "oldest" note. The reason I did it this way was simply to control tempo in realtime; Csound doesn't warp incoming realtime events, and if I speed up after sending a note, the duration needs to change accordingly. Pure Data's qlist object handles tempo change well, so I'm using noteoff messages instead of durations. At first it seemed to work, but alas, I think I'm back to breakage. I get the same behavior using this orc/sco setup as with csoundapi~ in Pd, so it has to be Csound. Thanks for looking. -Chuckk