Is LPC unsuitable to do the filtering ? I think the code has been on the blink recently, and only just repaired, but it can and has worked very well. Otherwise there is much capability amongst the basic PV opcodes, or the PVS streaming. > hi all! > > For a project I need to do the following thing: > > extract the spectral envelope from a sound, and use this to filter > another sound. In particular, I would like to know if it is possible to > implement something on the line of pvsbandp but with an ftable instead > of the four points given. > Also experimenting with different algorithms for spectral envelope I > found that the best/more natural results are achieved with AudioSculpt, > with the option "true envelope". Does anyone know what kind of analysis > that is, and if it is possible to do it on csound? > > thanks!! > > atir > > > Send bugs reports to this list. > To unsubscribe, send email with body "unsubscribe > csound"