Are there any utilities out there for converting the basic elements of a Csound score file (note instrument, start, duration, pitch, velocity) into a MIDI file? Or, even it can't be saved in a file, is there a way to have Csound generate MIDI messages in a way that can be hooked into a sequencing program like Logic on the Mac? I've run across utilities for translating MIDI to Csound score, but not the other way around. My score writing skill is still far in advance of my orchestra writing skills, and I'm trying to import some musical ideas into complex sounds that I've already created in Logic. Thanks in advance... Toby -- "The intellect pretends to be sincere, pretends to question everything; but the arm-chair you are sitting in, the chest of drawers, the fire, you don't question their existence, nor the work you must do tomorrow and the day after. The intellect can go off on quixotic voyages, but you, the being, the personality, have to go forward along your destiny..." - Colin Wilson, "The Outsider"